
To Be With Minho

Sorry it's a short chappie guys, but please enjoy! :P And I'm sorry I didn't get a picture either. Photobucket's being retarded... :(

Alex's point of view

"Alex-ah, I've got to go to the gym, but you can still have lunch with Key-hyung, Mir-hyung and Taemin-ah right?"

"Of course." Minho kisses me on the cheek, before jogging off in the direction of the sports hall. Me, Taemin, Key and Mir proceed up the stairs to the roof, so we can eat our lunch in peace.

"So, did you get much sleep last night?" Mir asked, while taking out his lunch. It's much less filled today, seeing as there is only a couple of sandwiches and a carton of juice.

"Not an awful lot. I think JJong-oppa and Onew-oppa are still asleep... Lucky them."

"Hmm. Joonie's still asleep too. I had to make my own lunch this morning." Mir holds up one of his sandwiches to prove his point. He takes a bite, but immediately spits it out. "Never making my own lunch again."

Aww, poor Mir. Why are these boys all so hopeless? I feel like I should take care of them all. And kind of be their mother. I quite like that idea actually... Urgh, all this thinking has filled my bladder.

"Umm, I need the toilet. Key-oppa, could you...?" I don't know how to say could you come to the toilet with me, without sounding like a spaz. But I promised Jonghyun that I wouldn't go anywhere alone.

"Oh yeah sure thing sweetie. We'll be right back!" Key took my hand and led me down the stair well. He stood against the wall while I entered the girl's bathroom. It's completely empty...except for one person.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the foreign exchange student. I was hoping to talk to you alone." Soojin's got an evil grin spread across her face. Oh God, I'm scared...

"W-what do y-you want?"

"I've come here to warn you." Crap, she's getting closer. What do I do? I can try to run for it and get Key's help. But she's so close, I don't think I can make it in time... Oh well I'll go for it anyway. "I don't think so !" OW! She's got a firm grip on my hair so I can't move. I wanna scream, but I'm too scared.

"Why are you doing this? What did I ever do to you?"

"You're stealing my boyfriend that's what! Minho's mine, so back off!"

"He doesn't love you! He never did! He loves me and I love him, so face it!" Big mistake. I shouldn't have said that.

Key's point of view (Speaking in Korean)

Hmm, she's been in there a long time. I wonder if something's wrong... But I can't exactly go in there and find out. Hmm, maybe I should call Taemin. He can go get Miss Park for me. Yeah, I think I should do that.

"Hyung? Why are you calling me?"

"I need you to do me a favour Taemin-ah. Go get Miss Park and meet me outside the first floor girl's loos."

"Why? Hyung, is something wrong?"

"That's what I want to find out. Now can you do what I asked Taemin-ah?"

"Sure hyung. I'll be as quick as I can."

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Shineelovingshawol #1
Chapter 62: This story is just so good! I love how sweet minho is! Ahhh my ultimate bias!
kpopluver98 #2
your story is so cute~ ♥♥
Zelo_Biased #3
Yayy its awesome! And jongkey is in it automatically. Makes it episcopal and on chapter 18 I LOVE MUSE its one of the few bands I listen to in english
Cuteeeee story! <3
New reader here! I'm only at chapter 3, but I love it. This may also be because my name's Alexandra too.^^
That is so cute
sooo good !!! (=^.^=)
Once again, once I started, I had to finish in the same day. Great work ^^
Lol I'm jealous of a fictional character xD I love Minho out of all the Kpop stars but a happy ending always makes me feel awesome <3 love this story