Letter II

Letters From A Past


Kyungsoo to Jongdae

This time I can really say it – dear Jongdae, thank you for your letter! Maybe you’ve grown more mature as well during the two years we spent apart (though I really doubt it). It sounds like you’re enjoying yourself at the university, it almost makes me jealous! But you were always a scholar, so it must be heaven for you. How many years do you think you will stay?

And no, I will not mail you cakes. My precious pastries are too delicate and valuable to be put through the mail. Does it mean you miss my baking, though? I would have thought the city could have at least some decent bakeries, but I won’t be bashful about the ones I make, either. They are pretty damn good.

To update you some on what’s going here, though, we’re all quite amused to see – Chanyeol is trying to court a girl! Yes, you read that right. It’s quite entertaining to see, actually, though I pity him a little. Luhan and Baekhyun keeps mocking him, and he looks so helpless whenever he tries to talk to her.

Who might this girl be, you ask? Do you remember Sooyoung, the girl with the huge eyes and pigtails? Yeah, that’s her. She has become pretty, that’s true. Jongin keeps saying she is too pretty for Chanyeol, but I don’t know about that…

Anyways, whenever Luhan and Baekhyun don’t spend their time laughing at Chanyeol, they’re busy being at each other’s throats these days. I’m not entirely sure what they’re arguing about, but it has something to do with a customer choosing one over the other or something. Jongin thinks they act like girls, and I’m inclined to agree. I hate it whenever they fight at my bakery, though. Then they’re taking away my customers. Fortunately, I have Jongin to shoo them out, but it’s still a hassle.

Not that he’s entirely innocent these days either. Yesterday, he came here about Minseok being an idiot. Upon asking why, Jongin said he had been to Minseok’s farm yesterday to shoe one of their working horses, and apparently, Minseok is horrible at taking care of their hooves. That’s what Jongin says, anyways, but I’m sure Minseok’s just being busy.

On an unrelated note, I’m getting increasingly worried these days, mostly about the conflict in the west – do you really think it’s possible that a war will erupt? I certainly hope not, but you’re probably more informed than me.

Hope to hear from you again soon.

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This seems so promising. I've never read a epistolary fanfic before, but I'm sure this is going to be awesome! I'm really loving the beginning and I can't wait to see how this turns out! :D