The Kidnapping and The Kiss

Shoot Me


"I can't keep on blaming myself for the rest of my life." Hwang grunted, alone in the hideout. "If only they were still here with me... my life wouldn't be a mess." She rubbed her face with her hands, the memories still haunted her. "If only I stayed here that night...AGHHH!!" She punched a wall, releasing her anger. "Sooyeon... I did it all the wrong way... I'm sorry..." Tears began to form behind her eyes. "I miss you." She whispered. She looked up to avoid their falling. She took a few minutes to recompose herself, in silence, and got up. "For now, I have to get my team mates back." The redhead started thinking about a plan that could work this time. "Hm... what could be their weak point?" An idea came to mind. "That girl at the bar. The sheriff protected her as if there was no tomorrow... that's it! Time to borrow the sheriff's treasure." The kidnapping was planned.
Yuri was back in the main room of her store and was ordering Krystal to do things. 'It looks like she doesn't even work at all' Krystal thought about Yuri, seeing her standing with a distant face.
"Yuri, just for knowledge, did you even shower or change your clothes today?" The employee wondered, really curious about the fact that her boss slept there the night before and wore yesterday's clothes.
Yuri turned her head to look at the girl. "What kind of question is that, Krystal? Are you saying I don't smell good? And my clothes are not usable?? Come here and smell my armpit right NOW!" Yuri got off her standing-by mode and started chasing Krystal around the building.
"OHMYGOD NO STAY AWAY FROM MY NOSE!" The younger girl yelled and hid somewhere Yuri couldn't see her.
Meanwhile, the tanned girl thought she scared her enough and took the time to look for extra clothes in the place. After finding an interesting outfit, she headed to a bathroom on the second floor to take a shower.
Minutes passed and Krystal was still hidden. She decided that was enough time to make her nose safe from her boss and headed back to work, wondering at the fact that Yuri was gone suddenly. 'Maybe she went outside to look for someone who could believe she didn't smell bad.'
While checking some papers, Krystal heard steps getting closer. 'Oh no she saw me and is coming to get me.' She gulped, but stopped when she saw it was Hyoyeon coming from the basement.
"Oh, hey, it's you." She commented, secretly relieved for not having to be chased again.
"Yeah... so... I don't think that was a correct way of introduction down there." Hyoyeon had a hand on her neck, she was a little embarassed and nervous. "So, uhm, I'm Kim Hyoyeon, it's nice to meet you." She extended her hand.
Krystal shook her hand. "Hello, I am Krystal Jung. You might know me as the little sister of the town's sheriff, haha" she added smiling. Hyoyeon froze. Little sister of who?! She let go of the girl's hand without saying a word and started sweating. "This is actually weird... I feel like I've seen you somewhere before..." Krystal wondered about Hyoyeon's looks and name. The blonde stopped moving at all, completely nervous. Could it be Krystal would recognize her from possible posters of her face around town with the word "WANTED"?
"I'm sorry, but you look like.. a bandit I saw in a poster.." Krystal said, unsurely, and not wanting to believe her boss' friend was actually a dangerous person.
Hyoyeon backed a few steps. Krystal found her silence weird. "... why are you not denying it?" she began to believe her suspicion. "Don't t-tell me...--"
"What is going on here??" The two girls turned their heads in the direction of the voice. They saw Yuri standing there drying her hair with a towel, it seemed like she had listened to their conversation.
"Yuri, who is this girl?" Krystal asked, a little scared of Hyoyeon. "I--" The blonde tried to speak but got cut off by the tanned girl.
"She is a trustable and incredible person. You can't judge her by what you've heard of her around town. People lie, people exaggerate."
"So she really is what I think she is?" Krystal confronted Yuri.
"You don't get to talk about her like that." Yuri moved beside Hyoyeon and wrapped an arm around her. "She's my friend. And you, Krystal Jung, will have to promise me you won't tell your sister a single thing about this. Hyoyeonnie can't and won't be arrested, because she doesn't deserve it. She's never done any physical harms to anyone, and what she did can actually be undone." Yuri spoke seriously, staring at Krystal's eyes.
"Yuri..." Krystal tried to say.
"Krystal, promise me. Do it, or you'll lose your job, and maybe my friendship too." Yuri stated.
Krystal sighed. She glanced at Hyoyeon for a moment. "I promise."
The clock showed 1:30 PM. Hwang entered the small town's territory sneakly, especially because it was daytime. She left her horse a little far from the entrance of the place and walked behind some buildings in the main street, where the BOOMERANG was located.
The redhead looked around, avoiding to be seen. She wore discreet clothes and a hat that covered her face if she lowered her head. She reached the valley beside the bar and leaned against the wall next to a corner that led to the main street. She quickly checked her surroundings and headed to enter the bar, but she stopped when she saw it was actually closed, the door was locked. She was about to complain when she spotted someone walking into her direction, without actually noticing her presence in front of the closed doors. She rapidly ran back to hiding behind the corner. She peeked and saw the person that was coming looked a lot like the girl she aimed her gun at that other night. Her victim. But she waited to see what the girl would do.
