Part 1

Airports and Bookstores


Chanyeol doesn't know why the airport soothes him like a lullaby. The hustle and bustle of the murmuring crowd keeps him occupied of where people plan to fly to. The pit-pat and click-clack of shoes washes over him, along with smell of used and brand new suitcases.
He observers his surroundings. Lines upon lines of ratty childern and exasperated adults waiting to board the plane, young couples swerving through the crowd in order to not miss their flight, sounds of hushed snores and sighs behind him. It seems...calming to him.
And Chanyeol can't explain it. Every Tuesday night he comes, sits, and observes. He sits in different places every time he comes since Chanyeol thinks it'd become boring if he keeps observing the same thing every Tuesday.Aafter his daily hour of just sitting, he picks a random gate to travel to, and admires from a window the plane taking off.
This is favorite part. Chanyeol loves the way plane creeps up the runway, the wings of plane slicing through air, the stars and moon shining down on the plane. He thought of the passengers inside. How some might be staring out their window and wondering what they should do the minute the plane lands. Others are too busy calming thier nerves down, hoping to god the plane doesn't go down.
And then there's Chanyeol: with one of his hands slightly touching the cold glass, his breath fogging up the glass every time he exhales, he longs to be on a plane. Every time he sees a plane disappear into the sky, he feels he should be the one on the plane. He wants to feel the excitement of packing his bags, the rush of buying his ticket, the anticipation as he waits to board, and the realization he is finally leaving this god forsaken place. 
But Chanyeol knows it's only a lustful dream. He doesn't have the money to leave, he has college to attend, and friends to please. He can't do it. Sometimes he thinks it's for the better he doesn't leave. Maybe there's a reason. Although the saying everything "happens for a reason" is complete bull to Chanyeol, but he likes to delude himself into thinking it's real.
The blaring of the intercom broke Chanyeol out of his thoughts. Flight A785 has been delayed for three hours. Chanyeol hears the groans and whines of many beside him. He checks the time, it's nine. Chanyeol decides it's time to go home, next week he'll be back.
Once again Chanyeol is at the airport. This time he observes in a more secluded area of the enormous building. He had wandered to the near back of the airport, and found a quiet section: it contains a small food court, two gift shops, a convience store, and a small book store. Chanyeol liked how small everything was and decided to sit in one of the many rows of chairs. 
He looks around. He sees a middle-aged couple bickering if they should order some food or not. A young woman tapping away at her cell phone. A family of five quietly sitting in front of him. Not much of a crowd, Chanyeol thinks. Nonetheless, Chanyeol enjoys it. He waits his daily hour and decides to mix it up a bit. He decides to go to the book store across from him.
The only thing Chanyeol loves more than airports is reading. He feels content as he enters the small book store. He finds he has the place all to himself, he didn't even see an employee at the check-out counter. A puzzled look acrosses Chanyeol's face, that's weird. He checks the door to see if maybe it was closed. No sign. Well, it can't be closed since the door was open. Chanyeol concludes.
He aimlessly wonders through the front of the bookstore for a bit, going up the row of mystery and ending with history. Nothing catches his eye, so he decides to go to the back. He finds that the back is a bit more interesting. It holds books ranging from the world of complicated poetry to the world of aliens. Ee stops somewhere in between the two worlds and settles there.
He looks up and down the aisle of books, until finally a book with a beige colored spine catches his eye. He grabs the book and stares at the title, In Search of Lost Time.
"I recommend that one."
With a quiet gasp, Chanyeol drops the book to ground. His eyes meet two honey colored eyes. A small chuckle leaves the strangers small and pink lips.
"I'm sorry," The stranger bends down picks up the book. "I didn't mean to scare you." He holds the book in front of chanyeol. "I'm Wufan, by the way." 
Chanyeol carefully takes the book from him and gives a small smile. Chanyeol has enough time to observe this Wufan: he has on a plain white t-shirt, with a pair of white washed tight jeans; his hair is a dull blonde color, with a few strikes of brown; his fringe slightly covering his left eye.
Chanyeol bowed. "It's okay, I didn't notice anybody here. I'm Chanyeol, it's nice to meet you."
Wufan's lips hold a small smile. "It's nice to meet you, Chanyeol."
It's now Saturday, and Chanyeol is hanging out at a nearby café in his town. His fingers drum against a book cover, eyes scanning the pink flower on the cover. It had been four days since he had met Wufan. And honestly, Chanyeol wanted for Tuesday to come faster.
