
Secrets between us

I stood there frozen as the mans men had all their guns pointed at Youngjae, I heard a loud bang and something hit me hard on the side of my stomach, I dropped to the floor immediately, my side burning like crazy, I had never felt so much pain. I heard voices all around me, and footsteps everywhere, I saw a dark figure loom over me and everything went black.

I woke up in a bed with white sheets and a white duvet, in an Unfamiliar room. My vision was blurry for a few seconds but I blinked it away.

I looked around the room, the walls were covered in an olivey coloured wallpaper and the ceiling was high up with a very small chandelier it was fancy with flowers and little coffee tables and a big wooden dresser. I looked over to the doorway and there was somebody leaning against the door frame "Are you feeling okay?" Jongup asked me "yeh, thank you" I answered, I looked down at my abdomen and saw that it was all bandaged up and there were stains of red. "Where... Am I? And who are you?" I asked cautiously "Ah, you're in a hotel, we booked it for you, so you could rest up." He explained 

Yongguk walked into the room after Jongup had plonked himself on the bed beside me "You're awake." Yongguk said in disbelief "Well of course I am awake" I said slowly "why wouldn't I be?" I added, the two boys looked at me gravely "you've been non responsive for two days" Yongguk said, I gasped "what?" I asked "I was awake just last night walking back to my friends house" I said "you don't remember do you?" Jongup asked "remember what?" I asked slowly i had to pretend to not lnow anything so i didnt give myself away, the two boys looked at me worriedly "You came into a shed after you heard us and a man arguing and you saved us all! Without you we wouldn't have been able to fight them off, but, you were shot in our place so we had to hurry you back here there was no way we would take you to a hospital. And we got Jongup to bandage you up. Luckily the bullet wasn't in very deep and it didn't cause much damage but what you did for us was just unbelievable. Most people would have been running for their lives, thank you." I was too shocked to talk, the way I remembered it was far less heroic, if not heroic at all. 

Yongguk left the room and I felt the bandages loosen, I looked at Jongup "Sorry but I have to change them" he said "Yah, what did you see?" I asked him, he blushed and looked away. , he saw! I covered my s with my arm as he got me to sit up and started unwrapping the bandages. I felt free once they were all off but Jongup had to put more on. I looked down at the remains of my 'battle scar' it was all stitched up and it looked all clean, Jongup must be some kind of doctor. I winced as he tightened more bandages around my wound "sorry" he said shyly "it's fine" I answered back with a reassuring smile. 

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