These 12 Boys


You/Kim Hyemi survived high school and finally got into college. After hearing stories from your teachers, you assumed college would be a breeze and it would be a great time to chill after experience from high school. Everything changes when 12 gorgeous guys suddenly find their way in your life. 



You/ Kim Hyemi 

You are one of the smartest students at the high school you had previously attended.

You are pretty, and girl were jealous of you. Teachers loved you because you were always

hardworking, and you had manners, unlike many others.


Kim Jiyeon

She is one of the sweetest girls you have ever met. She was your only best friend at University, 

because all the other girls are jealous of you guys. You share all your secrets with her, and she 

listens to you until you finish.



Oh, he is one of the most gorgeous boys attending Seoul University. He's really smart, and girls

swoon just by looking at him. He may be cold to people he doesn't know, but once you start talking

to him, he'll be a real sweetheart.



He's known as the gentleman of Seoul University. But it's to the point where girls think he likes

them when he's just trying to be nice. He's smart just like Kris. You and Suho became friends in

no time because he was so kind.



It would be a lie to say that he's not gorgeous. He's the Happy Virus of Seoul University, always making 

girls smile. He's also the basketball captain of their Varsity team. 



Deer boy Luhan has the looks of an angel, but his attitude does not match his looks. He was

somewhat cold-hearted, but after a while, you and him got closer.



Lay was also very smart, but it came with a price. He was always forgetful. He would walk into a room, 

wonder why he went in there, come out, then remember why he went in again. He and Kris have been

childhood friends.



Wushu master Tao usually frightened a lot of people because of his looks, but if you are close

enough with him, you will know that he is just a cute maknae. Kris takes care of him like 

an older brother should, and he can never disagree when Tao does Buing Buing on him.



Baekhyun is one of the most helpful people you will ever meet. He loves you and takes care of

you like an older brother does. Especially when it comes to break ups, he's always there for you.



Along with Tao, these two maknaes drive you crazy, but you still love them anyway. Sehun is

extremely shy when you first met him, but he opened up to you easily since you were caring

towards him.



This Baozi is unpredictable. He's witty and funny, but he was also a troublemaker at times.

He tries to get you to go out with Kris, but you two would just laugh the idea off.



He is one of the most gentle guys you have ever met. Like Suho, Chen has a comforting aura

and you liked it. Whenever you were troubled, he was there to comfort you and vise versa.



Kai had a weird personality. He would annoy you, but then apologize right after. You got used

to him and the two of you became best friends. Kai is also into dancing, and whenever you saw

him, you would be impressed.



Girls would fall for his eyes. They were beautiful, and he is constantly trying to find the right girl

for him. He is also like a mom. He loves cleaning and cooking for his friends/family.


Hey guys! I've read many EXO fanfics, and I am actually inspired to write one. I abandoned my previous fanfic because I didn't think of the problem in the beginning. I hope you will read and enjoy my story about EXO! I hope you guys will support me as I try my best to become a good author!

Please comment to let me know if I can make the story better. (; 




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Egg-yeols0911 #1
Chapter 1: n'awww !! "pretending to cry" AHHAHA XD
Para-sungmin #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^