Chapter VII Flashback II

My Life & My Love Story


i hurried back toward where my hide out when i get there i saw a man trying to get and hurt my toki...
i never think twice...i grab a wooden stick and headbat the man who's trying to hurt my precious toki
i grab toki hands quickly and run toward to the wooden forest and hide...
and the man groun for pain and order his man 
to find that kid and bring a alive to him...
toki take this listen and remember every words im gonna say to you
you need to across that river there pointing on the right side of faith where's the river is
and once you across run as fast as you can...when you saw a stargazer flower
find the bluish one once you find it look at the left side then run to the trees
count 1 2 3 and the last one use this key to open then hide there 
uncle steve well pick you up there okay say faith
let's go now let's hide there say's toki
once they reach the river faith scene that they been followed
toki i want you to go first say faith in a cold tone
but we go across together say toki in a crying tone 
No...your going to across alone say faith still in a cold tone and the same time her eyes wandering 
around seeing those men after them when she saw...
BANG..BANG..BANG...What the don't shot remember what boss said he want that kid alive one of those men talk
SH**...smack the head of the man who trying to shot again...ARE YOU CRAZY...
look what you did we almost have it one of the men talk
i quickly hide and response using my bow & arrow at the same time i have the katana and gun of my dad...
seeing me what i have...toki got widen her eyes seeing my action trying to defend our lives...
where you get that...i mean that thing in your waist and that thing at your back say toki
sight...we don't have time to argue about this toki i need you to across now 
i don't want those guys captured you and killing you say faith
toki wide her eyes hearing those words from faith
WHAT...say toki in shuttering scared tone 
listen toki i need to distruct them while doing it i need you to pass on that river 
remember what i told you earlier and i promise il cacth up with you later came for you ALIVE say faith
toki is crying aswell nodding what faith say to her...she crying b'coz she never been thought
that faith offer her life just to make sure she protect and safe.
faith...say toki in crying tone...i watch toki in at side i hold her hands tight 
PRO...MI..SE me you well came for me alive say's toki and hug me tight and she give me 
braclet with a bunny&lion design  
i wanted to give you this since tomorrow is your birthday faith please promise to me
no matter what happen you will came for me alive 
il be wait for you no matter how long i could wait or means forever 
i still wait for you toki say in a crying tone
i hug toki tight closing my eyes smelling the fragrance of her
and i drop my tear little & i cup the face of her
and say il promise toki...i promise i give a long deep kiss of the forehead of her...
wait for my signal okay say faith
when i crawling sneeking and when i saw a man hiding not far from me...
i give direct target using my bow
and quickly run toward to the other man get my dad's katana from my back...
splashing throu the man body and 
when toki saw what i have do the men who after us and i give a stare signal to her
and now she run towards to the river
while she run reaching the river i heard a screaming...from her
Let me a crying scared tone
please don't kill beggingly say toki
the man laught and grab toki 
say won't kill you...sshhhs don't cry little girl in a goofy tone
let her go....she nothing here...say faith 
at the behind of the man pointing her katana at the neck right side of the man
the man do what faith say he never expect a kid holding a katana and pointing on him.
DAMN...i should not under estimate this kid said killer though
and the same time toki run beside at faith...but 
toki you should across now remember what i told you and 
i promise il cactch up and returning alive say faith, i face toki while talking to her
but a sudden action of the man he quick grab his gun and BANG but
a quick sheild on mine, i cover my body and receiving 
the bullet on the left shoulder of mine and i give quick splash of katana 
throu the face of the man and groaning of pain 
and i stamb the katana on the ground breath hard i could feel 
the pain of burst and wounds what i receive earlier i been fighting 
to the last breath of mine just to take revege and protect the people who 
i love most especially my parents i witnesses how my parents died
infront of me...
toki run don't look back shouted faith
toki know that i got wounden she could not imagen that i use my body as a sheild just to protect her...
she run and crying until she reach her destination remembering what faith told her
the bluish one...the bluish one...bluish one 
THERE....look at the left side..left side count 1 2 3 but there is no tree 
where is the last tree...looking at the other side back again where i was...
look back again on the left count again 123...looking far from the left 
maybe that tree far from here is the last tree...say toki 
she cross on the other left side same line where she count the trees and she get the key faith give to her 
looking at the key and fronwing how small the key is and it just the same color of the tree she been standing this a key look like it just a piece of junk say toki
while searching for the key knob she heard...i saw the kid run towards her gang man said to his co gang man
she quickly low down and hide and look on her right of her foot b'coz she stuck up while get her foot out 
she saw a small and same size of the key she been holding on the shallowroot of the tree 
then she put it the trunk of the tree suddenly open and she get in quickly to hide...
while hiding toki keep praying to God the faith is safe and alive...until she get sleep
i think she's safe now please God keep on eye on my toki keep her safe and guard her please 
breathing hard while watching that man infront of me holding his face on his left hand faith thought i give you scar i think that pain is not much hurt aswell 
the wound on your right arm say faith in breathing hard tone 
the man got wide his eyes shock hearing what kid did you know say the man
ofcourse i was there witnesses everyrthing how you killed my FATHER and my MOTHER also AUNTIE YUNA say faith are the kid of my TIFA say killer
don't call my mama your's cause there is no your's and it belongs to my dad only my dad say faith in a angry tone
i never think twice i run toward and my right hand holding a katana ready to kill the killer 
but quick block from the killer using his katana he kick me so  hard 
but i still standing and seeing the killer having katana on his rigth hand i know he piss
i run towards him splashing and dashing my katana same thing to the killer 
until i got a hit at the back and i fall on the deep river side.
the killer saw how i fall and he grab his gun shot rapidly where i fall to make sure 
that im dead....hearing those gun shot steve rash to the river and hide sneeking around and 
he saw Sephiroth shot rapidly to the deep river after that 
Sephiroth's man said boss we need you out of here the police are on their way here
Arggrrh...blow the house into ashes i don't want any of the evidence out do you understand Sephiroth say
YES SIR said to his man
Steve dive in into the deep river looking for faith wishing that faith is alive and he saw that faith was hide 
at the little side crave of the river escaping the multiple gun shot Sephiroth give to her...
seeing faith breath heavy and lost alot of blood.Steve grab and carry her immediately
steve call his wife that he need his wife to their rest house and bring some stuff of him and medicine
steve say faith stay with me don't let go of your last breath remember that you promise someone that 
you should came back alive...
steve call phil to pick dara at the stargazer field where dara hide and 
he call also kiara to sent mr.park to the hospital
and guard the family park 24 hours in 365 days and 
sent them out of country for make the incident cool down
and he ask ben and natsumi to take care the things about the incident 
and declaring that only the family of LEE Will Yun has been rob and murder and no one survive
lastly he call his BIG BOSS that telling that to bring faith to the uncivilized place for her safety 
and while recovering.
i just hope that you enjoy reading my stuff just feel free to comment okay....
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che21lo15 #1
Chapter 1: Author when are you going to update the next chapter? Pls update tnx
these are good ~
che21lo15 #3 update soon.