This can't be real

Secrets between us

I stood there in shock. I saw something like this coming, but I couldn't help but be shocked. The fact that my favourite boy band of all time, were spies.

"But, why?" I finally let out "We enjoy it" Said Himchan "But, it's dangerous, and... you're rising so much" I say "We are risking our fame, and this secret geting out, we know. But, we're also having fun while doing a risky job. The people we "spy on" and all, are people in gangs who are just willing to beat people up on the street, we don't do that! We catch the people who do and beat them up or torture them or something" Yongguk explained, I felt sick at the thought of baby Zelo torturing someone, well... Any of them really!

"What do you need me for?" I asked "We explained before, you gave us no other option, but to tell you what we're up to. We could have you as some kind of interigator, and use those skills you used on us before." Youngjae said, still not making eye contact with me. MAn, get over that kiss already! "They weren't skills... I was going with the evidece I already had and the things I had witnessed, it's nothing special" I replied "We could still use you, at least give it a shot" Zelo said, I sighed "Will I have to fight?" I asked, Yongguk looked down and looked back up at me, then nodded.

I'm not a fighter! I don't even know how to fight. This is so much to take in. I arrived in Korea just last week and I've already met my favourite band and kissed one member! Now they want me to be a spy with them! I'm over whelme. I feel dizzy, taking it all in. "I.. I can't fight" I admitted "We all have our own skills, we'll teach you and give you lessons on what to do." Himchan said "What are you each good at?" I asked

"Yongguk is good at Taekwondo, Youngjae had been taught mixed martial arts since a young age, Jongup is good at kicking, he can teach you all types of styles. Daehyun is the same as Yongguk, but they will teach you seperate things. Zelo is good at dodging, he will teach you how to dodge a hit or whatever, and I..." Himchan said with a pause "Will teach you how to use your weapons." He announced.

My heart skipped every second beat, this was weird and I started to think I was in some kind of dream. This is all so unreal but so life like at the same time. "This can't be real.." I muttered under my breath "Oh, it is. Will you join us?" Youngjae asked, their eyes were pinned on me, thoughts ran through my mind so fast I thought I was going to pass out.

I can't do this, i have to go home soon, I have family back their! I have to turn it down, but before I could do anything the word slipped out of my mouth...



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