Chpater VI The Flashback I

My Life & My Love Story


toki watch this say faith
faith is playing Hawkeye character a member of avenger she wearing same clothes 
what hawkeye wear everything with gadget bow and full pack of arrow look like a hunter like a avenger character say's toki
yep im wearing hawkeye's suit on me asking faith
yeah so badass...hmmm am i the princess your going to save say's toki lets play wait it look like robinhood my suit not fit on the story you know 
robinhood is a decade and hawkeye is just faith could not finish her words toki interupt her 
and say yah whatever i don't care about robinhood or hawkeye all i wanted 
is my Chevaleresse is the one who save me im so excited c'mon game on say's toki
huh..where's the castle say's faith
i thought you build say's toki
hmmmm...fine just sit here don't go anywhere
atleast i could see you while getting something to build castle for you say's faith
while im getting a playhouse toy just for my toki and while building up on it
i hear a conversation a very strong conversation look like getting start to fight
a couple minutes i heard a gun shot BANG....BANG....BANG...BAAAAAANG
toki say's faith i run fast towards toki scared say toki in a crying & scared tone
shhhhssss...don't cry hear listen to this put on to your ear so you could not hear a gun shot 
and follow me say's faith
i give my ipod to her to make her calm she so cold and shaky i bring her to my hide out place
for her safety what is that about i heard my dad having a strong conversation he saying
il will not give my wife to you what's with my mama il better hurry i know what to do
since dad always tough me something about defence and attack hmmmm
i could use this now since dad always remind me that i could use my defence & attack
in a important matter now that important is happen already 
i need to defence my parents also my toki
toki listen stay here don't go anywhere i promise that il be back im gonna check what is that okay say's faith
but...wha..what..if you go out there and faith cut toki word 
said NO...what you think would not be happen okay i promise il be back alive 
before going back to there house she kiss toki cheeks and say i love you always remember that and im gonna do my best to protect you my toki...
toki give a flash smile to chaerin and hug her tight promise me...i love you too say toki
faith just smile to her wave her be back promise say faith
now im here already at the back of our house il better crawl...
gosh what wrong with the environment here il better go to the kitchen...
im crawling now and i see my....DA...DA...DAAAAAAD i said in a wishper sound 
i should not make any sound so that they could not see or hear me that im hear
im crying now seeing my dad have a gun shot on his body, 
he try to lean and reach to the gun to his left side my mama try to run but there is 
a guy stop her holding her waist saying 
your mine my mama face now your husband is going to die 
he point his gun to my dad my mama crying so hard and begging not to kill my dad 
she's said il do anything just don't kill the people who i loved...on the second floor i heard a scream
saying to dare touch my wife you scam bug 
i said to my mind daddy teddy my god daddy ted is fighting those man who try to mommy Yuna
and mommy yuna run the stare when she's saw my dad having a gun shoot on his body 
while reaching for the gun on the left she kick the guy behind
and my mama try to get the gun on the hand of that man when i heard a gun shot once 
then he hold my mama and point his gun toward mommy yuna and
BANG...BANG he shoot mommy yuna twice
and said you if you did not interfere this could not be happen
i should not shoot my precious tifa he is crying while holding my mama tight
my dad busy getting the gun on his left when he get it he try to stand lean his body to the wall and 
when he saw got shock seeing my mama died
my dad screaming my mama name how dare you 
my dad point the gun to the man and shoot it he got wound on his rigth arm then follow 
the unexpected power punch of my daddy ted hit his rigth face
he drop the body of my mama and dad try to run toward to mama suddenly 
there were one of his men shot behind back of my dad BANG...BANG...BANG
i saw my dad fall down and try to reach my mama hands and crawling towards my mama 
but the man shot again my dad twice from the back
and followed another gun shot directly to daddy ted but daddy ted quickly hide
BANG...BANG...BANG...BANG...BANG until the last shot BANG 
daddy ted got said AHHHGRRR SH** he receive a last bullet 
i heard the killer order his men to kill all people here and burn the house...
while holding his wounded right arm and went outside
while faith wacthing the full scene throu to her eyes
seeing her mama and dad also mommy yuna and daddy teddy 
how tragic she got in her life she snap off
when she heard to kill all people she remembering toki 
who still alive seeing her daddy ted grabing him two men put
him to the center of their living room kneeling down his hand tied up...
and seeing her mama and dad mommy yuna lifeless her mind got blank her hand fist so hard and 
her eyes stare turn to a devil her teeth grid hard she got angry and felt like to kill people there no mercy
i grab my bow put an arrow i watch the two men grab my daddy ted to the center of our living room
while tied up my daddy ted and i quick and fast give them a shot
next i look both side left and right run towards daddy ted to untied him
while untied there was a man behind me i could felt it but i quick move and
i kick the man hard lifelessly follow up punch on face the man groan so hard 
i never stop hitting the man untiled it's lifeless
right now at my state now i could felt the demon is inside me
until i saw the man who kill my parents and mommy yuna...and 
HEY YOU!!!!! said faith
while the man turn his head he got unexpexted hard punch from me 
cause while i call him i run toward to the man and hi-jump punch the man groan hard
while landed to the ground i put her hand to the ground turn my body 
toward to the man with a huge force kick hit to the left neck to the man 
follow up strong force hard punch hit the under the jaw face to the man
backward fall to the ground and his men run toward us to help there boss beaten
a kid like me but suddenly i took my bow from her back fast and 
a quick shot and fast move to find where i could hide 
when i reach one of my dad room and saw a gun and katana i grab quickly
when a man kick the door hard when it open it give me 
an open shot to hit the man who kick the door shot other one 
until there is no one left and i quickly ran toward where i hide toki while i reach there...
someone grab me hard...i stamp hard the feet of the man and splash the katana 
when i saw it was uncle steve and the crew of my grandad
faith came down its me steve 
i drop the katana and run toward to uncle steve telling what happen inside the house 
daddy ted is stil alive i hide him at the secret passage in the kitchen and he got wound say's faith
don't worry we are here to take charge il go inside 
to rescue daddy ted okay and faith lisent carefully remember the place we use
to came with your dad gone for hunting i know there's a lot of trees a lot of stargazer flowers but 
find the bluish one once you could find this look to the left side count 1 2 3 the last tree here 
this is the key once you open hide there il come for you later after this incident okay say steve 
i run toward where my hide out and steve and the crew spread to the house looking for the opportunity to get in suddenly an explosion 
guys its me kiara better hurry up get mr.park outside before they gonna explosed the house say kiara in walkie talkie
and one thing there was a time bomb on the second floor and down to the ground floor where faith hide mr.park say ben
what...say phil
faith active the starz so that we could see what inside the house since they cut our dicoy hide cams say natsumi
lisent up....we need to rescue mr.park say's steve
ahmmm...sir mr&mrs. park are here so it's mean there youngest daugther is here too say kiara
WHAT...wait i saw faith rush to the rigth side of the beach say phil
b'coz her hide out was there say natsumi
enough guy remember faith it's not like an ordinary kid she got train from the best her dad steve say
SH** is that the ultimatum gangster say's ben
it's Sephiroth steve say
i knew it he never stop until what he wanted say's kiara
guys it's that lady tifa he was carry natsumi say
let's hurry to get mr.park before they gonna explosed this place sooner phil say
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che21lo15 #1
Chapter 1: Author when are you going to update the next chapter? Pls update tnx
these are good ~
che21lo15 #3 update soon.