Chapter 34

Best Absolute Punks
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“But…you…and then I was like practice…and you just said…but…you’re in love with me?” she squeaked, as she fumbled with her words.

Yongguk laughed as how flustered Eunsol was.

“Yeah, I’m in love with you” he admitted. It felt good for Yongguk to finally confess his feelings.


‘Guess Hyunsik was right, third time is a charm’. This time she had acknowledged it, and he was going to prom with her. Everything was just perfect.

“Since when…?” she whispered.

“Around the time it was Hyunsik’s birthday”

Eunsol stared at Yongguk in shock.

“Okay, I know I’m y and everything but can you please stop staring at me like that its kinda creepy” joked Yongguk, earning himself a slightly thump on the arm from Eunsol.

“Do you like me?” Although Yongguk already knew the answer from the confession before the amnesia incident, he still wanted to hear it from her.

She blushed before nodding her head. “Yeah, I do like you” she mumbled shyly.

Instantly, she found herself in a bone crushing hug, causing her to yelp.

“Yah! Monkey get off me!”

“S-sorry, I’ve been waiting so long for you to say that” he puffed his cheeks out cutely as he tried hard to not beam like a dork.

Eunsol rolled her eyes, but on the inside she was internally screaming.

“I think he confessed!” Jinyung squealed, as she hit Himchan who was sitting next to her, in excitement.

“Yeah I think he did!” Himchan was too busy freaking out equally as much as Jinyung to care about the pain of being hit.

‘They’re acting like they’re their parents or something’ Jongup thought silently to himself as he watched his girlfriend in amusement.

“Finally” sighed Daehyun happily.

“Now it’s just you hyung who has to confess” whispered Zelo to Youngjae.

“What?! You like someone?!” Daehyun asked in shock, as he heard the whispering.

Youngjae stiffened.

“Who is it?” Daehyun probed curiously.

“N-no one” Youngjae stammered. What was he supposed to say? He couldn’t exactly admit he had feelings for Daehyun, there was no way Daehyun would return the feelings, and the thought of losing such a good friendship made him just crumble.

Jongup and Himchan looked at Youngjae sympathetically.

Jinyung had gotten up, and stamped her foot.

All of the guy looked up at her curiously. “What’s up Jinyung-ah?” Jongup asked worried.

“Me and Eunsol need to go and buy dresses. You guys need to go take Yongguk and make him presentable!” she announced.

They continued to gawp at her.

“So after school, take him to the mall”

They all agreed, before starting to make their ways to class. Eunsol and Yongguk had also decided to do the same, who knows if they were officially boyfriend and girlfriend yet? Thankfully they hadn’t noticed their spying friends.

As everyone began to disperse, Youngjae tugged slightly on Jinyung’s arm.

“Thanks…” he mumbled. Maybe it wasn’t so obvious to the other boys, but Youngjae could tell Jinyung had suddenly caused a commotion to stop Daehyun from probing him.

She smiled warmly at the embarrassed boy.

“It’s hard to have the person you like ask you who your crush is” she whispered sympathetically.

Obviously Jongup had told her about Youngjae having a crush on Daehyun.

“Don’t lose hope” she patted his shoulder before catching up with Jongup, as they made their way to classes.



“You lied to me! You told me we came to get ice cream!” Eunsol was whining profusely at the sly trickery of Jinyung. By fooling her into coming to the mall for ice cream, she had successfully managed to drag her for the ultimate prom preparation.

“Come on, you know you can’t stay angry at me” Jinyung waved her hand dismissively, whilst continuing to browse the rack of dresses in the boutique.

Eunsol didn’t have a response to that. It was true. Ji

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 7: Lol only a dirty dream.poor yongguk lol XD
Chapter 9: let's not fall in love lol
Chapter 7: that was a damn dream lol
Chapter 5: daehyun nice but no i ship her with yongguk lol
Chapter 1: you go girl XD
ok let's go
exo_dinka #7
leecika #8
Chapter 37: Great story! As much as I hated daehyun for being an at the beginning, although he's my bias, but to be honest, I was glad that he was. I couldn't bear the thought that one of them will end up having a heartache when their love wasn't reciprocated by her. Wow! I know that authornim spent quite some time with their story. But 205 hours? That was nearly 100 days?? Wow! I couldn't say anymore except, thank you so much for sharing! xoxo =)