Chapter I My Life

My Life & My Love Story


You know the LEE is the most powerfull in South Korea 
they own a major companies like GAZER construction(manage by Minho Lee), Stargazerfield Clothe Line Company(Hyori Lee Gong married Yoo Gong one of the Good Businessman who work with Lee Byung Hun), 
and the Stargazer Corp(headed by my Grandad Lee Byung Hun supposedly my dad Will Yun Lee is the head but he died)  
Lee Minho is the youngest son, Lee Hyori is the older and the only daughter and my father Lee Will Yun is the oldest son of my grandfather Lee Byung Hun
i got my cousin Seungri & Minzy Lee Gong children of Hyori Lee Gong and uncle Minho still looking for his ideal girl
and im one of those LEE Bloodline.
hi my name is LEE CHAE RIN im know as CL but people know my identity as LEE FAITH one of the next holder or 
next generation head of the LEE bloodline because im the first grandchild of LEE blood 
i am a grad student living a normal life, i don't know if i leave in normal life until one day
first let's take a detour about my life okay
i grow up in a far uncivilization you know like living in a province before that 
here's the reason 
 1st my parents got murder i was 5 years old 
 2nd im the only witness and survivor of the incident
 3rd uncle steve one of the trusted also right hand of my grandfather Lee Byung Hun keep me and when to uncivilized place
 4th he train me like soldier or assassin and tough me well about bad or good side ;D knowing everything whats in civilized    
  world so that il be not ignorant
when i was 16 uncle steve took me to Busan their i got chance to see my cousins seungri was 10 and minzy was 7 
they tought i was faith lee thier elder cousin they rush to hug me 
but when they found out im not thier just disappoint but thier hoping and wishng that their elder cousin is still alive
im sorry for hidden my identity as Lee Faith you should know me as Lee Chae rin guy said to my mind
i got pain in my heart knowing that my cousins still wishing that im alive because of the incedent
and this is my first civilized high school until i finish my eductional life at the age 23
(you know i took my preschool down to middle school in uncivilized world)
im good in business deal so hard in different investor my uncle steve let say my second dad i treat him as a father cause he treat me as one of his daugther tough me so well but he said that in my gens..Now im working at Gangnam City as one of board director of the of my grandad company Stargazer 
people compare about Will Yun Lee a great respected and kindhearted successfull business the oldest child of the great LEE BYUNG HUN here in south korea
about my work how i could manage about deal the different investor country not only asia but also in america and europe 
they said that i have a resemblance of Will Yun Lee my father but i keep denied...
and telling them that maybe mother in the stage of pregnancy she ask about the face of Will Yun Lee to my dad steve ^_^
i keep on denie of it because i don't want someone know my identity for the sake of clan 
until know the killer who murdered my parents is still alive 
im still investing about the murder case of my parents with the help of my personal stuff
i build my crew whom i trusted most they work like no could see them like invincible
il show myself when the time is right.......
so this is the end of my detour life and the rest u well know it later ;D
Note : people don't know me they know that im one of the daughter of Lyn Lee 2nd degree clan of LEE's and remarried to Steve Yang one to the right hand of my grandad
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che21lo15 #1
Chapter 1: Author when are you going to update the next chapter? Pls update tnx
these are good ~
che21lo15 #3 update soon.