B a c k t o K o r e a

Until Infinity Runs Out



Lee Minhye’s POV

               “Excuse me, Miss. Miss? Miss?”

                Ugh what is that noise?

               “Miss, please wake up. We have safely landed at Incheon Airport.” Nudge. Another nudge. And another nudge. Ugh who is that person?

               “10 minutes more, please?” I groaned, and turned my way back from the person nudging me.

               “Miss, we’re in Incheon now! Please wake up!”  This time, the nudging gets harder and harder. Aish.

               “Fine, fine. Look, I’m awake now!”, I said as I sat up straight. Pain suddenly shot through my head. Dang. This is why I hate sleeping on those airplane seats! No matter what, they’re very uncomfortable for me.

               After fixing myself, I stood up and bid my apologies to the stewardess. She smiled back and told me that it’s okay. Bowing, I said goodbye and made my way towards the exit of the plane. Getting out, the fresh air of South Korea greeted me.

               “I am finally back. Luhan oppa, you must have waited long, huh? You must be missing me. ” I mumbled towards myself. “Because I missed you like hell.”




        After getting my luggage, I saw two people frantically holding a banner with my name on it. That must be Mr. and Mrs. Lu. It’s been long since I saw them. Smiling, I trudged my way towards them.

               “Ermm, uhh, I…”, I silently mumbled.

               “Minhye-ah! I missed yooooou!”, Mrs. Lu suddenly shouted, enveloping me in a bear hug. I laughed silently and I hugged her back. Mr. Lu, on the other hand, patted my head before giving me a short hug.

               “I missed you too, Mrs. Lu! And as well as you, ahjusshi!”

               “Noooooo! Why are you like that Minhye-ah?! When you were still little, you loved calling us Mom and Dad!”, Mrs. Lu replied, a frown slowly becoming visible on her face.

               “But it’s a little embarrassing, Mrs. Lu! I was a little kid back then.”, I softly replied.

               “No buts! You are going to call me mom. And this person here,” Mrs. Lu said as he dragged Mr. Lu by the collar, “will be your dad.”

               “Besides, your parents are not with you right now. So it’s just right that you call us Mom and Dad.”, Mr. Lu added.

               “If you say so, Mom and Dad.”, I replied, giving them a big smile.

               “Let’s go now! Luhan must be waiting!”, Mrs. Lu said, as she dragged me outside. At the sound of Luhan’s name, I felt beads running down my forehead. Unknowingly, a smile crept us my face.

               *They never really changed.*





               After about an hour, we have finally arrived at Gangnam. As their house entered my line of vision, a wave of nostalgia came over me. Memories started flooding back. I remembered how I irked Luhan a lot by telling him that he’s my prince and that I’m his princess. Does Luhan still remember me? How does he look like now? I’m pretty sure he grew up handsomely, mainly because he was Luhan, of course. It was already a given.

              “Minhye-ah, come out now. We’re here.” Mrs. Lu said, as she opened the door for me.

               “Neh. Thank you very much Mrs. Lu, oh, I mean Mom.” I replied, earning a chuckle from Mr. Lu.

               “Luhan must be inside now. Let’s go! I’m sure you’re dying to see him already.” Mrs. Lu continued, winking at me. My face flushed at the mention of his name.

               *In a few seconds… I would finally see Luhan. I’m… I’m nervous.*

               “Don’t be nervous, Minhye-ah, I’m pretty sure Luhan is excited to see you too.” Mrs. Lu added, and the color of my cheeks rose up even more.

               Mrs. Lu held my hands and we entered the house together. Mr. Lu stayed behind to get my things. As we were walking, someone trudged down the stairs. I looked up and saw a blonde boy with a baby face. Dang! He’s so---

               “YAH LUHAN HOW MANY TIMES DID I TELL YOU NOT TO WALK AROUND SHIRTLESS LIKE THAT?” Mrs. Lu suddenly shrieked. And that’s when a sense of realization hit me. That blonde guy whom I thought was hot was Luhan? My eyes almost bulged out of its sockets. I know he’ll get handsome but I never thought he’d get this hot!

               I immediately looked away and turned my back from him.

               “Mom, who is that chick with you?” Luhan suddenly said and whistled.

               *I am a chick? Dang, do I look like a chicken to him now? I am not a chick!*

               “Luhan, how many times did I told you not to hit on a girl?!” Mrs. Lu shouted once more.

               I felt her presence slowly drifting away from me. After a few seconds, I heard Luhan shouting.



“Ouch! Mom stop it! It hurts! Ouch! Awww!”

               I looked at them and saw Mrs. Lu hitting Luhan with her handbag.

               “You boy! You are embarrassing me in front of our guest!” Mrs. Lu continued, as she hit Luhan for a few more times. It was cute watching them like this.

               I sent out a few muffled giggles and Luhan immediately looked at me.

               “Mom, I asked you who that chick was!” Luhan asked Mrs. Lu as he pointed at me. *I told you I’m not some chick!*

               “She’s the one who’ll teach you your lesson, Luhan. Do you still remember her? Park Minhye? Does her name ring a bell?” Mrs. Lu replied, sending out a smirk at Luhan who was dumbfounded at the moment. He gave me a glance again and soon, his eyes went round.





               “Yes. I’m THAT Park Minhye. Did you miss me, Luhan oppa?” I replied back, giving him another smirk. And I swear at that very moment.... Luhan was about to faint.





Word Count: 972

AYOOO WASSUUUP! The first chapter was finally posted! How was it? It was little short. Sorry! And oh! I wanna thank my early subscribers! Teehee! You guys are soooo jjang! <3 And to those people out there, please subscribe now too! :> And don’t forget to upvote and give your comments! 


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First chapter posted! :3


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Butterfly19 #1
Chapter 2: Awww, of course you should~ Your story's good~ Keep it up! :D I like it~ Would like it if you continue the story :)