A short intro to hold you over until the real chapter tomorrow

Will you hold my hand?

"Good Hyukjaem, keep it up, you're doing so well" Kyuhyun encouraged me as i tried to walk my average three steps a day. Today i reached four, and then my legs decided to grow weak and wobble beneath me . I tried to keep myself up.

I hate falling. 

Kyuhyun smiled down at me and helped lift me back into my chair. and prop my legs back into the respected places. With what energy i had left to use, walking always tires me out quickly, I reached out for his usualy warm hand. Wich he took my cold one and rubbed his thumb over my palm . I smiled at him, My big gummy smile, and made a small noise. My way of saying thank you. 

I will always be thankful to Kyuhyun.

"You're welcome Jae," he whispered to me. Big brown eyes glazed over and the whites around the nice color started to redden. 
"Don't cry Kyuhyun" I wanted to tell him "I'll walk just like you one day". But instead a moan left my lips,

and a tear ran down his cheek.

He soon snapped out of it and sniffed the air, taking air into his lungs. I imiatated him, and gained a small chuckle in responce. "Lets get you ready to go" he said and wheeled me into the bathroom 
"I'll go get the clothes your wearing to camp today" He said over the now running water of the shower. I didn't respond , i coulden't anyway. 

As he left the room i looked at myself in the mirror, something that i have started doing a lot more. I looked at the reflection of the teenage boy sitting in the chair in front of me and tried to picture him standing proudly, with a pair of working confident legs. Strong arms would be wrapped around the two most important people in my life. My mother, and Kyuhyun. Arms that could protect them from danger and could give warm hugs back instead of just a flicking of a wrist and the occosinal squeezeing of thier hand. Arms with fingers that could grasp a pencle correctly to write everything i thought. 

I looked at my mouth and longed for it to form words.

In the back distance i heard muffled sobs.
"Please Kyuhyun, don't cry for me"


I hope this will be somewhat okay until tomorrow. ^^ thank you for all the subs!! i fangirled :D I LOVE YOUUU!!
Ps.. this gif of KyuHyuk LOL


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update will happen soon. hopefully by this time tomorrow, writing in hyukjae's pov is difficult


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wanieyrin #1
Chapter 12: Lorh.. hurry and update .. I'm waiting.. and thank you for your story...
MeinAltire #2
Chapter 12: this is great...waiting for you. good luck
257471 #3
Chapter 12: take easy :)
mommy49 #4
Chapter 12: take your time i'll wait for you and your story
Chapter 12: take your time... :)
Chapter 11: kyu did that for hyuk too... :)
Chapter 11: AWWWWWWWW~~~
Chapter 11: oh that's why kyu got hurt 'coz he's wants to help he's parents <3
Chapter 8: ..ahhm what is kyu and yesung's relationship here?tnx
Chapter 8: what what what what what WHO SHOT MY KYU BABY?!?!?!?!