↷ One

To You



“he’s got more taste than to settle with that.” Ara scoffed while bitterly raising an eyebrow at the girl Yukwon was with, Min Yui.

They were eating together happily at the cafeteria that day. Rumour was, Yui s Yukwon away from Ara and that she was a little who was responsible for their break up.

Little did everyone know that there was a reason why they were always together even before when Yukwon and Ara were still together. Yui and Yukwon were a part of Block B, an infamous gang that fought at the TDC under no big hand sponsorship from the higher ops. They got far just by their raw talent and that’s why every big gang in the city wanted to recruit them.


“hey did you get the text?” Yukwon barged into Yui’s classroom holding out his phone. She just nodded at him coldly as she packed her things up. She slung her bag onto her shoulder and walked out with Yukwon.

Their leader, Woo Jiho called for them all of a sudden. Everybody assumed that it would be something urgent since they’ve been hot in the eyes of many after their sudden rise at the TDC not so long ago.

They headed for the abandoned part of the commercial area Block B’s hideout was. This part of town was up for demolition but nobody had the guts to do it since gangs and the triads have claimed it. Yui and Yukwon walked down a gloomy, damp and dark alleyway that led to a sole door on a face of a building. They opened the door with a key Yui had with her and headed straight in. Block B occupied the upper floors of this building so they had a long way to go.

As they walked up the stairs, Yukwon started to hum a song too familiar for Yui not to notice. It was a song called Healing for Myself by Kim Jaejoong then he sighed.

Obviously, this was a song for his ex-girlfriend, Ara. The reason why they broke up was still not clear for Yui even if they went to the same school.

“oh stop that and just get together with her again.” Yui growled. She didn’t like seeing Yukwon so distracted.

It was affecting their performance as a team that’s why she swore never to get involved with feelings. It was a small sacrifice for Block B.


They got to their floor finally and headed straight to where Jiho was. They came into the room with a desk and a luxurious looking chair behind it. To the side was a black leather sofa and a low glass table with a lot of bottles and rubbish on it. The lighting was poor. They were using the dim wall lights for the whole room and the only white light was from the lamp on the desk. This place looked really shady if you think about it.

“Jiho, we’re here.” Yui called out before sitting down on the sofa. She was quite brave addressing Jiho like that even if he was older than her and obviously in a higher position than her. Jihoon, surprisingly was already there, looking as lazy as even, slumped on the sofa.

“where are the others?” Jiho said with his back facing them since he was busy pouring out his drink at the small bar they had.

“I don’t know.” Yui shrugged.

“What is this about anyway?” Yukwon asked.

Jiho looked his way while sipping his drink, “you know about the Wolf Pack right?” Jiho replied.

“Yeah what about the Wolf Pack?” Yukwon asked.

“I’ll lay it out when everyone gets here.” He said.

All they could do was wait.


Yui fell asleep with her head on Yukwon’s shoulder since it took a long time for Block B to gather.


“What do they want with us again?”

“They’re requesting our service for a mission they want to execute.” She heard them talking. She slowly opened her eyes to a squint since she just woke up.

Her eyes surveyed the room to see a lot of men towering over her. She sat up and yawned.

“It’s easy. They just want us to retrieve a certain family seal.” Jiho added.

“If it was that easy, why don’t they do it? It’s not like they lack the people.” Kyung replied.

“Kyung’s right, what do they need us for?” Taeil agreed.

“But we do need the money…” Jaehyo butted in. Jaehyo was all in it for the money. He wanted to buy a lot of things for himself to maintain his pretty little face.

“How much are we talking about anyway?” Yui asked.

“Oh hey you’re awake.” Kyung stifled a laugh.

“Good morning,” Jiho poked fun, “we’re talking about twenty-five hundred grand.” Jiho replied. Everyone stayed silent. It was huge for such a small job.

Yui nudged at Yukwon’s rib so he’d look at her. She looked worried.

“Are we in?” he whispered.

“Seems shady.” She replied, doubtfully.

He flashed one of his gorgeous smiles, “and you like it like that.” he said, making her smile as well.

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nice story ^^
Ninjachick #2
Chapter 3: Ah watch that have been her first kiss though :)
Chapter 3: asdfghjkl this is so cute and agfdhcudh please update soon T,T