Chapter 2: Before I leave

Eternally Love (A Twin Hearts Spin-Off)

   "Kwangmin, Jo Kwangmin," I say and smile at her. "So um... why are you getting married so early?" I ask her. She tilts her head to the side cutely and smiles at me.

   "Because he's going to Europe so he wanted to make sure that we get married first before we separate ways so that he'll be assured that I'll only be his. Besides, we're about to finish college anyway," she tells me as she sits down on the grass. I sit beside her and stare at her, observing her features. She's really beautiful and when she smiled earlier, she was even more beautiful. "But then on the way to the church, the driver of the car turned out to be drunk and he hit the truck in front of us. They weren't able to do anything to save me. The last thing I heard before I died was my mom telling me that it was gonna be alright. But it isn't," she continues as a teardrop rolls down her delicate face. I scoot closer to her and hug her.

   "I'm so sorry to hear that. Let's forget about the past okay? Let's move on together," I tell her, trying my best to comfort her. She looks up at me and wipes her tears away.

   "Did you leave someone you love too?" she asks.

   "But I'm happy now because I know she's in good hands. I know that my twin brother will care and treasure her. I let go of her before I died so it kinda made me less burdened. I wish I could've done something more for my brother though. He deserves so much more than just me letting go of my love," I tell her. I think of Youngmin-hyung again. I look above and close my eyes. Youngmin-hyung, I hope you're doing well right now. Take care of _______, okay? Don't make her cry and shower her with your love. If you guys are happy then I'll be happy here too. And you know what hyung? I think I have to make someone happy again. I think I made the right decision, huh? Maybe I died for a reason; I died so that I could make this girl beside me happy. It was as if I'm talking to Youngmin. Could he possibly hear my thoughts?

   "You looked so peaceful back there, Kwangmin-ssi. You must be talking to your twin?" Seol asks me and she giggles a little. She's so cute. "You know, I think that we have the ability to talk to people on Earth with our thoughts. I believe that they can hear our thoughts. So, in a way we are able to converse with them. It's like we're their conscience or something." 

   "I think so too," I tell her and smile.


   Later that night (not really night; it wasn't dark at all. The sky was just orange), someone who seemed like the leader of the people here in the afterlife calls our attention. Seol and I walk together to see what the leader wanted to tell all of us. When we reached the area where there was a crowd, we sat down together on the grass. The leader started talking.

   "Most of you are newcomers in the 'afterlife,'" he starts as he smiles at all of us warmly. Most? "Some souls have already accepted their fate and moved on to the real afterlife. This place, where all of you are at right now, is just the pre-afterlife. Before you can move on to the afterlife, you have to accept that you've really died and you have no more reason to be lingering around. You have to accept that you're already resting in peace. Up until the day you accept that, you'll be stuck in here. You may be wondering what I'm still doing here, right? I'm the leader here. I was the very first one to have come here so I was assigned to take care of new souls and tell them to move on. Up until everyone here leaves, that's when I can finally leave too and a new generation and new leader will come here and do the same and it goes on and on," he continues. Someone raises her hand. "Yes?"

   "Then... when we accept our fate and move on to the 'afterlife' then um... do we still get to see each other?" the girl asks. She's pale but I could see that she's going to grow up as a beautiful lady someday. Well, she would've if she didn't die. I suddenly feel sadness in my dead heart.

   "There's a possibility," the leader says and grins. "It all depends, to be honest. But there's a huge chance that you'll never see each other again after you've moved on," he adds. My eyes widen at the revelation and turn to look at Seol beside me. She was intently listening to the leader speak. If I move on then I won't be able to see Seol ever again. We'll be separated forever. There's a huge chance of that happening. I raise my hand.

   "But there's also a chance that we'll still see each other?" I ask.

   "Like I said, there's a possibility. But that possibility is a very small percentage that can occur," the leader answers. "If there are any other questions, feel free to ask me. I'll just be sitting under the tree. You're dismissed," he says and all of us scatter.


   "So when you move on Kwangmin-ssi, we might not be able to see each other again huh?" Seol says as we walk around the area. It's so beautiful and peaceful in here. Can we just stay in here forever?

   "But I believe we will still see each other," I tell her and smile at her. She nods in agreement and I'm glad she did.

   "I wonder what it is like there," she tells me as she puts a finger on her chin, tapping it slightly.

   "But before I leave and move on... I want to do something first," I tell her. She looks at me, her eyes twinkling. She's too beautiful. The guy she was supposed to marry must've felt so lucky. I feel sorry for him though.

   "What is it?" she asks me excitedly. I look at her and put a hand on her shoulder which startles her. "H..huh?"

   "I want to make you happy, Seol-ah. I want to be able to make you express yourself and be happy. At least after that, when I leave... I'll be assured that you're going to be fine. I'll be assured that there's no more pain inside of you," I tell her sincerely. Then she blushes.

