Nice To Meet You

Lee Jonghyun's First Love



Hey guys! Sorry if the story has been boring so far....please stay tuned! By the way, thoughts from the characters will be this color



 English class went by very slowly. Of course, it was the first class, and no one was fully awake by then. 

"Alright students, do page 17 for homework tonight. I expect complete sentences. You may go to your next class," the teacher announced.

"Bye sunsengnim!" the students yelled.

Juniel was packing her bag before she headed to the next class. She tried to hurry because she had biology next, and the biology teacher hated students for being late. She grabbed her bag and binder and rushed out the door. Jonghyun, who was secretly waiting for Juniel, followed her until they were in the hall.

"So....wanna meet up at lunch? I want to introduce you to my friends," smiled Jonghyun. 

Oh my god.....he has the sweetest smile ever. Am I falling that hard for him already? This is not good.....

"Oh, sure! Is it okay if I bring my friends along? I kinda promised to meet up with them too."

"Of course! The more, the merrier! Haha, well, I gotta go! See you later!"

"Alright! See ya!" she exclaimed. "OMIGOSHHHH YES! I LOVE MY LIFE!" 

Students walking past her strangely. She mentally faced palmed herself.

Oops, that was a little bit weird. BUT SO WHAT, I'M GETTING CLOSER TO JONGHYUN!

She turned the corner to walk to her next class. When she got there, all her classmates were already sitting there, staring at her.

Crap........I must be late! I hope sunsengnim will go easy on me today.

The teacher turned around to see Juniel running to her seat. She raised an eyebrow.

"Well, look who's late. Tsk tsk, school started not long ago and you are already late?" 

"I am sorry, sunsengnim. That won't happen again," Juniel hoped the teacher won't make her stay in for lunch.

"Very well, I will let you go this time. But next time, you will be staying in for lunch. Understood?"

"Yes! Thank you, sunsengnim!" she said.


With the biology teacher being grumpy all the time, Juniel's class always went by slowly for her. She sighed, wishing that lunch time would come by sooner so she could see Jonghyun. She also wanted to meet his friends, and she wanted him to meet her friends. 

Maybe our friends would start dating....HAHA what am I thinking about? I'm such a pabo. 

After writing down the homework for tonight, Juniel quickly packed and dashed out of the classroom....only to find Jonghyun waiting for her.

"Ready to go?" he asked.

"I sure am!" she replied happily. 

Haha...she's so cute. He thought.




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