The Rookie Party

I Hate Cha Hakyeon
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~The morning of the party~

Eunyoung’s POV

Apparently Two X has to attend this rookie party. All of them have dates except me. I was looking forward to inviting N but Min Joo told me he was taking Ellin. Great now who am I supposed to take? Wait… Seungri Oppa!

I then started dialling Seungri oppa’s number.

“Eunyoung-ah wassup?”

“Umm… oppa I have this rookie party to attend. Can you be my date?”

“YES! Finally! You’d think having no schedule would be fun. NOT! It’s so boring!” he whined.

I laughed.” Well you’re welcome.” I then told him the address.

“Ok see you at 7 oppa!” I hung up. Hope tonight will be alright.

~ Hours later~

I only have 1 hour to get ready. I feel weird because I’m alone. My members said they all of some sort of schedule and will meet me later… suspicious.

I went to my closet and looked through my dresses. I finally found a perfect dress which stopped in the middle of thighs maybe lower.

(A/N: Choose which ever dress you want. I couldn’t decide so I put both.)


Now I need shoes. Shoes are like my life. I love shoes. (a/n: sorry just had to add that. I LOVE SHOES)


(a/n: shoes number 1 is for the dress number one. Shoes number two is for dress number two. GOT IT? GOOD NOW CONTINUE READING.)

Shoe 1

Shoe 2




I went over to my make-up table. I chose to put kind of dark makeup one. I checked the time, 6:56 pm. Just 4 more minutes till Seungri comes and pick me up. I grabbed my coat and my purse and walked down stairs.

The purse (pretend it’s like white)



As soon as I stepped out of the building I saw Seungri oppa. I ran to his car and hopped in. He looked at me up and down and whistled.

“Damn girl. You look fine!” I slapped his arm. He chuckled and drove off.

~At the club~

We got off and I intertwine my fingers with oppa’s. As soon as we walked in, loud music attacked us. I was shocked for about 5 second then regained my conscious. I looked around trying to find my members. I finally saw my members in a corner booth. I dragged Seungri here with me.

“OH WELCOME EUNYOUNG!” Ken said. I waved. Then all off their eyes went onto Seungri.

“Oh this is my date Seungri oppa.”

“S-seungri as in Seungri from Big Bang?” Ravi said stuttering. I nodded. His jaw dropped. I giggled then my eyes met N’s. He looked away. What a jerk. I saw Ellin next to him. Isn’t she embarrassed doing that? Grinding herself onto him? I saw her hand moving up and down his side and onto his thigh. I shivered at the scene.


I saw Eunyoung walk in with the Seungri from Big Bang. She looked beautiful! I was just about to say hi and get up but Ellin pushed me back down. I eyed her and she gave me a flirty look. I looked away. She started running her hand up a

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CandyLove996 #1
Chapter 24: i cried it was terribly sad......i thought that ellin will change hermind since she can love someone else whhhhhhhyyyyyyy!!!
ThenaDA-X #2
Chapter 12: I can really see Eunyoung as Seungri's little sister. Because he's protecting her like a big brother. Even back when she was still a backup dancer and was Seungri's VVIP girl. He bullied her because she the first female dancer younger than him. And said that she wanted to marry him.
Chapter 24: I love this fic
Chapter 7: I think bad guy in korean is Nappun Namja sorry I don't really know how to spell it in English
Chapter 23: Awwww N and eunyoung finally got together !
Omg i almost cried while reading th part whr ellin shot N. T.T
Love ur story !!
I read this story in one go and I have to say, I really liked it. First off, the OTP is ma ultimate OTP(the characters are my ultimate biases) and I just loved how everything was well-written.

And, I'm wondering one thing, you said on the foreword that you ship another couple after watching All the Kpop. Is it LeoxMinjoo? /shot because she just realized that Leo and Minjoo never got on All the Kpop together/
ilkpop1112 #7
Chapter 24: I was actuallt expecting the Zinni and Hongbin couple...dang it
Chapter 22: Die??

aigoo... goodbye Ellin...

next chap....please :)
Chapter 21: I'm really surprised why there Zinni

your ff really really interesting
Trariza #10
Chapter 21: Update soon!!!!

I love breaking news especially with Jonghyun!!!!