↷ Three

To You


             “what? You’re putting her on stealth?! She won’t be of any help with that!” Minhyuk disagreed with the team ups Jiho finally set up for the job the Wolf Pack had for them.

Yui shot Minhyuk a sharp stare when she heard it from afar. “Oh I’m sorry I’m be on your team, Mr. Perfectionist. Sorry I’m not good enough.” She barked. Minhyuk looked her way, “I never said you weren’t good enough. but that attitude of yours really doesn’t suit the team.” Minhyuk answered back. “hyung, have faith in my decision, she’s flexible plus she’s the only one who can crack things open efficiently. It’ll save us a lot of time.” Jiho tried to convince Minhyuk. It’s not like Minhyuk could do anything about the team ups though.

Yui was biting on her thumb, pissed. She felt so belittled by Minhyuk. It was always like that. It was like Minhyuk didn’t want to include her in anything that might bring Block B down. She knows she’s the only girl but that doesn’t mean she can’t do as much as they could. ,

The task wasn’t that complicated. They had to infiltrate a four-storey building where the said family seal was. That family seal that they were after was from a merchant family from the Han dynasty. It was stolen from the black market not so long ago and Block B was just to take it back and return it to the Wolf Pack who was well known for black market trades.


2:05 A.M.

“Yui, we’re to take our time! Scan the whole area before moving!” Minhyuk scolded her under his breath.  “I am!” Yui snapped back. “Don’t be so sure about everything you do little girl, its not gonna take you anywhere.” He hissed in her ear when he pulled her closer to him by her arm. For a second, fear clearly showed in her eyes. She sneered and pulled her arm away from him.

“it’s in that room.” Minhyuk said before signalling Taeil and Jaehyo to follow them and be on look out. The hallways were dead. Yui scurried to the door covered by the three guys while she decoded the electronic door lock. “we’re in.” she said as she quickly opened the door and they all went in. they opened the light just to see that the room was a typical lavish merchant’s office. The decorations were off or exotic, leather on the seats looked authentic; the mini-bar had rum and whisky in beautiful crystal bottles and flasks.

“find it quick.” Minhyuk ordered and right away they started to scramble about the room. They opened everything that could be opened; looked through every nook and corner. It was taking forever. Yui already opened every locked drawer but still no seal. She stopped searching and thought about if it was her in the shoes of a greedy, prideful merchant, where would she put such a piece of treasure. She sighed and looked at the boys who were still searching when at the corner of her eye she saw something on the desk. It was a Chinese lucky frog, the gold one where you put coins in for good luck. It was something all businesses had but something about it seemed peculiar. On its back was a huge amber jewel. The jewel was, obviously, translucent and faintly, you would make out the Hanja for GongXi. She picked up the frog and tried to disembed the jewel that exposed a longer shaft.

“Oppa, I found it!” She ran to Minhyuk and gave it to him. “you sure this is it?” Jaehyo asked as he examined the frog as well. “uh, yeah. Look at the back, it says Gong Xi. Obviously that’s a family name from a long time ago. This has got to be it.” Yui replied. The boys didn’t know how to read Hanja. Only Kyung could read Hanja and confirm it.

Minhyuk nodded, signalling for everyone to retreat.

“not so worthless after all huh~” Yui nagged. “I didn’t ruin your plan or anything, right?” she continued to rub it in Minhyuk’s face. “I hope I wasn’t just some dead weight.”She sarcastically laughed at him as they ran down the stairs. “can’t you just shut up about it right now and save it for later?” Minhyuk breathed. They were a bit slowed down in pace because off all her boasting about how she was the one who found the seal. Minhyuk had to slow down as well so he doesn’t leave her behind while the two didn’t even notice where Minhyuk and Yui were. They knew it was better for them to leave the two behind since they were really annoying when they’re together. Nobody wanted to get involved.

The sound of static radiophones echoed down the hall along with heavy footsteps. “G23, there was a report of some unknown noise down the second floor, go check it out. Over.” They overheard. “copy that G12, I’ll go and check on the situation right now.” They heard the voice say. They hurried to the fire exit they were almost running down the stairs. They were one flight of stairs away from freedom when the door behind them suddenly opened. Without even thinking about it anymore, Minhyuk rammed Yui onto the wall and swooped down for a kiss. His soft lips landed on the corner of her lips. Her eyes shut into a squint while her hands fanned as if she ate something spicy. She was actually trying to push away Minhyuk but she was too disoriented to do it. They both didn’t feel the pain of the hard metal frog that got squished on their torsos when Minhyuk forced himself on Yui ‘til after a few seconds after. The security was surprised with the sight. “What the— what are you kids doing here?! Scram!!” he shouted. Quickly, Minhyuk and Yui scrambled down the stairs “you kids should be ashamed of yourselves!!” the guard shouted after them thinking that he saw some kids who couldn’t find a room.

At an alley, Taeil and Jaehyo were waiting with the car ready. They got in and went away as fast as possible. Yui wasn’t talking at all when Taeil and Jaehyo were expecting some more boasting from her. That really shut her up all the way home. The scene replayed over and over in her head.

            Once they got back to the base and Yui got to see Yukwon’s face, she got all flustered up and she finally faced Minhyuk who seemed apologetic with what happened.
“I hate you Lee Minhyuk!! I hate you down to your soul!!” she shouted.

Everyone was surprised with the sudden outburst.

“wh-what was I supposed to do! If you weren’t blabbering so much we wouldn’t have been this close to getting caught!” Minhyuk answered back, raising his voice.

“what the hell are we fighters for?!” Yui snapped.

“There was no time!!”

“did you get the seal hyung?: Jiho interrupted calmly without a care in the world about the bickering two. Minhyuk reached into his jacked and gave the fist-sized frog to him. “Yui was one who found it.” Minhyuk didn’t forget to give her credit.

“Lee Minhyuk I am not finished with you!”

“Yukwon,” Minhyuk sighed as he looked over Yui’s shoulder to see Yukwon, “please shut her up…”

“Yui, you should really calm down…” Yukwon said as he approached to rub her back. Before he could touch her, she turned around briskly and belted out, “Calm down?? You want me to calm down Kim Yukwon?!”

Jiho stared at her judgingly from Minhyuk’s side, “what happened to her anyway?” Jiho asked, nodding over to her direction.

Before Minhyuk could properly say anything, “He forced himself on me and kissed me!” Yui shouted. Everyone was stopped whatever they were doing and chocked on what the heard. Minhyuk stood there tongue tied. “Doesn’t ‘personal space’ mean anything to you?!” Yui went on. Minhyuk finally had enough, “I saved your sorry little back there, you ungrateful little brat!! Me kissing you doesn’t mean anything!” he shouted. That finally made her flinch and shut up for a while.

Before she could come up with a retort, “alright break it up you two.” Jiho intervened. “Yui, from what I understand, you almost got caught. Minhyuk hyung wouldn’t have done that if he had another option which didn’t, alright? That was your life hanging on the line there… and don’t act as if he stole your first kiss. it up.” Jiho scolded Yui with an even tone so she won’t get the feeling that she was being ganged up on. “as for you hyung, be more careful next time. what if even with that stunt, they didn’t let you go? Do you get what I’m saying?” Jiho reprimanded.

Yui clenched her fist in anger. She wanted to punch someone right at the moment but she couldn’t, “UGH! I HATE EACH ONE OF YOU!” she shouted as she stormed out of the base.



I'm out of my head. yeorobun mianhe. orz

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nice story ^^
Ninjachick #2
Chapter 3: Ah watch that have been her first kiss though :)
Chapter 3: asdfghjkl this is so cute and agfdhcudh please update soon T,T