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Behind The Scenes ll EXO-M Interactive Game



Today was the day; the day you move into the academy. Unlike most high schools, Seoul's Academy for the pretigeous (SAP) required you to live on campus in dormitories. This was just one of the many requirements of the academy. Hyeri went spastic when you told her that you were going to be living on campus. She planned to visit you everyday afterschool and every weekend but there was another rule that disallows visitors, other than direct family members entering campus grounds.   

“We’re here miss.” The taxi stopped on the curb of the road, you looked out the window and your eyes widened.

You handed the taxi driver the money your mother had given you, grabbed your roller bag and hopped out. In front of you was a castle like structure, with creamy butter walls, red roofs and windows that glistened in the sun. You held up the brochure that you were reading in the cab to eye level, and compared the building in front of you to the picture in the brochure. It was an exact replica, except it was much more overwhelming when it was standing right in front of you. You tucked the brochure into your jacket pocket and looked at your watch. ‘Okay its 9:23am, and my appointment with the principal is at 10:04am, so that gives me 41 minutes of exploring.”

You dragged your luggage through their intimidating gold gates and proceeded down the white cobblestone path, your eyes darting right and left trying to take in the surroundings. Everything was so perfect. Almost too perfect.

“Hey, watch out.” You felt a hand wrap itself around your arm, pulling you back. “You almost walked into a tree”

“Huh?” You looked in front of you and saw the trunk of an old oak tree just a few centimetres away from your face.

“Oh my god.” You took a step back and bump into the person who had saved you from being knocked out by a tree. You both locked eyes, and you instantly flushed pink.

In front of you stood a baby faced boy who was just a head and a half taller than you. You aren't the type to be fazed by good looking guys, you were practically surrounded by them back at your old school, since you hung out with Hyeri and yet here you are, stuttering like a fool.

“S-s-s-sorry” You stuttered. 'Oh my god what is happening to me?' you mentally scowled yourself.

“Why are you apologising?” He laughed. “Shouldn’t you be thanking me?”

“Sor-r-r-ryy…oops.... thank you” You quickly dipped into a low 90 degree bow

He laughed again before extending his hand “I’m -”


“Sorry… I gotta take this” He turned his back to you and answered the call.

You took this chance to make a run for it, there was no way you could face him again after your embarrassing incident. You lifted your roller bag off the ground and quietly scurried away before he could notice.

“Sorry for taking so long…” The boy turned around only to see that you had disappeared. “Where did she go?” He scratched his head, and looked at his hand that was once around your arm.

You arrived at a courtyard which was situated godsknowswhere in the school. You flopped down on the nearest bench and let your head fall over the top of the head rest. You closed your eyes for a bit before lifting your head back up and taking in the surroundings. The courtyard was well furnished with mahogany timber floors, gardens of green foliage, a water feature centre piece and not a speck of dirt or bird poop in sight. You looked at your small roller bag. It had all your essentials: Your toiletries, a few sets of clothes, and your school things. 

‘Why is this school so big for?’ You thought as you pulled out the brochure from your pocket and turned it to the page with the school map. ‘So I’m here’ you pointed at a patch of green on the map ‘and I need to be here’ you dragged your finger across the page to a cream block, “and I need to be there in…” you checked your watch and instantly stood up “…8 MINUTES!” 8 minutes wasn't enough time to find the main office in this maze they called a school. 

When you arrived at the front of the main office, you could feel a single bead of sweat trailing down the side of your forehead. The main office was located in the centre of the school, in front of a giant water feature. There was a water feature in the school! There wasn't even a water feature in most of the three star hotels in Korea, and they have one in an educational facility.

You wiped away your exhaustion and drew in a deep breath. 'A meeting with the principal, how difficult could it possibly be? I mean all I have to do is introduce myself, answer a few questions and try to look as if you're not about to collapse from a panic attack. Easy right?'

Boy were you wrong. The minute you entered the building, there was a completely different atmosphere. If you thought the exterior of the school was intimidating, you definitely felt oppressed by the interior. Everything inside the building looked expensive. The walls looked expensive, the floors looked expensive, the doors looked expensive and the furniture was unquestionably expensive.

"Miss __________-sshi. Mr Seo Chang Geol is expecting you in his office." The secretary looked up from her work and showed you to his door.

You cleared your throat and straightened down the front of your shirt.

