Part 3

Airports and Bookstores

"So you do this once a week, right?"



"I told you why."

"Because you want to go somewhere new."


Chanyeol kept his promise and took Wufan with him to the airport Tuesday. The two tall men are seating near one of the busiest gates at the moment, they idly chat with each other for a bit. Wufan making improper comments about some the passengers who walked by, and Chanyeol only nodding his head. Chanyeol was more interested in observing the crowd today. So far it was the norm, bustling couples, tantrum-throwing kids, and angered individuals. The most entertaining sight the two had seen so far was a woman suddenly screech and slap a man in the face. Wufan practicularly liked that one.

Wufan glances at Chanyeol, who is currently staring at an affectionate couple. "Why stare at the people then?"

Chanyeol faces Wufan, a quizical look staining his face. "What do you mean?"

"Like...if you want to go somewhere new, why not stare at the planes?" Wufan leans forward and rests both arms on his legs, interlocking his own fingers together. 

Chanyeol shrugs and looks back at the couple. Obviously newlyweds, Chanyeol thinks. "I like to the see the excitement on their faces, it makes me feel excited as well." 

Chanyeol can see through his peripheral vision a small smile on Wufan's lips, "It doesn't really answer my question though, I would think the planes make you feel excited instead of the people. The passangers would make me feel jealous, to be honest." 

Chanyeol didn't say anything afterwards, only staring now at the newlywed couple in front of him, a small smile tugging at his lips. Yes he did at times feel jealous and envious that others had the luxury of going somewhere, or were forced to go somewhere they didn't want to go; but...he feels happy for them. He can't exactly explain it, even if he knows the passangers riding in coach are dreading the uncomfortable and small space of the seating, having to sleep in a weird position, while the ones in first-class are lounging around and taking advantage of their decently sized peronsal space. And once they finally arrive at their destination, they'd feel the relief of getting to stretch their arms and legs but then realizing they would have to go thorough the hassle of fetching their luaggage. Once they finally got everything, they would then the excitment would finally bubble up in their stomachs as stepped out into the new and foreign place, or have the feeling of nostalgic cloud their emotions. Chanyeol wouldn't mind at all if he had the chance to experience this, even if it causes him headache.

A small sigh escapes from Chanyeol's lips, failing to notice how it got Wufan's attention, his gaze lingering on Chanyeol before he speaks up, "Let's go watch the ariplance take off."

Chanyeol blinks rapidly at the suddnly intrusion of his voice, his words registering in his mind. "Y-Yeah, let's go." 

The two men swiftly got up, Chanyeol already making his way towards the large window overseeing the runway with Wufan right by his side. The back of their hands brushing against each other, sending small sparks up his arm and the faint feel of butterflies swarming in the pit of his stomach. A light rosy blush painted Chanyeol's cheeks as he hastily shoved this hands into the pockets of this jacket, still feeling the warmth of Wufan, the smallest part of him craving for more of his touch. He fails again to notice the tiny smirk on Wufan's face as he glances at Chanyeol.

The two arrive at the large window, Chanyeol leaning his arms against the railing as Wufan only stands with his pocket in this hands. 

"How was the flight from China?" Chanyeol suddenly asks, geniuely curious from the others experience.

" was a pain in the . Getting a visa to stay here was a hassle, having to find a arrangements to live here was also a hassle but it's turning great afterall," Another victorious smirk covers on Wufan lips as he steals a glance at a flustered Chanyeol scratching the back of his red ear. Wufan continues smoothly,"Other than going through the long hours of checking my luggage in, airport security, my flight being delayed for 3 hours, having to seat next to a overly flirtacious woman," Chanyeol couldn't help but snicker at the remark, "sleeping in the weirdest position, and having to plastic-tasing food, I have a feeling it'll be while worth it." Wufan's gummy smile making an appearance on his pink and small lips as he turns to look at Chanyeol.

Chanyeol regrets having to tare his gaze from out the window as his eyes land on a smile that makes his heart skip a beat or two and the butterflies returning stronger than ever. Chanyeol splutters and coughs as turns to look back out the window, a finger nervously twirling a lock of his hair.

He feels Wufan move closer to him, "You okay there?" A teasing tone evident in his voice, but Chanyeol was too focused on the imprint of Wufan's smile in his mind. 