After the introductions, Chanyeol had said he needed to go. He paid for the book and walked out. He had forgotten about the his daily ritual of viewing the planes and headed straight home. Since then, he hasn't gotten a chance to even read a page of the book. Chanyeol has carried it around with him everyday, but ne never opens the book.
So, as he waits for kyungsoo to finally show, he stares at the book cover and repeates the conversation in his mind. Twenty minutes later, Kyungsoo shows up with a unexpected Jongin.
"Oh my god, Chanyeol! I'm sorry we're late!" Kyungsoo puffs as he sits in front of chanyeol. His is shirt unbottoned from most of the top and his hair sticking out in all different directions.
Chanyeol glances at a smirking Jongin. "So sorry, Chan. Something came up."
Chanyeol's expression remains deadpan as he stares at jongin. "I'm sure it was very important," chanyeol says. "so, kyungsoo, why did you want to meet up?" Chanyeol sips from the iced coffee he had ordered eariler.
"'s a favor really." Chanyeol watches as Kyungsoo fidgets with the end of his shirt. "My cousin recently came in from China, but my house can't fit another person in it so..."
Chanyeol heaves a sighs, "So, you want me to take your cousin in?" Chanyeol finishes.
Kyungsoo shows an apologetic smile. "I contacted every family member I have, but nobody had room. You're my one friend I can trust with him." 
"...Alright. I guess it's fine." Chanyeol says, and offers a reassuring smile. "He'll be in good hands."
Sunday evening has dawned, and Chanyeol finished up cleaning his apartment. Since Chanyeol had agreed to take in Kyungsoo's cousin, Kyungsoo set the time where both could meet each other, and the cousin would be able to look at Chanyeol's apartment.
Chanyeol's apartment wasn't luxurious, but it was decent for a college student. It has one bedroom, so Chnayeol wondered how he was going to fit Kyungsoo's cousin. So he decided it would be best to buy an extra mattress to fit in his room. It has no frame but it would do for now. The only thing Chanyeol forgot to ask Kyungsoo is his cousin's name, and why he had come from China to Korea.
Chanyeol's doorbell rang. Chanyeol quickly looks in the mirror. He smoothes out his plaid shirt and runs his fingers through his hair rurly hair, trying to tame the his curls. He gives up and half runs to door, he opens the door and meets a pair of honey colored eyes.
A small chuckle emits to Chanyeol's ears. "Chanyeol, it's nice to see you again."
 a breathless "Wufan" leaves Chanyeol's mouth. "It's nice to see you again too."
"Kyungsoo never told me you were the cousin." Chanyeol says.
Chanyeol had given Wufan a short tour, since there isn't much to see. Wufan had complimented Chanyeol's apartment and said how grateful he is.  The two were now sitting on chanyeol's small couch. Chanyeol sits at the far right with his legs cross beneath him facing Wufan, and Wufan sits at the left with one his legs propped up on the coffee table.
"Kyungsoo never told you who I was, huh. Well he actually told me who you were, so I was prepared. It's a small world isn't?" 
Chanyeol nods, "it sure is..."
"Did you ever read the book?" Wufan asks. 
Chanyeol peers up at him and finds Wufan staring intently at Chanyeol. " I haven't gotten a chance to."
Wufan nods. "I hope you do read's a good book." A smile playing at his lips suddenly makes Chanyeol nervous.
"I do too."
I'll try to write the rest tomorrow~^^ 
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Ayangyeng #1
Where is the sequel authornim? I just found dis fic... Its soo soo good!
nycbean #2
Chapter 3: I love this! The pace was great. Just keep writing like this, don't worry about it being too slow. I hate it when fics escalate too quickly, but this was not too slow and not too fast either, plus fairly well written (a few grammar errors here and there), a good plot and a nice addition of the other EXO members as cameos (although I'm deadly curious over who Baekhyun was ogling over~). I enjoyed reading this and I hope there is a sequel! I'll definitely read it.
Chapter 3: Ojojohkjkhk~~~ Im looking forward to the sequel 》~ ♥ ♥
onkeyslove #4
Chapter 3: they kiss they kiss!!!! hahahaha
Haneen #5
Chapter 3: Omg u updated ;3; hmmm idk honestly i think this one needs more chapters before u start the sequel right? I would like to know if threres any hidden meaning of what chanyeols said "i dont like it when ppl play around with me or my feelings "

Anyway suit ur self and do whatever beautiful thing u woulD do ;A;/ّ
Chapter 2: AWW!!! Kris is starting to like twilight (Chanyeol)!
onkeyslove #7
Chapter 2: this is so soft..uh i dunno what should i tell you but i like this. it feels so real :)
Chapter 1: Adgjkkhgffg chapter was cute. Haha d.o and kai XD and the ending ♥
Chapter 2: I really like it, I can y
Tell they have feelings for each other^^