"You can leave your things outside the door."

"Thank you." You left your luggage outside with the secretary and walked through the 'expensive' looking doors.


The principal was sitting at his desk, his eyes looking down at the neatly compiled paperwork in front of him. "Miss ________-shi?"

You nodded, unable to speak from the nervousness that was beginning to build up inside you. 

He opened a folder and analysed the documents before resuming to speak again. "I must say that I am extremely impressed by your list of awards and academic achievements."

Yet again, all you could do was nod.

The principal's eyes flickered upwards as soon as your touched the chair. "As you know, you are one of the fifteen that have successfully accepted into this school. Upon that, I congratulate you. I would like to remind you, that since this posiiton is completely covered by the school, that any rules broken during your time of study would immediately result in expulsion. Do you understand?" His gaze remain fixated on you. For an old man his stare was unrelenting. 

"Yes." You nodded.

"In addition to being provided a full scholarship to this school, you'll also be acting as a part time tutor for the students. You'll be paid for the amount of work you do, of course."

"Paid to tutor students?" You furrowed your eyebrows. You don't remember reading anything about being a tutor or about being paid to tutor the students here.

"Yes," Mr Seo crossed his hands in front of him as his eyes went back down to the paperwork.  "As an agreement of taking the entrance exam, you and the other scholarship students will be tutoring those whose grades are not to a satisfactory level. We have selected those students with the highest academic results from the exam and established a program to allow student on student teaching. As for the payment part of the process, points are awarded in every component throughout the school program. These include extra curricular activities, test and exam marks. Each activity varies in the number of points awarded, the greater the role in the extra curricular activity, the more points accumulated. At the end of every semester, the points can be redeemed for material items or upgrades. The number of points needed to redeem a particular item can be found in the school handbook."  

Wow. That was the only word that ran through your head. The school actually paid students to participate in extra curricular activities. Not in cash form but in point form.

The principal suddenly stood up and went around to sit at the front of his desk. "Miss _________, can you please stand up for me?"

You blinked not understanding why you were asked to stand but you did it anyway.

"Now can you spin around slowly" He said, drawing circles in the air with his hand

You slowly spun as instructed. Still not grasping what was happening. Were the rest of the scholarship students asked to spin around? Was this some sort of test?

"Do you always dress like this?"

The question caught you off guard and you automatically looked down at your clothes. You were wearing denim straight leg jeans with a striped long sleeve top that was one size too big for you, a pair of comfy blue converses and a black jacket to provide some warmth. You thought what you were wearing looked fine but your mother was totally against it. This morning she tried to force you into a black long sleeve dress, she said it oozes iness but at the same time it would effortlessly professional. After a long hour of arguing and fighting, you managed to win the 'what I should wear' war.

"Ummm...yes" You answered .

Principal Seo nodded understandingly before returning to his chair. "And can I ask how tall you are?"

"164 centimetres." You answered hesitantly. Another question bizarre question. What did height have to do with anything? Was there a minimum height requirement for the students?

"That is all. Thank you  miss ________ for your time today. If you return the reception desk there will be some paper work to sign and someone will be there to take you to your room."

You bowed and exited the room. When the door closely softly behind you, you let out a sigh of relief. 'That wasn't so bad,' you thought 'with the exception of a few questions'.

You signed the paper work at the reception desk and followed one of the secretaries to your room.



Next >> 



Kind of a boring chapter but I hope you guys enjoy it. Thanks to all the new readers who subscribed and all the old readers for not unsubscribing.

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Chapter 28: I cant see the pictures! and your fanfic is great ^3^
Chapter 47: Yes, he and his stupid face. >< The girls seem nice, and woah, that school.
Thank you for updating! :)
Chapter 36: I really didn't mind all the Chen interaction that happened on my way to getting here. :D That was quite a start at a new school. I wonder what will happen next.
Chapter 36: Flirty Chen is too much for my poor heart to handle! <3
Chapter 18: Stuck on this chappie :(
Chapter 35: omoooooo so cute! I wanna see what happens next!
SMfan4evrAKB48 #7
Chapter 33: "Worse than a . It was Chen" This fandom I cant even xD
Chapter 18: Please update soon! Author-nim fighting~
oppaa2728 #9
Chapter 18: cant wait for next chapter ^.^
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 27: Yay she got in~~~ now the partay