Chapter 6 - Emptiness

I Always Take a Peek on You

Third Person POV;

A beautiful morning had came~

“CHOI JUNHONG!!!! WAKE UP!!” Junhong’s mom slammed the door opened and shouted at him. His mom pulled his blanket, made Junhong shivered.

“MOM!!! I don’t want to go to school!” Junhong whined and pulled the blanket back from his mom and went back to sleep.

“YOU CAN’T!! YOU HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL!!”  his mom shouted back at him and tried to pulled the blanket away.

“MOM! I don’t want to go to school. I don’t feel good today, I think I’m sick.” Junhong took his blanket and went back to sleep. After heard the word ‘sick’, his mom worried. “Junhong-ah, just take a rest today, go back to sleep. Mom will call the school and mom will give you a medicine.” His mom kissed his forehead and got out from his room.


Junhong POV;

Seriously I don’t feel good today. I don’t want to go to school. I don’t want to see Yongguk hyung and Himchan together. I can’t face my day seriously. Since they’re dating, my day became gloomy.

Suddenly the kiss scene between them replaying again in my mind. Tears fell out again. I can’t stop crying. Why Yongguk hyung with Himchan? Why? Why must be Himchan? Why not me? Am I not good enough? Why must be him?

Yongguk hyung, I need you. Without you I feel so small, I feel so empty, I feel that I’m nothing.


Jongup POV;

Today Junhong didn’t come to school. It’s weird. A person like Junhong always come to school no matter what. It’s impossible for Junhong to absent. Something’s must be wrong. I had to go to his house.

-at Junhong’s house-

I pressed the bell. I’m anxious, seriously what’s wrong with Junhong.

“Hi Jongup, come in!” Junhong’s mom opened the door for me. I knew Junhong since we’re a kid, so his mom knew me too.

“Good evening, Mrs. Choi.” I bowed to showed my politeness.

“Evening. You must be looking for Junhong, right? He’s in his room. He’s sick.”

“Oh okay thank you, mrs. Choi.” I bowed at her and went upstairs. I knocked Junhong’s door.

“Come in!” I opened the door and saw Junhong looked so helplessly.

“Ya, Choi Junhong, what’s wrong with you?” I asked him. Suddenly he cried. “Ya, don’t cry. Tell me, what’s wrong.” I wiped his tears and soothed his back. He hugged me and cried again.

“Jonguppie...” he sniffed. “Y-Y-Yongguk hyung...” he sniffed again. “He’s with Himchan now.” Junhong cried more harder. WHAT?! So Yongguk hyung’s boyfriend is the popular Himchan. How can?

I let go of the hug, looked at the crying Junhong. “What?! You can’t be serious, right?”

“Yesterday, I saw them kissing.” He cried again.

“I’m here, Junhongie. I’m here.” I hugged him. “Just cry, you have my shoulder.” I let him cried on me. Seriously I can’t stand seeing he cried. Junhong is a part of my life, I can’t stand seeing him so helpless like this.

Yongguk hyung, I thought you’re nice but you didn’t realize that you made my Junhongie cried.


a/n; jongup doesn't have a feeling for junhong, he just thought junhong as his bestfriend for now. you know what i mean, right?

and don't forget to comment and subscribe, thank you <3


@MinHae: don't worry, the banghim moment will be less in this fic ;D

@xBubblegumx: yup! he still have jonguppie~

@exoonly: haha i don't ship banghim too in this fic haha lol

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iamabaplover #1
Chapter 12: To be honest, this is the first b.a.p pairing fanfic i've ever read (i was laughing at first. LOL) and sorry for taking me too long to comment. This is epick!!!!!
Chapter 12: Aww the ending was so cute ^.^
Chapter 12: Aww, this was so cute~ even though Junhong got heartbroken, in the end he and Yongguk got together :) Happy ending <3
hehe cute story:)
Chapter 12: Oh hey!!! Ur back lol!!! That's good!! I love it
LKyellow #6
Chapter 11: That's okay. Good luck. ^^
Chapter 11: Good luck on your exams and I will be waiting for you <3 so yeah!!!
Chapter 10: oh finally they did realize their feelings for eachother. That is a good point.
Chapter 9: Guk!!! Plz recognize ur feelings!!