"I'm f-fine!"" He manages to say, hearing the roar of the plane come to life. "It's finally going to take off." Quickly changing the subject as he moves away from Wufan. 

Wufan merly dismisses it as he inches closer to Chanyeol, his gaze never leaving Chanyeol's face; not wanting to miss a moment of how his expression would change. "I can't wait." 

Chanyeol felt the bore of his eyes into the side of his face, refusing to look at him as he watches the place take off. A solemn expression overtakes his face, momentarily forgetting the curious stare of the other, "I hope you have fun, where ever you're going." He softly says. Chanyeol then suddenly feels a warm pair of lips press against his cheek, he freezes with wide eyes. His senses now heightened of how aware he feels Wufan next to him, the softness of the lips, his breathing tickling Chanyeol, the warmth of his body emitting Wufan like the time they both  laid on the mattress, it all comes crashing down on him. 

His reaction is a second to late as Wufan steals another kiss from his cheek, and Chanyeol can feel the smile against him. He yelps as he covers his cheek and moves as far away from Wufan as possible, a harsh red blush bleeding into his cheeks along with his elf-like ears, which Wufan found in that moment adorable.

"Wh-What do y-you think you're d-doing?!" Chanyeol yells a tad too loud, earning him a few questioning glances from those around the two. 

Wufan is unfazed from the reaction, "It fit the moment." Mischeif swirling around in his eyes.

Chanyeol splutters, "You can-can't just do t-that in pub-public though!" I've only met this guy not that long ago, he screams internally. 

Wufan raises an eyebrow, "So I can do it in private then? Even more fun." Wufan's laugh makes Chanyeol heart beat much faster than he'd like it too.

"Shut it! I didn't mean it that way either! And I don't like it when people play around with me or my feelings..." Chanyeol mumbled the last bit to himself; although, Wufan still catches it. 

He walks towards Chanyeol slowly, hoping not to alarm him. "Who said I was playing around?" 

Chanyeol prepared to fireback, but Wufan all to to quickly turns around and starts walking ahead. "Come on, I'm hungry. Let's head back."

Chanyeol stands rooted in place, his hand still covering his blushing cheek as he watches Wufan's retreating figure. After a few seconds, he hurridely catches up with other.

The nerve of this guy! He better not do it again! Chanyeol's fingers lightly brushing against his cheek.


guess who finally decided to update? ; u ; I had lost my feel for this story but suddenly struck up some inspiration after like forever. I hoped you liked it, and I think this story deseveres a squel! So expect one coming up a bit~ oh and I have another Krisyeol fanfic, if you're interested (which I haven't updated in awhile since I'm stuck -_-) so you can read that while I'm thinking of a squel for this one! Thank you all for reading~~ and i love you :D

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Ayangyeng #1
Where is the sequel authornim? I just found dis fic... Its soo soo good!
nycbean #2
Chapter 3: I love this! The pace was great. Just keep writing like this, don't worry about it being too slow. I hate it when fics escalate too quickly, but this was not too slow and not too fast either, plus fairly well written (a few grammar errors here and there), a good plot and a nice addition of the other EXO members as cameos (although I'm deadly curious over who Baekhyun was ogling over~). I enjoyed reading this and I hope there is a sequel! I'll definitely read it.
Chapter 3: Ojojohkjkhk~~~ Im looking forward to the sequel 》~ ♥ ♥
onkeyslove #4
Chapter 3: they kiss they kiss!!!! hahahaha
Haneen #5
Chapter 3: Omg u updated ;3; hmmm idk honestly i think this one needs more chapters before u start the sequel right? I would like to know if threres any hidden meaning of what chanyeols said "i dont like it when ppl play around with me or my feelings "

Anyway suit ur self and do whatever beautiful thing u woulD do ;A;/ّ
Chapter 2: AWW!!! Kris is starting to like twilight (Chanyeol)!
onkeyslove #7
Chapter 2: this is so soft..uh i dunno what should i tell you but i like this. it feels so real :)
Chapter 1: Adgjkkhgffg chapter was cute. Haha d.o and kai XD and the ending ♥
Chapter 2: I really like it, I can y
Tell they have feelings for each other^^