KwangSeol Corner #1

Junssi: Omo hahahaaha. Why is this story so boring TT________TT mian~ how do you like Kwangmin's personality here though? :P

Kwangmin: Still handsome ;)

Seol: Aish.. so conceited ><

Kwangmin: Just sayin' *kisses her cheeks*

Seol: Yah the readers can see you >///<

Junssi: Wahahaha you guys are already sweet but your romantic relationship in the story didn't even start yet. At least not for Seol-ssi XD

Kwangmin: :( fine. *pouts* I'll reply to the readers since this is MY story *mehrong*

Seol: *hits his head* it's author-nim's, not yours. You're just part of this story, pabo -________-

Kwangmin: Fine, fine. Whatever :< you didn't have to hit me though :\

Junssi: And doesn't the moving on and accepting your fate thingy sound familiar? ;) For Otakus (and those who love Angel Beats like I do XD) for sure you'll get it :P so you could say that this was kinda inspired by that anime. There's no war thing here though and stuff XD I recommend you guys to watch that, okay? It'll seriously make you cry x3

Kwangmin: And here she goes... advertising an anime -________-

Seol: You know Kwangminchu, you should be the kind twin. Why are you turning into your brother? -.-

Kwangmin: You know my bro? :O!

SeolSsi: -______- just reply. Ppalli~

Kwangmin: Fine fine *pouts*

@iloveyou06→ annyeong! ^^ kekeke. Of course I'm sweet ♥~ Yeahp, I definitely found my happiness ;) here she is *puts an arm around Seol*

Seol: A..annyeong Bea-ssi *bow bow* you're his twinnie's gf, right?  :D

Junssi: Seol-ssi is shy. So adorable :3 thank you unnie~~ ^^

Kwangmin: Am I not adorable? -___-

@wendyho→ Hahaha we'll see ;) What'dya think dear? :>

@mimicry→ here's another chappie x3 author-nim says thanks :D!

Junssi: Oyyy you don't literally mean that you're replying on all the comments, are you? -____- let Seol-ssi reply too.. aish, this kid.. -____-

Kwangmin: Arasseo, arasseo. Aish >< *mumbles* Youngmin-hyung is right. She's.. so.. -_____________-

Seol: Hahaha thank you author-nim :D

@Aoi101→ omo! ANNYEONG! you're my mommy :3 since you were the one who gave me a name. Hahaha~♥ thank youuuuuuu so much :D Here's an update ^^

Junssi: You're welcome Aoi101-unnie :D err.. I mean, Seollie-unnie :D♥

Seol: My mommy has almost the same name as me :3♥ kekeke~

@MaeYoung04→ do you like how author-nim writes it in Kwangminchu's POV? :D

Kwangmin: Of course coz I'm awesome :P Right MaeYoung04-ssi? :D

Seol: I said author-nim, not you -____- aish, forever taking credits. :|

@Vivianluvjapan→ gomawo ^^ *bow bow*

Kwangmin: Yaaaaah you leading lady, lemme reply now >:P

Seol: Fine. Sheeesh -________-

Junssi: It gives me a feeling of Youngminx________ LQ in Twin Hearts. Hahahaha!

Kwangmin: You really are weird author-nim. -_____- I think you deserve the "4D" title. *mehrong*

@xxMikixx→ thanks for celebrating for me ^o^ hope you're enjoying my POVs so far ;)

@Taolowan→ tell that to author-nim -_____- she won't listen. Tch. Hahaha anyway thank youuu~♥

Junssi: Fine, put all the blame on me Kwangmin! HMPH! <___<

Seol: Hahaha poor author-nim. She has to go through all of this again xD Don't worry author-nim it's just for a while :3

Junssi: Well it's okay :D at least Seol-ssi is here to protect me from that slowly-turning-meanie-Kwangmin xP

Kwangmin: *ignores me* well, anyway please comment and Subscribe to Story! ^^

Junssi: Mianhae for any grammatical errors and/or typos made. I won't be re-reading this :)) I'm too lazy x3 mian~

Seol: And ↑Upvote lots okay? Chapter 3 will be updated if this fic. receives 15-20 votes. :P Yeah, author-nim is being evil now and making conditions -___-

Junssi: And now I'll also bring back my old rule (I used this rule when I used to write fics. about PPop hahaha XD): NO SILENT READERS PLEASE. Gomawo *bow bow*

KwangSeol: Ppyong! We love you guys but we love each other more. Kekeke!♥

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Chapter 5: I miss your writing so much..... I felt like crying when I read this... oh my... control.. control... huhu~~
zyrazain #2
Chapter 2: just start.. but still remember the twin hearts :'(. thank you for making this spin off.. i'll read until end...
Chapter 5: I thought this was a nice Epilogue!
I'm so glad Seol and Kwangmin remember eachother! XD
Chapter 5: it's so nice !! <3 i hope kwangmin would do his job properly :) i'm not quite satisfied actually cuz kwangmin didn't end up with me (T.T) but at least he's happy xD hahah
Chapter 5: That's so relieve & i'm satisfied with it :) Kwangmin,do your mission properly this time..gomawo saengie for this amazing update ^O^
Chapter 5: Thanks for writing!!!! It's really satisfying!!! ^^
Chapter 5: I love this! OMG! T___T seems like Kwangminnie ended up meeting Seol again afterall~~~ AHHHH~~~ this is so sweeet~ good job Junssi!!!! *hugs*
Chapter 4: I love this... I miss you Junssi.. and Happy Belated birthday to Jo Twins.. I'm really sorry because I've been missing for the whole April.. I miss AFF.. ^___^
Chapter 4: i really really really really really wish that you could write an epilogue !! and don't say it's the worst ending you've written ! it's really nice though i'm kinda unsatisfied ._. sorry ~ an epilogue will satisfy me ~ :) I really love twins heart and eternally love! you're story is daebak ! hwaiting author-nim!!!