
To You

Yui hasn’t gone to see Block B for a while now. She was probably still taking her time, cooling off. The last couple of days, she’s finally realized that what she did back then was utterly unnecessary and not to mention embarrassing. She really wanted to go and apologize but it was her pride, she told herself that everything would blow off after a while anyway.

It was Yukwon she couldn’t resist. When he came to her and wanted to hangout, how could she say no? She cant practically get through the day without getting to see that sunshine smile of his.

She was just sitting down on the bleachers by the swimming pool alone, wanting to be far from everybody else when he came. “I finally found you.” He smiled before sitting down beside her. “it wasn’t like I wanted to be.” She sighed. They awkwardly sat there in silence, watching the wind wisp over the water creating little en ripples. “the hyungs are asking when’ll you drop by the base?” Yukwon started. Yui has been avoiding these topics for a while now. Every time Yukwon brought it up, she’d brush it off and change topics but the guilt was already built up to the peak of what she could bear. “I’ll just suddenly appear in a couple of days I guess… or when we have another job.” She breathed. “alright, we’ll go together then.” Yukwon nodded. She didn’t reply.

“Minhyuk hyung…” he said. She cringed to the mention of that name, “I kinda  asked about why you were so pissed off since you didn’t want to tell me yourself…” he admitted, “I know you Yui, you don’t get that upset about anything.” He added.

“like I said before, he kissed me.” She whispered in a hoarse, pained voice. Yukwon was a bit thrown off by how that sounded, coming from her.

“he told me…” Yukwon seemed hesitant but it would be rude if he kept her hanging, “it was a spur of the moment thing; that he didn’t even kiss you directly on the lips just on the corner or something like that.” Yukwon said. There was no reply from Yui who could vividly remember what happened and it brought back so much negative emotions.

She tightened her fist, “if it weren’t for a stunt like that, you’d be---“

“I know.” She cut him off before he continued his sentence, “I already thought about it and i should be grateful he even saved my back there. I was just… really surprised.” Yui admitted. Yukwon, seeing such vulnerability from his friend who never showed much, felt really sorry for her. Yui noticed how he got Yukwon down. “don’t worry,” she smiled as she put her feet up onto the bench so she could fiddle with the lining of her skirt, “I already got over it.” She reassured him.


“maybe I should just quit Block B altogether.” She blurted out as she watched the water in the pool smash gently against the tiled walls.

“yah.” Yukwon growled bringing a smile onto her face. She laughed.

“you should buy a cake for Block B instead.” He smirked.

“why would I do that?” she huffed.

“to show that you’re truly sorry for your acts.”

“not a chance.” She replied. “are you just here to ask food from me Kim Yukwon? I don’t have any money right now.” She teased. Yukwon gave a short chuckle. “nah, I just wanna get away from all the bull of this school.” He replied.

“you’re calling Ara bull now?” she laughed, “I thought you wanted to get back together with her?”

He rubbed his forehead, “nah, It’ll never happen.” He replied with a forced smile. He was thinking about, what if they got back together? Ara would probably make him stay away from Yui; which of course was impossible. Ara is very persistent with these kinds of things. It was complicated to make a bold move right now.

“sometimes I don’t get you.” Yui said as she looked at Yukwon who had a faint smile on his lips as he looked at her too. She rolled her eyes and looked away. “that’s why I’m never gonna be in a relationship ‘til thirty.” She said.

“good.” Yukwon smiled, happy with what he heard, “I don’t want to have any competition for your attention anyway.” Yukwon teased. She suddenly remembered a quarrel from the past that they had. Blood rushed to her cheeks as she vividly recalled that moment. She wanted to explain herself clearly but that would just make her look guiltier.

“dude! Is that the reason why you’re still not back with Ara?! I told you that was nothing!” she exclaimed getting all flustered.

It was something about how Yui got irritated with Yukwon because he was ignoring her at that time. Yui blurted out something that she thought was really dumb now that she thought about it. “Kim Yukwon quit choosing other people over me! I don’t like competing for your damn attention!!” She recalled saying.

“I know.” He just nodded, “I didn’t even say anything. Why are you so worked up about it?” he teased. “Sometimes, I really wanna hate you Kim Yukwon.” She grumbled. He liked seeing her like this. It reminded him, that she was still a normal teenage girl. It brings back so many memories. 

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nice story ^^
Ninjachick #2
Chapter 3: Ah watch that have been her first kiss though :)
Chapter 3: asdfghjkl this is so cute and agfdhcudh please update soon T,T