Music Room

Spring ♥


HyunA (4Minute) - Just follow (ft. Block B Zico)




Both you and L stared at one another for a moment. Just then , his phone rang and the librarian approached him to silent his phone and he went to pick up his phone. You went to carry those borrowed books and decided to leave him in a hurry. L saw you leaving from his side view and quickly ended his phone call to catch up with you.

"Oh..Abeoji..I'll talk to you more later," L said through the phone and hand up.

You heard footsteps from behind and you quickened your pace but L caught up with you.

"Hey, why are you running away from me?" L asked.

"W..Who says I'm running away from you?...I...I'm just late for class," You gave an excuse.

"But our class won't start in 15 minutes," L looked at his watch.

"So? I just want to be early," You said to him.


In class, you were reading one of the books that were borrowed in the library when L.Joe took a chair and sat beside you.

"Hey, what's up," L.Joe grinned.

"Hey," You smiled but still focused on the book.

"I've got something for you," L.Joe said.

"What is it?" You asked.

"One of my friend helped me to compose a song for your competition," L.Joe showed her the sheet music.

You took it from him and read the title as well as the music notes.

"Later, I'll play it for you," L.Joe sounded excited to show you.

"Okay," You smiled and put it in your file.




At the music room, L.Joe played the piano while you listened. L.Joe turned to you and smiled while playing. After he's done playing, he asked,"So how is it?"

"It was awesome," You clapped your hands.

"Here. You can use it for your competition," He handed it over to you.

"Jinja? I mean it's ypur friend's and your work," You asked him.

"Yah, we compose this for you," L.Joe tapped your nose.

"Thanks. You're the bestest friend I've ever had," You hugged him.

"Now all we need to do was to add some lyrics to it," L.Joe said.

"Lyrics? Wae?" You slwoly let go of the hug and looked at him.

"It's better if you sing while playing it so that you can deliver the meaning of the song, L.Joe told you.

"But I'm not a good singer," You muttered.

"YOU are a good singer. It's just that you're not that confident," L.Joe smiled and gave a thumbs up.



L.Joe took the music notes and put some lyrics into it while you practiced. Just then, the door of the music room clicked open. L walked in with a lollipop.

"What are you guys doing?" L. asked while on his lollipop.

"Practicing for my competition," You said while focusing on playing on the piano.

"Competition?" L raised one of his eyebrows.

"What are you doing here?" L.Joe asked.

"Me? Just wandering around when I saw the both of you inside in this room...alone," L casually said.

"If you're done observing, can you just get out of here?" L.Joe folded his arms across.

L ignored him and turned to you,"Jieun ah, want me to help you practice?"

"Okay," You said and he sat beside you.

L.Joe looked at the both of you and felt green with envy. He went to calm down and continue to finish the lyrics. 


While playing, you mistook playing the wrong notes and bit your lip in frustration. L saw your reaction and chuckled silently as he felt that you were cute with that face. He went to put his hands above yours. You were quite stunned by his action and could feel his hot breathings as he was sitting more closely to you. 

"Here. I'll guide you and you try to remember them," L whispered to your ear.

You felt nervous all of the sudden and your heart was beating fast. While playing, you secretly took a glance at him who was focusing on the key notes. After a while, L.Joe's done with the lyrics and was about to pass the music notes to you when he saw both of you and L's close intimacy. He blew his top fringe and stormed towards the both of you. He separated the both of you and sat in between the both of you.

"Jieun ah, here. I've finished the lyrics," L.Joe turned to you with a smile.

"Uh..thanks," You curved a smile and took it from him.

"Must you do that?" L talked softly to L.Joe.

L.Joe turned to him and gritted his teeth,"Why? Not happy?"

L and L.Joe was looking fiercely at each other eyes. 

"Byunghyunah, these are all in English," You said, did not notice that they were at each other's throats as you were to focus on the English lyrics.

"Yeah. I think it would be better since you were very fluent with English. Besides you will outstand from her," L.Joe told you while looking at L.

"How did you come out with the lyrics? They were better than I expected...," As you look up, you saw that L.Joe and L was staring at each other,"Are you guys okay?"

Both of them noticed that you were looking at them and quickly gave a wide smile,"Of course! We were just competing who can hold without blinking right, L?"

"Uh yeah..Right...And guess what.. I won," L smirked and gave an 'OK' sign towards L.Joe.



"Jieun ah, I almost forgot that WE need to help our chemistry teacher to prepare the apparatus for today's lesson. Lets go, Jieun ah," L.Joe took your hand led you out of the music room, leaving L inside.

"Jealous much...," L rolled his eyes and walked to the door.


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kpopiu #1
Chapter 9: i love l.joe IU couple
Chapter 8: Myunguuuuu... ^ ^
emira96 #3
Chapter 7: am i the only one who ship l joe and iu?ljoe and IU fighting!XD
Chapter 7: ohh MyungU moments ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 7: MyungU♥♥
more MyungU moments pls
update soon~
Chapter 7: Myungu.... :)
Pmshiiiiiiiiiii #7
Chapter 6: Make MyungU end up please....
Chapter 6: omo, L confess... MyungU...
L.Joe if you don't fight for her, you'll lose her....
Chapter 5: L jealous right now LOL
Chapter 5: great update! hwaiting