
When Life Gives You Complications

chapter two


When I met him, I never thought he would become such a big thing in my life.

Right now, I always wish that I didn't meet him at all. With him in my life Life Became Twisted and Bumpy.
- - -


As Sohee looked at the scenery outside the window, she couldn't help but smile in content.


The sun stared at the world without pause through the crystal clear blue sky. Fragile ornamental plants shone under the glare of the fiery orb while the trees danced with the wind.


The whole scene was beautiful, of course it was. The whole afternoon she could peacefully stare at it, but unfortunately she couldn't because of a specific someone.


"Psst! Sohee what did Ms. Kang mean by that?" Kris voice and constant nudging made her snap back into reality. He was talking about the complicated equations the teacher has written on the board.


"Why don't you listen to her then?" She suggested with a glare, which made him whimper in frustration.


It was the second week of school and the new seating arrangement has been made. Sohee ended up beside Kris, which she thought was a great advantage at first because he was a fellow bookworm like her. That was until she realized that he was the type of person who talks alot.


She rememberd well the plan she had of making friends with the new students, including him. But today is an exception, blame it on the PMS.


The teacher, Ms Kang, is late so the class drags on; Sitting there with a headache and being bored for three hours; Spending the whole time trying to listen to her subject but then Kris decides to rant about all his jokes and math problems, pouring everything on her like she's a sponge--- that's what made today a bad day, also the PMS




While sitting for three hours of torture, the school bell finally rings which only means one thing. The one word that would make you go hungry and drool for food.... Lunch.


"Hey CL, where should we eat this time?" Sohee asks her while grabbing the wallet from her bag.


"I don't know. Just eat with us next time, okay?" She said as she walked out of the room together with Dara and Minzy.


Strange... The only word she could think of as she watched their dissapearing figures. Speaking of strange, she did notice for this week that they never talked with her that much anymore.


*Maybe something happened?* She concluded in her mind.


"Hey Dongsaeng, want to eat lunch with us?" Chanyeol, whom she used to be close with in eight grade invited her.


"Yah! Call me noona-- NOONA. I'm one month older than you, you know." She said as she placed her hands on hips. Suddenly, Baekhyun popped out from his back.


"Impossibru! You're not tall, and you have a baby face." He said as he formed an X with his arms.


She just pouted and smacked their heads, before she agreed to have lunch with them.




"Hey Sohee, you seem to be close with the boys." Kris voice made her snap back to reality again.


With their science teacher absent, they have the whole hour of free time which made everyone rejoice and throw their cancelled homework.


With that free time, she decided to read another book she just bought which is Divergent by Veronica Roth. But sadly, Kris decided to disturb her again.


"Am I? I just have guy friends, that's all." She said as she put down the book she was reading.


"You like one of them, don't you?" He said as he wriggled his eyebrows which made her laugh.


"What? No! Of course not." She denied after managing to regain her composure from laughing at his expression.


"Good. That means I have a chance." He said in a rather slow voice.


"I'm sorry, what?" She asked. She wasn't able to hear what he said but she knows it was 'something' because of how he looks at her teasingly.


"Nope, did I say anything? None at all." He denied which made her furrow her brows even more.


"What's with that? You look like a monkey!" He laughed as he flicked her forehead.


"That hurts!" She complained as she smacked his arm.


"Wah, so you're challenging me, huh?" He asked as he pinched her cheeks.


"Stop it." She responded with a slap.


"This is war!!" He declared as he gave thousands of punches and slaps, she of course fought back,too.


Both of them were having an awful great time that they didn't notice someone looking their way.





"That girl is really annoying." Girl 1 said as she ripped a picture of Sohee into tiny pieces.


"Not only that, she's a ,too. I thought she has changed but turned out that she'll always be the same.. continuing to flirt with the boys." Girl 2 said as she throwed her frustration on an empty trash bin beside her.


"We should do something about this." Girl 1 said which made Girl 2 nod in response.


