It's Not Here (Ver. 2)

Behind The Scenes ll EXO-M Interactive Game



You heaved a sigh of relief as the supervisors came around to collect the exam papers from you. Your body was finally free from that tortorous positon you were sitting in. 'That wasn't so bad.' You thought to yourself as you got up from your seat and made your way to the entrance of the building. You handed the supervisor your numbered card and in return she handed you your bag and your mobile.

"Thank you." You bowed and did a double take. "Ummm... Do you know when we'll get our results?"

"The results will be posted to you in a week." The supervisor informed you while handing the belongings back to another student. "Qualifying students will receive an interview and the rest of the acceptance process will continue from there on. Good luck though." She smiled at you.

You checked your phone as you walked down the path towards the entrance. 24 new messages and 11 missed calls! All from the one and only, Hyeri. Trust her to be over excited about this. You expected your mum to call or message you but not one call or text, which was unusual as she was the one who convinced you to do this in the first place. You scrolled through the long line of mini envelope icons until you've reached the earliest message. You clicked open the messages, one by one.


9:45 am : GOOD LUCK !!!!

9:47 am : How is it going?

9:47am : Oops...right...You don't have your phone with you :)

10:03 am : Are you done yet?

10:05 am : I'm guessing you're still in the hell hole?

10:11 am : Still in there?

10:17 am : So when you get out, text me yeah? I wanna hear all about how you found the exam to be a piece of cake.

10:20 am : OMG!! If you actually get in, I could throw you a going away party. It will be the biggest bestest party this school has ever seen.

10:23 am : This is going to be fabulous! I've already discussed this with the girls and they LOVE IT!

10:24 am : So much to do, so little time. Hurry up and get accepted already, so I can have an exact date to work around.

10:30 am : Okay. So I've compiled the guest list and there's around 100ish people coming, minus the weirdos and loners. Unless you wanted to invite them.

10:33 am : Jaehyung said he could arrange the alcohol :D

10:34 am : I forgot... you don't drink do you?

10:34 am : Oh well... more for me.

10:50 am : Hey, I wonder if you could ask your mum to lend us the club for a night? We kinda need a big space to squeeze in everyone.

10:53 am : Anyway, are you really still in there? Or are you just ignoring my messages?

10:55 am : Hello? Are you seriously ignoring me? Why? Cause of the party?

11:00 am : Fine. The party won't be so big but there will be a party.

11:19 am : Okay, maybe I exaggerated over the situation. You're still in there aren't you?

11:23 am : Why does the exam go on for so long?

11:43 am : I wanna know how you went >.<

12:09 am : You better be aceing this D:<

12:22 pm : Should I invite ChenChen <3 ?

12:34 pm : Joking! Anyway text me. I have so much stuff to discuss with you.


After reading the messages, you checked your call log. Every missed call belonged to Hyeri. Well, theres no surprise there. You shook your head in amusement and clicked the redial button. You pressed the phone against your ear, waiting for Hyeri to pick up. When the other end of the line finally connected, there was no greeting, no 'hello' or 'how was it?' just a "about time you called. I have so much to fill you in with."


< 8 days later >

"Come on" Hyeri tugged on your arm, "we're gonna miss the bus."

This latest routine of dragging you from the school grounds to catch the earliest bus that goes down your street has been happening for the past 4 days. Ever since you told Hyeri that the results were gonna be posted home in about a weeks time, she has been continuously dragging you home to check the mail.

"It didn't come yesterday and it had already been a week." You whined, your shoulders felt like they were about to break off, thanks to the new load of homework sitting in your bag. Homework that was assigned to you by every freaking teacher at school with a submission date of a week from now. I mean what is it with all the teachers and assigning homework with the same submission date on the exact same day?! Do they like have a 'how to torture your students' meeting the week or day before actually giving out the tasks?

"Which means there is a greater chance that it would've arrived today." Hyeri said matter of factly, "now hurry." She sped up her walking pace, her hand still tightly gripped around your arm.



"I'm telling you it hasn't came yet." You said to Hyeri as you grabbed a stack of white-yellow colored envelopes from your mailbox. You opened the front door of your house and dumped your bag on the nearest four-legged object you could find.

"Fine then. Let's have a bet." Hyeri challenged. "If the letter isn't in that pile of envelopes your holding," she pointed at the stack of papers in your hand "I'll cancel your celebratory party."

This bet may not sound like much but if you knew Hyeri, which you pretty much do. You'll know that she never ever, ever cancals a party that she has already planned. She'll cancel on a party that's not hers but that's a whole other story. Even when it has been forecasted that there will be a hail storm, tornado, severe rain or wind, the party will or should I say 'must' go on. Hearing that Hyeri has wagered a bet to cancel the party, was like listening to a lion rap to its meal before devouring it. Impossible, yet oh-so wonderful at the same time. As you would've guessed, partying was not your scene and it probably never will be.

"However if the letter is there, I get full and total control over this party." Hyeri continued, her eyes gleaming with pride and joy. "So do we have a deal?"

You thought about it for a second or two. If the letter wasn't in the pile, the party will be cancel. If the letter was in the pile, Hyeri would have total control, which if you didn't notice, she already had. The party would have to go on as planned. But that didn't worry you, you could simply say that you had to go to the bathroom, which you would then slip away, 10 minutes into the celebration. Either way, it was a win-win for you. "Deal."

You both shook hands to finalise the agreement before you began to flip through the envelopes. As you flipped through, any envelope which was not the exam results made its way to the back of the pile, and a new letter would present itself at the top of the pile.

"Flip faster." Hyeri unpatiently lectured. She stood right beside you, to ensure that you weren't lying to her.

"I am." You lied and continued to flip at your own pace. Slow and steady. The biggest envelope finally arrived at the top of the mass of envelopes. You took one look at the logo that was printed at the top corner and only two words came to your mind.

Oh .



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Chapter 28: I cant see the pictures! and your fanfic is great ^3^
Chapter 47: Yes, he and his stupid face. >< The girls seem nice, and woah, that school.
Thank you for updating! :)
Chapter 36: I really didn't mind all the Chen interaction that happened on my way to getting here. :D That was quite a start at a new school. I wonder what will happen next.
Chapter 36: Flirty Chen is too much for my poor heart to handle! <3
Chapter 18: Stuck on this chappie :(
Chapter 35: omoooooo so cute! I wanna see what happens next!
SMfan4evrAKB48 #7
Chapter 33: "Worse than a . It was Chen" This fandom I cant even xD
Chapter 18: Please update soon! Author-nim fighting~
oppaa2728 #9
Chapter 18: cant wait for next chapter ^.^
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 27: Yay she got in~~~ now the partay