
The Chances in Love

"Everything has changed." 




"Hyung! I'm really upset that we can't go to the Press Conference of Kim Choco later for the launching of her fashion line, because we have to practice for our next album..." Tao whined repeatedly.

"I know how you feel, Tao. But we can go to the opening of her shop tomorrow, so we can buy all the things we want to make up for it." Kris smiled and imagined themselves with a handful of KC items.

"You're right! I bet she'll be there because it's the opening of her shop and we'll even get to meet her." Tao giggled. 

"You sound so cheerful, Tao. Is the topic of your conversation about fashion? pandas? or martial arts?" Lay, who was passing by at that time, asked.

"Fashion. We're talking about KC." Tao smiled excitedly.

"Hmm... The newest fashion line... The one you were talking about last night.. I see, are you going to for their opening tomorrow?" 

"Of course, we missed her PressCon today so we're really going to make it to her opening tomorrow." Kris answered for Tao.

"Alright then, I hope you guys will enjoy." Lay waved his hand and went out of the living room to go to his room.




"Choco-ah, you did great on your answers. I thought that you might get nervous and stutter all of a sudden." Nicki laughed.

"Thank God! I was so nervous however I did enjoy answering all their questions." Choco smiled in relief, "Now the only thing for me to think about is the opening of KC tomorrow."

"I'm sure lots of people will be there so don't you worry a single thing."

"Awww. Thank's Nicki." 

"No problem, Choco."

They both giggled and hugged each other.




"Wow! Tao look at all these! They're like heaven!" Kris exclaimed as soon as they stepped inside the newly opened store of KC. 

Both of them decided to arrive really early so that there will be less people, but they thought wrong.

"Hyung, there are also other celebrities aside from us.." Tao continued scanning the people's faces around the place although of course, he didn't missed looking at the gorgeously designed items.

They both enjoyed picking out their own sets of outfits until their eyes landed on a beautiful lady going inside the store. 

"Isn't that her, hyung?" 

"The one and only." Kris answered without taking their eyes off her. 

Without second thoughts both of them rushed to where Choco is with their eyes sparkling with delight.

Fanboy mode: On.

"Hi! Good morning." Kris held out his hand.

"Oh, hi there! I'm Choco, the owner of this store. Is there anything I can help you with?" She asked but shook Kris' hand.

"My name's Kris and this is Tao. We just wanted to say how we were a big fan of yours." Kris said with a smile.

"And let's not forget how we both love your designs so much." Tao beamed.

Choco laughed at the maknae's cuteness, "Waah~ Thank you very much!"

They talked for a bit before a group of other celebrities went to Choco and greeted her the same day they did.

After shopping in the newly opened KC store, Tao and Kris headed to their dorm.

"Hey guys, welcome back." Xiumin said while he nodded at them before turning back to watch the TV.

"Wow, you guys bought lots of stuffs today!" Chen said in surprise.

At that time, Luhan entered the door. 

"Welcome~" Xiumin said again.

"Where'd you go?" Kris asked Luhan.

"The usual." Luhan answered with a smirk.

"Who's the girl this time?" Lay said as he came to the living room.

"Just a girl from a rookie girlgroup.." Luhan sat down beside Xiumin and he finally noticed the shopping bags of Tao and Kris, "Are these all for you two?"

"Oh, is this the items from KC that you bought?" Lay asked.

"Yes~!" Kris and Tao answered in unison.

"And no, Luhan hyung, we also bought stuffs for all of you." Tao grinned and started opening the shopping bags.

Suddenly, Luhan felt tensed. *So... Her store finally opened, huh.*

"Here you go~" Tao handed each member a shopping bag that contained something that he and Kris picked for them.

"Thanks!!" Everyone happily checked what the maknae and leader bought for them, except Luhan who hesistated for a bit before opening.

"This looks so cool!" Xiumin held out the cardigan that he received.

"I'm definitely shopping there next time." Lay said.

Chen was happy with what he received but all this time, he was watching Luhan who was staring a lot at the shirt he received.

"I almost forgot to tell you, we actually talked to Kim Choco!" Tao said excitedly, "Right hyung?"

"Yes, she was really beautiful and charming." Kris smiled.

Suddenly, Luhan stood up, "Thank you for this but I'm kind of sleepy now so I'll be going to my room, goodnight!"

Everyone nodded their heads and said their goodnights to Luhan too then continued their conversation about KC.



*A week after*


KC became the top news in the world of fashion design in Korea after the opening of her store, many people have became a regular customer of hers and also big celebrities from different entertainments. 

"Waah~ Look at that, Nicki! G-Dragon just tweeted me! He said he loved my designs! Oh My God!" Choco spazzed, she was a fan of G-Dragon since before.

