3 for Trouble + 1


Title: 3 for Trouble + 1

Pairing: KwangminOC

Genre: Romance, Humor, Fluff, Action, Chaptered


Boyfriend is getting ever more popular, which is great, but also has it's downsides. That, for example, being a well-thought-out 'attack' on Minwoo by some crazy fangirls! Luckily, such situations can easily be solved, or so their manager says; however, they have mixed feelings about having three personal guards! Imagining the possible people they would have to deal with on a daily basis, they grow worried...

That is until they actually meet the three guards.


Then they realize, that their imagination was all too wrong, and not really in the bestest of ways...




OC Characters:


Park Rin Na

Rin Na is more girlish than most of her friends (consisting of Judy and Ivan), but she not as good at fighting-- not that she's bad, she's just not as strong. However, she's good at socializing and actually a really caring and loving person. Sometimes she might come off as shy, but mostly she's pretty outgoing. She's kinda gullible, but not stupid. Her and Judy has been best friends for a long time, and she trusts Judy with everything.



Judy is Rin Na's best friend and Ivan's girlfriend. She's not at all the social type and she doesen't speak a lot. However, she can be heard speaking more, when Rin Na is around. She's quite the fighter and a weapons expert, but isn't aggressive. In most situations, she likes to have Rin Na speak for her, as she really hates having to chit-chat.



Ivan is Judy's boyfriend, and he considers himself the protector of both Judy and Rin Na. He doesn't hate people, as long as he don't have to talk too much with them. He is even quiter than Judy, but he isn't really scary (at least not as scary as in that picture XD) until you threaten him or someone else. He likes to keep in the background and just observe people, since he doesn't understand many things poeple do and thus finds it interesting. 



Jello :3

This is my first fanfiction on asianfanfics.com, hurray! :D 

Anyways, I've really felt a little weird about the whole idea of writing about real, existing people... But then I decided to try, and this is turning out to be really fun ^_^ And so, I'm just testing this... don't be too hard on me, I'm a person (which means mistakes... lots of them XD) and this IS my first try... 

I feel like I'm begging for mercy or something XD

Oh yeah, and this is an OCXKwangmin (the OC being something like representing you, maybe...?), just for the record.

Well, good luck reading and critism ect. is totally OK (just don't flame me T__T)

Bye bye!


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