chapter 4 aftermath incidence/busy working/killer news/past back

My Life & My Love Story


author prov
it's been a week now after the incidence and very busy schedule of chaerin's work. now she just arrive on her condo unit from office she's lay down on her couch at the living room and release a big deep breath and her phone ring she reach her phone to the table beside the couch and see who's the caller and when she knew...she thinking alot of things b'coz the one who caller her is her beloved grandad...
chaerin prov 
Oh crap...take a deep breath dude....hello sir T_T
hmmm...are you okay and how's work grandad said 
mr.lee always check on chaerin b'coz he want to make sure chaerin safe coz he got news bout the killer is here in seoul
yes sir im fine and about work fine also T_T the way we have conference meeting tomorrow you should be there early do you understand grandad said
what...why...tomorrow i have investor to deal tomorrow 
i past that to kiara so she well handling the deal tomorrow and your coming with me tomorrow
 together with your aunt hyori grandad said 
(aunt hyori knowing me as the daughter of steve yang as well uncle minho and my cousin only few people
 know my real identity is my grandad and personal stuff and crew of grandad aswell dara's father 
you wel know it later)
yes sir copy that 
after call of her grandad chaerin grab the black folder which ben give to her early morning she's didn't bother to check it this morning while she's open she got surprise that the killer is here in seoul and what's make her surprise more is the bf of dara with the killer.she's now more on curious about this guy...then she call ben
ben can you give me about the info of this blonde guy you know bf of ms.D
yes ma'am il give info of him and also to dara park said ben
ben accidentally split the name of dara and which is got surprise on chaerin
WHAT...H*** S*** said chaerin
chucked by ben and say i know you wanted also the info of dara il give to you about what she like or dislike know what chae she's daugther of TEDDY PARK she is your beloved TOKI byeeeee...
ben ended the call immediately coz he knew chaerin mouth never stop spliting angles words(you know what i mean censored words)
chaerin got shock hearing that dara is the daughter of her daddy ted, ben told her once on the gangnam incident but she didn't bother coz she was to much focus on dara she thinks many times and now she realize that.....
it means she is precious toki that i care about and love so much and my playmate when i was kid how come i could not recognize her well it been a long years i didn't see her 
all i have her is just a braclet she give to me with bunny&lion design 
WOW she's more beautiful not just more...very very gorgeous so GODDESS hmmm aphordite hehehehe 
now i see her what i made promises to her im still protect her till the last breath of mine 
plus she with that blonde guy il do anything to take away my toki from him 
why he with that killer say chaerin 
right now chaerin blood got boiled when she saw and think aobut that killer she wanted to kill him with her on hands now
calm down chae cool it not the right time to get mad be patient and now you must protect toki...
Wait i remember something...Oh Seohyun give me something hmmm i better see it...wait my jacket oh crap she has my jacketweeeeeww o.0 why seohyun give me thiiisssss...a full address and phone # of dara hmmm :D say's chaerin 
im goin to talk about this to TED daddy since tomorrow he want me to talk hmmm im going to ask permission before courting TOKI...wait am i bad to steal someone has a owner already T_T...tsk say's chaerin
on the other side
dara prov 
now im here at the house resting since it my day off no etude and photoshoot and still mad about my ex-bf he is now my ex he cheated on me face to face ahhggrrr about a week ago i was piss off by him...i want to punch him more than slaping his face...
hon are okay now bf dara said
yeah im fine said to dara to her bf...i smiled to him cause i was happy he return pick me up and check on me he hug and kiss me but when i saw my friends got piss when they saw my bf and to chaerin she is shock seeing throu her eyes saying she was hurt dara brain mood speak :(
while going to the car i heard chaerin saying S**T then there was a girl approuch and hug her i was shock i felt sad knowing she's got gf oh wait a minute why im thinking about her am i jealous right now i have a bf in front of me i felt like world crash down and my jealousy burning as hell seeing her with other girls i never felt like this with my bf im confusing maybe il tired for what i been experience today
hon...hon...hon...DARA say's bf of dara
oh...i guess im tired bout that incident
he excuse himself for awhile im sitting the front sit of his car...while resting 
i saw i couple kissing like they lust for while focusing to them i see a figure very familiar figure to me
WHAT THE F*** i said they all staring at me cause i was mad very mad my skin turn to red 
