M e e t i n g t h e G u y s

Until Infinity Runs Out



Lee Minhye’s POV

               It’s been two weeks. Two freakin’ weeks since I’ve arrived here in Seoul. And today, is officially the start of classes. I’m now a junior! Isn’t that cool? Just one more year and I’ll soon be off to college! Hurray!

               But the thing is… these past two weeks, I felt that Luhan has been avoiding me. It started when he came to know that I’m THE Lee Minhye, his living nightmare when he was little. At that moment, he suddenly dashed off the door even without his shirt on! The nerve of that guy! First, he called me a chick. Secondly, he didn’t even greet me or say hello! And he even ran away from me! And then for the next few days, he stayed outside the whole time, and will only be back for bedtime. I don’t know what’s with him, though. If he doesn’t like me, then I wouldn’t like him too. I mean, do unto others what you want others do unto you right? Well, that’s not gonna be real easy. But for now, I’ll focus on my studies first. Luhan first! I mean noo--- studies first. Studies. Studies. L ---- ugh STUDIES.

               I started making my way towards SM Academy. By the way, it’s just a few blocks away from Luhan’s house.

               Humming my favorite song, I trudged my way towards the gate. Then suddenly ----


               I was hit by something hard on the head. Dizziness started to sink in, and my vision turned a little blurry. Nice welcome, Minhye. Nice welcome.

               I stood up slowly because I heard snickers behind my back. Looking around, I saw 11 good looking boys. Well, Luhan is still better, btw. Some were laughing hard, others were silently giggling to themselves, and others… well just looking around and not minding me at all. One of them was spacing out. He had a nice dimple, by the way. He looks familiar, though. Have I seen him somewhere before? He was looking at something behind my foot. Looking down, I saw a soccer ball. So I was hit by a soccer ball. Minhye, you’re really lucky today. But darn, aren’t these guys just cruel? They didn’t even apologize to me. These berks! Berks are equal to Big jERKS, just so you know.

               By just using my feet, I swiftly got the soccer ball and aimed it at the bun-like person, who looked like he was really happy that I got hit.  My instincts told me that he was the one who had hit me with the ball. With my fast moves, I threw the ball right at his head.

               “Ouch!” The bun-like guy suddenly shrieked. I smirked hard.

               “YOU! Why did you hit our friend here, huh? Who do you think are you?! Do you even know us?! HUH! Are you trying to pick up a fight, huh?” A tall boy with a derp face and a relatively low voice screamed as he approached me.

               “He hit me first. That was just payback.” I responded, taking small, slow steps towards him.

               “And for your information, I’m Lee Minhye, a new kid here. So I obviously don’t know who you guys are.” I added, and gave him a look. I was about to tell them that I don’t really care about them…



               But suddenly, I heard a very familiar voice.

               “HEY GUYS I’M SORRY I’M LATE!”

               I immediately looked towards the direction of the voice and I finally gave a grin for the first time today.

               Luhan. We are going to study together, just like the old times.



Luhan’s POV

               “. I’m in deep if I’m late.”

               I mumbled, as I fastened my way towards the school. I let out a sigh as I finally reached the front gates. Oh, the guys are already there!

               “HEY GUYS! I’M SORRY I’M LATE!”

               I screamed. As I made my way towards them, I saw another familiar, yet ugly face. Ugh fark it, why is today so unlucky? I didn’t just catch the attention of my 11 best friends, but also another person’s. And that person is… *insert drum roll here* THE Lee Minhye. That nightmare. And the biggest question of the day… WHY IS SHE STUDYING HERE? OH MY LIFE FOREVER. This is going to be a long, sad, annoying school year.



Lee Minhye’s POV            

               “Luhan!” I immediately smiled and waved at him.

               And like the usual, I got no response.

               “You know Luhan?” The tall derpy guy asked me.

               “Yup. We’re living together.” I replied and gave him a smile.

               All of the 11 boys gasped in return. Even the bun-like guy gasped loudly, though he was still in pain.

               “Ugh cut it out Minhye!” Luhan suddenly shouted.

               “So Luhannie has a girlfriend already?” A short guy who had a large amount of eyeliner on his eyes asked him. I would like that. I mean, I’d like to be his girlfriend. Wait, of course I was joking. Studies first, right?

               Luhan violently shook his head and shouted, “No! No way in hell. No. Not ever.”

               So I guess it’s still the same as before. He didn’t have to be so frank you know!

               “Then why are you living with her together, ge?” Another one asked. That guy clearly resembled a panda. Ugh, why are these guys so familiar to me?

               “Tao! Don’t tell me you don’t remember her.” Luhan replied and furrowed his eyebrows at him. Wait.. Tao? As in Zitao?

               “ZITAO GE?” I screamed, and ran forward to hug him.

               “ZITAO GE!” I let out another scream as I hug him hard. Huang Zitao has been my favorite gege ever since I was little. Well, aside from Luhan, of course. And I was the only one who calls him by his first name, Zitao.

               “MINMIN?” He shouted back, as his eyes widen in realization. I nodded and hugged him tighter. “I missed you, Zitao ge!”

            “You’re finally back, Minmin! I missed you!” He replied as he returned my hug. I broke the hug and turned towards the other members.

               “So if you are Huang Zitao, then the guy who I hit with the soccer ball earlier was Baozi?” I asked Tao, and then pointed at the bun-like person.

               “Yup, yup.”

               “Then this guy---“, I pointed to the guy who had a protruding jawline “is Chen Potter?”

               Tao nodded again.

               “And the guy who was spacing out and had dimples was Yixing?” I asked Tao once more. And for the third time, he nodded again.

               “But wait… where’s that giant Wu YiFan?” I asked Tao and I scan the faces of other boys. Tao let out a small giggle as someone faked a cough.

               And apparently, that someone really had handsome features… and was really tall. Wait. TALL?

               “Don’t tell me… you’re Wu Yi Fan?” I asked the tall guy who looked like he came out from a manga.

               That guy slowly nodded and I immediately shook my head.

               “No, no! That cannot be. You don’t look like the weird Yi Fan at all!” I shrieked, and the other guys all laughed in return!

               “And who are these people, Tao?” I asked him once more.

               “Minmin-ah, it’s about time you meet the rest of the members of EXO.” Tao replied.



Word Count: 1,213

               Hey guysss! I’m back with the second chapter! Hihi, it’s been a few weeks! I was really busy these past weeks so I haven’t had enough time to update. And probably… lack of inspiration? No one even send in comments or suggestions for these fic. :( *sighs* Should I even continue this?


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First chapter posted! :3


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Butterfly19 #1
Chapter 2: Awww, of course you should~ Your story's good~ Keep it up! :D I like it~ Would like it if you continue the story :)