Taeyeon seemed distracted and was coming back from the market, she had bags in her arms. She actually lived in the second floor of the bar, so that building was also her home. She took a key out of her pocket and placed it in the door lock. Hwang waited for her to open the door and when she heard it opening, she caught a stone on the ground and threw it quickly in front of the bar, next to Taeyeon's feet, to draw her attention. As the stone landed in the other side of the front porch, Taeyeon turned to the side to see what it was. In that position, she was giving her back to the redhead. The latter took the opportunity to sneak behind her and grab the girl, covering with a hand and holding her arms with another. Taeyeon struggled in the grip.
"So, we meet again, baby face." Hwang felt vibrations on her hand, Taeyeon tried to scream but her voice was muffled. "Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you." And then Hwang carried Taeyeon inside the now opened bar, and quickly closed the door with her foot. She dragged Taeyeon to the balcony and held her against it. She took out a white cloth from her pocket and tied it around the blonde's mouth so she wouldn't have to keep using her hand to muffle her voice. Then, she also took out a rope and tied firmly the bartender's hands behind her back. She searched in her pocket one last time and grabbed a piece of paper with some writing on it. She left it on the balcony, she was sure the sheriff would find and read it sooner or later. "Now, let's get outta here, shall we?" She pulled Taeyeon to the outside and, scanning carefully the area, Hwang managed to get out of town with the short blonde.
Jessica was busy the whole afternoon. A lot of work to do. By the end of the afternoon, when she felt like she needed a rest, the sheriff decided she would pass by Yuri's store to see her sister Krystal. She told Sooyoung and other workers she was going out for a while and would be back later.
Outside, in the streets, sheriff Jung walked peacefully enjoying the fresh air and the gradient colors in the wide sky above her. She enjoyed the vibe of that small town. She had a good job, nice friends. Still, she missed her parents, who died of natural causes a few years ago. And also, she felt like there was something missing in her life. Someone, perhaps. The spark that could mean the beginning of a family of her own, another generation. She always wished to be married, maybe have a couple of kids. But this topic was so unsure in her life. She was attached to her past. She still had hope she would meet again the one she thought was meant to her.
The brown-haired sheriff reached her destination and entered the store.
"Krystal?" She called her sister.
Someone appeared from another room. "Hello, Krystal is upstairs and--" the person stopped talking. Jessica observed the unknown blonde girl while she spoke.
"Oh, another customer?" Yuri appeared from nowhere, excited to sell another random thing. "Ah, sheriff, it's you. Came here to purchase another belt?" Yuri gave her a smile with high expectations.
"Hey, Yuri. No, I- I'm here to see Krystal." She explained to the tanned girl and changed the topic. "Well, who would you be?" She pointed suspiciously to the blonde girl who remained silent.
Yuri realized the situation. 'Oh no, nonono'  She thought. Yuri decided to be direct. "Her name is Kim Hyoyeon." The owner of the storage made a pause, but Jessica quickly spoke.
"Kim Hyoyeon?" She said with a disbelief tone. "As in, the WANTED FOR ROBBERY Kim Hyoyeon?" The atmosphere turned really serious, the sheriff was startled and her hand reached the revolver in its holster.
"Jessica, please, don't!" Yuri ran to Hyoyeon's direction and stood in front of her, gesturing with her arms and hands for Jessica to stop.
"Yuri, get out of the way or give me a damn good reason for me not to arrest her right here, right now!" She seriously told Yuri, already preparing to aim at the bandit's direction.
Without thinking twice, Yuri turned around, cupped Hyoyeon's face with both hands and crashed their lips together, but in a tender way.
Jessica was dumbfounded, her eyes were wide.
The kiss lasted a few seconds. Then Yuri backed away to look at the older Jung to say: "I love her."
Ah, my Hyori shipper heaaarttt
Sorry for taking a few days to update :|
I'm happy that you guys are commenting on this story ^^ Thankya.
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Chapter 13: please update soon
BeunTe #2
Chapter 1: Taengsic!!!!!
Chapter 12: why did i only find this story now? lol. author-ssi, you are DAEBAK! this is great! :D i really liked the flow of the story and the way you write ^^ but what really caught my attention was when you described Juliet as 'squeezable' :)) glad to know i'm not the only one that describes their pet as 'squeezable' haha :)) keep writing author-ssi! hwaiting! ^^
Chapter 12: Yay!!! Thank you for make awesome story Happy for JeTi HyoRi and YoonTae haha

I really like it <3

JeTi <3 ^^
YXD #5
Chapter 12: Awww..nice ending! JeTi, HyoRi & YoonTae together at last.Good idea going for's too bad if Yoona & Tae are alone,so thumbs up for that..
Thanks for the great story,really enjoyed it!!! Author-ssi jjang XD
Chapter 12: aww.. nice ending..:D
Chapter 12: Aaaawww!! Everyone is happy now! Yaay for ma JeTi!! <3<3<3
And I noticed that every couple in here are very kinda byun keke xD
That was a good way to end this fic, happy ever after! ^.^

Keep going!
ayojeti #9
Chapter 12: It ended! I love all moments of course mostly JeTi's hahaha
That YoonTae... yeah, they were random lol

And they live happily ever after kkk

I was just loling at Krystal damn cute when she's like that <3

Thanks for writing :D