Chapter 6

Best Absolute Punks
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Zelo and Jongup were howling with laughter at the conversation that was taking place between Yongguk and Daehyun.

“So let me get this straight…you went uptown to get what?” asked Daehyun for what seemed to be the 600th time.

“…” Yongguk replied as he clenched his fists tightly.

“Why would you need to go uptown to get though? Aren’t there plenty of shops for that around your area?” asked Youngjae, equally as suspicious to Daehyun as to why Yongguk had taken the same bus as Eunsol.

“It’s better than the they sell around my area, so seeing as she was going that way too, I decided to take the bus to go uptown” Yongguk replied, he had no clue if that was actually true though, he had never been uptown for those purposes.

“You’ll have to take me sometime…” whispered Himchan into Yongguk’s ear.

“Y-yeah…sure” Yongguk smiled tightly, avoiding Daehyun’s interrogating gaze. They’d had been best friends for so long, they could tell when one another was lying instantly. But for some reason, they didn’t probe him even further on the issue.

“EUNSOL!” yelled Zelo as he saw her approaching B.A.P who happened to be loitering around in the corridors.

“Zelo-ah! You feeling better?” she asked, ruffling his hair playfully, even though she had to tiptoe because he was so freaking tall compared to her.

“Yeah, I feel fine, all thanks to you!” he trilled happily, as he linked arms with her.

“Pfft, what are you doing?” scoffed Yongguk when he noticed Zelo’s arm linked with Eunsol’s. “Eunsol is my new hero” Zelo announced as he looked at Eunsol with admiring eyes.

“It’s nothing really” blushed Eunsol completely thrown off guard by the sudden affection she was receiving by the lanky teenager.

“I thought you were amazing too” added Daehyun as he walked towards Eunsol, causing her blush to intensify even more.

“T-thanks…” she trailed sheepishly, not knowing where to look.

 “Why are you even here? I thought you didn’t like to be associated with thugs like us” Yongguk asked simply, as his annoyance increased watching his gang members fuss over Eunsol. He purposely put air quotations as he said the word ‘thug’.

“Yah, Yongguk don’t be like that…” complained Youngjae as he noticed Eunsol’s face drop suddenly.

“Actually, I’m here because I wanted to return this” she pulled the jean jacket from out of her bag, before ing it towards Yongguk, storming off without another word.

“Yongguk hyung! Don’t be so mean next time!” pouted Zelo as he watched Eunsol go.

“Yeah…that was a bit unnecessary…” Daehyun interjected, slightly annoyed with Yongguk, whilst Jongup nodd

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 7: Lol only a dirty dream.poor yongguk lol XD
Chapter 9: let's not fall in love lol
Chapter 7: that was a damn dream lol
Chapter 5: daehyun nice but no i ship her with yongguk lol
Chapter 1: you go girl XD
ok let's go
exo_dinka #7
leecika #8
Chapter 37: Great story! As much as I hated daehyun for being an at the beginning, although he's my bias, but to be honest, I was glad that he was. I couldn't bear the thought that one of them will end up having a heartache when their love wasn't reciprocated by her. Wow! I know that authornim spent quite some time with their story. But 205 hours? That was nearly 100 days?? Wow! I couldn't say anymore except, thank you so much for sharing! xoxo =)