"Ahhh~!!" Nicki shared the excitement with her best friend, "Choco, I forgot to tell you to check your email... There's this invitation thingy there.."

"Yeah, sure." Choco opened her laptop and checked, "Is it this one? The one from SM Entertainment?"

"Yes, that one."

Choco clicked the unread mail.


Good day Ms. Kim Choco


I would like to propose a contract regarding your designs.

Let me know if you're interested so we can discuss it soon.


 Lee Soo Man, CEO of SM Entertainment



"Proposal? Hmm..." Choco muttered while thinking.

"What did the email say?" Nicki asked.

"The CEO of SM Entertainment has a propasal to me and wants me to contact him if I'm interested..." 

"Seriously?! That's great news! Come on, Choco. Give him a call now!" Nicki beamed. 

"F-fine, Nicki... Just chill, will you?" 

She nodded and I grabbed my phone from the bedside table. I looked at the number that was included in the mail if I wanted to contact them and entered it in my phone. It rang twice and finally someone picked up the phone.

"Uh, hello?" I said hesistantly.

"Hello, this is Lee Soo Man speaking. How may I help you?"

"Umm, this is Kim Choco and... I'd like to  discuss with you the proposal you were talking about."

"Oh that's great! Let's meet up once your available, alright?" He said excitedly.

"Alright, goodbye Mr. Lee" 

"Goodbye Ms. Kim." 

The moment I hunged up, Nicki rushed to my side and asked me with so much curiosity.

"How is it? What did he say?" 

"He wanted to meet up with me once I'm available so we'll just have to see my schedule, and we'll go down with the SM Entertainment's proposal right away." I answered quickly. 

She nodded with a smile in response and returned back to what she was doing a while ago.

To be honest, I'm not that enthusiastic like Nicki about this but I'm just curious about it. 




Today I'll be going to SM Entertainment to talk with Mr. Lee about his proposal. I took a taxi and let him take me to where SM Entertainment is, because I have no idea where it is. 

On the way to my destination, I looked out the window and saw how much things have changed after I left. Nevertheless, it's undeniablthat Seoul still looks beautiful as ever. 

As I got out of the taxi, the security guard probably recognized me so he escorted me inside of the building. 

"Ms. Kim, the office of the CEO is on the 25th floor." He said and bowed. 

"Thank you." I smiled and bowed before proceeding to the elevator.

I reached the 25th floor, and before the elevator doors have opened, I heard some noise outside. 

As the door opened, lots of boys who were waiting for the elevator to arrive were talking loudly and excitedly... Hmmm, that's explain the noise...

They finally noticed me and I took a look at all of them...


I recognize these two here, they were at the opening of my shop... 

"Chen..Omo!" My eyes widened and my mouth suddenly blurted it out of surprise.

"Choco-ah, what are you doing here?" He said, with the same surprised look that I have. 

And at that moment, my eyes landed on someone who gave me more surprise than I could imagine. 

"Kim Choco!" The fierce-looking yet cute and tall guy pointed at me.

Luhan looked up from his Samsung Galaxy S4 after he heard that guy's shouting my name and stared at me.

"A-anyeonghaseyo." I bowed at all of them.

They smiled and bowed in return, "Anyeonghaseyo."

Except for Luhan, who just stood there and continued staring at me, with no piece of emotion found on his face. 

It was as if he didn't know me. No reaction at all.

Who am I kidding? 

I can't blame him for that since the fault is all mine. He has nothing to do with it.

He can react however he wants and I shouldn't complain about it. 

After they bowed, they made way for me as I walked out of the elevator.

"Thank you." I managed to smile so that they won't notice the tears forming in the corners of my eyes. I turned my back and walked a little faster than I normally do.






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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 3: Hahaha!! Love this fanfic and I hope you update soon!
Chapter 3: I can't help but laugh when I saw Nicki :)))))) hahahahaha XDD Can she please be related to Yongguk?? XDDDD

Kris and Tao XDDD WHy don't you two just but the whole store? :D

GD~~~ Aye:)) I'd be ecstatic if GD tweeted me :)))

Awww... Luhan and Choco :(( Their meeting is so short :(( I want more :))
Chapter 2: Nice (y) Am I the only one who loled when taoris mentioned shopping? Of course they will be more concerned about the clothes... :))))
Chapter 2: Bang Nicki is back ____es! Hell yeah! XD LOLOLOL Update soon~~~~~ Love it! :))
adriana123 #5
Im really excited for another chapter yayy. New subbie btw :)
midnightF #6
it sound interesting!!!!!
can't wait for another chapter!! WWOOOOWOOO!!
Chapter 1: AHAHAHA yaaaay excited :)
Chapter 1: A twitter~~ XDD hehehehe Love it so far ;) update soon~~ :))
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