"Guys, stop this please. She's a good person for crying out loud!" Girl 3 tried to defend Sohee but the others already had a plan in mind. All she can do is pray for Sohee's health and luck.




"This is beautiful!" Sohee exclaimed as she walked on their school's famous garden.


It was just like any traditional garden with a living room feel, reinforced by the large archway structure at the back that resembles a fireplace mantel. It frames a large urn-shaped planter, which the school's gardener fills with different plants each season.


The garden is almost 5 years old, and features only an apple tree and lilac from the previous incarnation. The space is dominated by a bluestone patio with beautiful bermuda grass between the large blocks. Surrounding the patio are low-maintenance planting beds filled with lots of perennials which makes the place even more breathtaking.


She can't help but hum to the song of nature as she slightly twirled around the garden. How embarassing it must have been if someone saw her, but fortunately that time the garden was all for herself.


But unknown to her, someone was already smiling ear-to-ear while looking at her walk around the place like she was Flora .


*She's even more beautiful than the garden.* Kris said with his eyes glued to watching Sohee.


But then, something caught his eye. On the third floor veranda, just above Sohee, someone's holding a garden pot.


"What's a garden pot doing there?" He asked himself but then his eyes widen as the person dropped the pot in mid air.


Realizing what was gonna happen, he immediately dashed towards Sohee, who was still oblivious of what's gonna happen to her.


"Sohee!" He shouted as he pulled her body towards his. He then pushed themselves away from the falling pot, while sheilding Sohee from the ground impact.




.. was the sound of the pot as it hit the ground. Luckily for them, Kris was just in time to save their heads. They were even just a hair strand away from the accident.


"Are you okay?" Kris worriedly asked Sohee who was staring at the pieces of the broken pot. Her face was terribly pale and her whole body was shaking.


She faintly nodded which made him sight in relief.


"Come on, let's get you to the infirmary." He said as he lifted her  up and carried her princess-style.


But before they left that place, he took one last glance at the third floor's veranda only to see no one there anymore.


*Whoever you are, I'll find you.* He promised himself deep inside just before he looked back at the scared Sohee.


It's sad how the same people who say they care about you, are the same ones who tear you down when they get the chance.



» author's ramblings:  So how was that? I find myself getting rusty from the few weeks of rest*cries*. But oh well, Please don't  forget to comment and subscribe!!

» layout credit


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You don't need to mind the update. I'll just be cleaning some typos in the chapters and changing the chapter layout:)


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Chapter 10: I love it! Please keep updating it ^^
lovedaragon4ever #2
Chapter 5: why can I relate on this chapter so much? (TT__TT)
Chapter 5: It makes me happy that Dara stayed with Sohee despite CL and Minzy being a b*tch to her.
Hahahah, I still can't get over it, can I? :))
Chapter 5: I hope that Sohee finds out sooner or later that Kris is just protecting her.
ChibiPanda #5
Chapter 5: Kris is just so sweet for doing that for Sohee!!
But I pity her because she's hurt whenever he treats her coldly. She doesn't even know that it's all for her sake:(
Chapter 4: Well I ing hate you more Lee Chaerin and Minzy!
Chapter 4: OMG Sohee never stole Kris away from CL. It was Kris that liked Sohee and FYI, CL and Kris were never close and they were not an item so how could CL be such a feeler and think that she stole him away from her???
I'm sorry I'm just fuming mad right now.
lovedaragon4ever #8
Chapter 4: You're getting really good at this. I want the next chapter now!! LOL joke... please take your time:)
Chapter 4: I wish I had great guy friends like Sohee. I'm always awkward around guys, probably because I grew up in an all girls family:(

But seriously, how could CL and Minzy do that to her? They are so cruel.
Chapter 4: CL and Minzy how could you? All these time Sohee had been nice yet you still treat like that.
I really hope that Kris would find out and give them a good scolding.