Sorry Eunyoung, it's for the best.

I Hate Cha Hakyeon
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~The next day~

Eunyoung’s POV

Since I don’t have any schedules today I decided to go visit N. My members wanted to come but they were busy. 

I finally arrived at the hospital only to find Ellin and N doing lovey-dovey things. But isn’t that want she wanted? And after some thinking I realize that I don’t exactly have anything to do with N anymore. But why is that feeling there?  I just waited outside the room. Minutes later Ken came.

“Oh Eunyoung why didn’t you come in?”

“Oh I saw N was busy so I just waited for him. I don’t want to interrupt him.” Suddenly Ken gave me a ticked of face.

“AISHH CHINCHA! It’s her again isn’t it?” Soon Ellin came out. She looked at me and just walked off.

“Ken aren’t you going to come in?”

“No, I need to deal with someone.” I saw him run toward Ellin’s direction. I walked inside and placed my fruit basket I bought for him on the table. N kept looking at me the whole time.

“Why are you here?” he asked me coldly. My heart sank. Can’t you understand why oppa?

“I wanted to visit you and see how you are doing.” I put on a fake smile.

“So now you can see I’m perfectly fine. But to be honest why do you even bother to come? I don’t exactly have anything to do with you. And I don’t know you either.” That was what made me mad. Tears were forming in my eyes but I held them back.

“Are you serious oppa? You don’t know who I am?”

“Why should i? All I know is your Ken’s girl. But honestly why does he have such…” he eyed me up and down” bad taste.” I slapped him on the cheek. Hard.


“Are you just acting or do you really have amnesia? You don’t even remember the girl you love let alone even knows she exists.”

“Who are you talking about? You?” he bursted out laughing.” Oh please why would anyone want to date…you? “

I was about to slap him again but then someone pulled me back.

“Hyung what the heck is wrong with you!” I recognised that voice. Hongbin. I turned around and Vixx was standing behind me.

“What wrong with me? It’s her you should be saying that too! She came in here for no reason and slapped me! Isn’t she the whole reason why I am in this mess? In a ing hospital! AND WITH FREAKING AMNESIA! IT’S ALL HER FAULT! I DON’T EVER WANT TO SEE HER AGAIN YOU HEAR ME?”

At this point I was breaking down. I ran outside to where ever my legs would take. Nappuen Namja! (a/n: thanks readers) He broke my heart again.

As I was running I didn’t know where I was g

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CandyLove996 #1
Chapter 24: i cried it was terribly sad......i thought that ellin will change hermind since she can love someone else whhhhhhhyyyyyyy!!!
ThenaDA-X #2
Chapter 12: I can really see Eunyoung as Seungri's little sister. Because he's protecting her like a big brother. Even back when she was still a backup dancer and was Seungri's VVIP girl. He bullied her because she the first female dancer younger than him. And said that she wanted to marry him.
Chapter 24: I love this fic
Chapter 7: I think bad guy in korean is Nappun Namja sorry I don't really know how to spell it in English
Chapter 23: Awwww N and eunyoung finally got together !
Omg i almost cried while reading th part whr ellin shot N. T.T
Love ur story !!
I read this story in one go and I have to say, I really liked it. First off, the OTP is ma ultimate OTP(the characters are my ultimate biases) and I just loved how everything was well-written.

And, I'm wondering one thing, you said on the foreword that you ship another couple after watching All the Kpop. Is it LeoxMinjoo? /shot because she just realized that Leo and Minjoo never got on All the Kpop together/
ilkpop1112 #7
Chapter 24: I was actuallt expecting the Zinni and Hongbin couple...dang it
Chapter 22: Die??

aigoo... goodbye Ellin...

next chap....please :)
Chapter 21: I'm really surprised why there Zinni

your ff really really interesting
Trariza #10
Chapter 21: Update soon!!!!

I love breaking news especially with Jonghyun!!!!