b'coz of the madness inside of me and my blood boiling so fast like to explodes
i shout JIYONG KWON...
s*** when i say what the h*** dara BANG a hard slap hit my face and i could felt  my jaw drop to the ground jiyong thought
hon let me explain say jiyong
explain for what cheat on me face to face and look where here at the bombing incident you should care about my state ji or you came here of that girl not me 
and one thing WE ARE OVER don't came to my house or call me or beg on me to get back together hmmhhh...don't expect anything on me cause il will never give anything S*** on you 
il will forgive you but i wil never forget what you did on me 
teayang can you sent me home i don't want this idiot blonde guy sent me home i felt disgusted 
don't you there came close to me or else your dead to me not just to me to them also say's dara
YEAH put the on your mind MR. KWON don't dare come closer to our precious DARA or you dead to us say gummy
not just to us but to CHAERIN you must thank god she's not her anymore say top
WTF dara's brain speak why they involved chaerin here i stare at top but he is smirking on me O.O
yah your rigth top if she's her i don't know what your face look like hahahahahaha i get it a mashed potatos hahahaha or...or..or say tiffany
enough teayang and top sent dara home now and to you MR.KWON remember what dara and my friends say's to you and to me i don't want to see you close or anything just to try to gain trust or heart to dara again just stay away from her i know you jiyong i know you what your true color is once we found out that you use dara to get what you have now you know what dara plead on us to respect you and treat you good cause dara telling us bout your f**king life and this is what you pay for it...F*** jiyong il will never forget this and please get h*** out of here now before paparazzi came and now you already ruin dara  and if this s**t incident out or plan on it think first this between you and her remember both of you are famous if you did and twist the story il hunt you down and cut of neck off say's seohyun
yeah now you know who's my boyfriend Mr. Kwon Jiyong aka GDragon one of the famous producer and solo artist here seoul one of my dad best producer and artist. my friends keep telling why him to the all men here in seoul i just said to them that i love him my friends keep telling me that you should break up with him and he just a sh** on you...yeah my friends was right i broke up jiyong on that day and that day i just meet chaerin but she's very familiar to me the smile and her eyes it's remind me of my Chevaleresse who protected me with all her life i just wish she's still alive having her now i never having expreince what i have now i missing you so much LEE FAITH wish you here with me T_T
LEE FAITH your always here with me no matter how i got a releationship you always be here with me your precious to me if someday i could see you i will never letting you go you promise to me that your coming back for me im still waiting and hold your promises to me...i really miss you so much T_T chech this if you like i choice this for dara part how she miss faith
author prov
when dara talk to herself hearing behind is her dad DAD TED while listen every words of his daugther its make his heart torn in to pieces 
he just said to himself im sorry baby i need to hide faith someday somehow you will found out soon what the condition of your Chevaleresse 
hmmh i guess i need to talk to faith about condition of her princess smiling like a fool on mr. park face and
DAD you soooooo....creepy stop doing that maybe mom is here for sure she well smack you down said bom
seeing my dad smile like a fool and having a mustache too much of his jaw 
so creepy see you like that i rather to see the grim reaper than your face so scary can you shave that dad said thunder
tsk....smirk and stare to his oldest daughter and older son said why don't you company your little sister there she's crying
bom say jiyong again 
thunder said she is crying for jiyong that idiot that tears is not worthty for jiyong maybe sis & dad she just miss faith
bom take a deep breath and close her eyes and said pls T don't remind me of F its make me hurt
thunder just silent as well thier dad they know how precious FAITH to dara and also to them but the most is their father who lost his best of friends treated like brothers thicker to the blood they have motto brothers for life...they felt that the their dad's heart is still fresh cut and still bleeding that he lost three precious person...  
sorry for jiyong character i like him being bad boy it suit on him if he is an actor for sure he will gain best villain just reminders for the readers is just imaginary stories guys sorry for late update hope you like my stories....


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che21lo15 #1
Chapter 1: Author when are you going to update the next chapter? Pls update tnx
these are good ~
che21lo15 #3 update soon.