Chapter 36: Final

Best Absolute Punks
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As per usual, the minute Yongguk had vented his impulsive angry words , he regretted it instantly. But he wanted Eunsol to show some interest in him, so until she decided to properly come to terms with her feelings he would just stay out of her way. Although he didn’t want things to go down like that, after holding her in his arms that night, he craved her constantly, but this was something she’d have to come to figure out by herself. The moment she was willing to accept her feeling, he would welcome her back into his arms.

Where she rightly belonged in his opinion.

‘This is so awkward’ Eunsol cringed to herself. It was the morning of Zelo and Jongup’s dance competition. But as she made her way from the bathroom, she bumped into Yongguk. He merely walked past her, not even meeting her eye contact.

He would crack if he saw the sad expression.

‘That girl really has softened me’ he cursed himself for falling so helplessly for her charms. Of course he didn’t mean it when he had told her to forget their relationship.

Their relationship had only just begun, after all the hardships they’d been through to get to where they were, he could only hope she’d accept her feelings for him quickly.  The gangs of the town would laugh if they knew he was weak at the knees for a girl.

But he would gladly lose pride if it meant he could have Eunsol.

“Yongguk hyung! Why aren’t you and noona talking? Are you guys fighting?” Hyunsik appeared in Yongguk’s room as he was changing his t-shirt. Hyunsik’s eyes widened in awe as he saw the muscles and six packs of his hyung. He had made it his goal in life to not only be a rapper, but also be exactly like Yongguk hyung when he was older. In Hyunsik’s eyes, Yongguk was one of the coolest guy he had ever met, perhaps even cooler than Jaehwa.

“Um…we just had a little disagreement” Yongguk had learnt to choose his words carefully when he was talking to Hyunsik. Little kids were much more sensitive, and he never ever wanted to see Hyunsik cry because of him. Not again. That time had been the first and definitely the last.

“But married couples are supposed to be happy together!” Hyunsik pouted, but giggled when he noticed Yongguk suddenly struggling to put his t-shirt on properly.

“What?! When did me and your sister get married?!” he sputtered in shock.

“Well…mother once told me that the boy isn’t allowed to see the girl before he gets married, you weren’t here a couple of days ago, and noona looked so pretty in her dress! So I thought you guys got married” Hyunsik’s face contorted with concentration as he recounted the night of senior prom from his perspective.

Then Yongguk did something unexpected.

He laughed hard.

Usually Yongguk only chuckled but Hyunsik had succeeded in making him gasp for air as he tried to regain composure.

“H-h-hyunsik….I-I…m-m-me and y-your s-sister a-aren’t m-m-m-arried” he stuttered, tears of laughter had formed in his eyes.

Not married yet anyways.

“Oh” Hyunsik decided to leave the room, his hyung was scaring him with the odd behaviour. As he walked down the hallway his noticed his sister.

“Yah Hyunsik, what’s the noise?”

“Yongguk hyung laughed at something I said…apparently you aren’t married to him” Hyunsik shrugged unsurely before making his way downstairs. Eunsol walked closer to Yongguk’s room and heard his laughter.

The deep melodious voice of Yongguk sounded beautiful when he laughed, and Eunsol felt her insides flutter.

She clutched her stomach just were she felt the butterflies. ‘Why do I always feel like this when I think about Yongguk?’ she mused as she made her way to her room to get changed, Zelo had begged her to come and watch and obviously she couldn’t refuse, even though she scowled at the time of him asking, she was secretly looking forward to it.  Her mind went straight back to Yongguk as she continued to get changed out of her pyjamas. His laughter was like sweet music to her ears, and she somehow wanted to hear it more. In fact, she actually wanted to be the reason he was laughing and smiling. ‘But why do I want to be the reason for his happiness so badly?’ she asked herself confusedly. There was only one reason right?

And it had finally dawned on her.

She didn’t just have a petty crush on Yongguk.

She was utterly in love with him.



Obviously Yongguk didn’t let Eunsol walk to school for the competition by herself. She was way too valuable to be let out of his sight.   Instead he walked behind her, leaving a few paces between them. He didn’t want to be enticed by her smell that he loved so much.

Once they’d taken their seats, Eunsol nearly began to hyperventilate, she could feel Yongguk’s knee touching hers as they sat in the hall waiting for the acts to come on stage. Jinyung was to the left of her, and the rest of the B.A.P boys had also made an appearance. Himchan oddly enough didn’t bring a date with him, whilst Youngjae and Daehyun had come together. Youngjae loved walking with Daehyun because it meant alone time with him, despite the fact his feelings were becoming harder to conceal. Even the dense Eunsol had managed to deduce the feelings Youngjae had for Daehyun. But for now, he was content with their friendship.

The dance competition soon got under way and Eunsol couldn’t help but grin at how fantastic Zelo and Jongup’s dance was. If Yongguk was talking to her she so would hav

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 7: Lol only a dirty dream.poor yongguk lol XD
Chapter 9: let's not fall in love lol
Chapter 7: that was a damn dream lol
Chapter 5: daehyun nice but no i ship her with yongguk lol
Chapter 1: you go girl XD
ok let's go
exo_dinka #7
leecika #8
Chapter 37: Great story! As much as I hated daehyun for being an at the beginning, although he's my bias, but to be honest, I was glad that he was. I couldn't bear the thought that one of them will end up having a heartache when their love wasn't reciprocated by her. Wow! I know that authornim spent quite some time with their story. But 205 hours? That was nearly 100 days?? Wow! I couldn't say anymore except, thank you so much for sharing! xoxo =)