
When Life Gives You Complications

chapter five


"Mom, I'm going to go now." Sohee told her mother as she walked out of their house.


For a week, she had been feeling this heavy load in her heart and no matter what she did it never went away. Every morning, she'd wake up to find tears in her eyes  that only meant that she cried in her sleep. She had lost all motivation to study and go to school and she didn't know why.


She closed the door behind her and was about to walk away when she noticed the empty spot near the stairs where a specific someone used to be when he was waiting for her. Seeing it made her heart heavier and it ached so much that she found it difficult to breath.


"I miss him," was what she mumbled with a pained face, walking her way to school all alone.



"...then after you finish, give it to Kris." Ms. Kang's last word made Sohee flinch at the familiar name. Did she really need to send it to him? Everything seemed so awkward now.


"Okay." She managed to reply to her math teacher though deep inside she wanted to object.


Clutching the folders Ms. Kang gave to her, she walked towards Kris with a furiously beating heart. He was calmly reading his favorite book again on his seat next to hers.


"K--Kris, Ms. Kang said that you'll take care of this." She said in a voice that almost sounded like a squeak. She lowered her head and stretched out her hands to give him the folders, not wanting to see his face. For some reason, it made her feel awkward especially when they aren't talking anymore.


She could feel him look at her for a while before he took the folders from her. "Thanks," he said in a rather boring tone. She just smiled ,though he couldn't see it because her head was hung low, and walked away because it didn't seem like he wanted a response.


She didn't want to walk away from him. All these time, she wanted to ask him why he's treating her so coldly. It was just a week ago when he was being so cheezy to her and now he's just awfully different. She didn't ask him though because she felt that she had no right and that there was no reason to ask.



Sohee gave out a sigh again as she looked at the food on her tray. She had lost her appetite yet again. Why can't her breaded pork chop make her hungry at all?


"Are you ok?" Dara asked her friend, noticing that she had a sad expression on her face. She took a hold of her hand and squeezed it lightly making her notice her presence.


She looked at her and faked a smile. "I'm sorry Dara for being so boring these past few days. I just have a lot in my mind," she said.


"Is this because of Kris?" Dara asked and again, the mention of his name made her flinch. She noticed the way she froze at his name and that's when she knew that she was right.


With a comforting smile, she patted her friend's shoulder and tried to soothe her ache.


"He's been ignoring me for a week. I think it's my fault because I didn't let him take me home one time. I don't like what he's doing at all." Sohee admitted.


Because of him, she had been feeling a terrible weight on her shoulders. It was as if a giant boulder was laid on her and she couldn't straighten up or catch her breath entirely.


"Sohee, do you miss him?" Dara asked with a serious face. With just answer she would now what her friend is feeling for that guy and deep inside she already knew what she was going to say.


She paused for a moment, recalling all the memories they had shared. She remembered his smile, his teases, his constant change of mood... she remembered everything about him.


A single tear rolled down her cheek as she opened to answer.. "Yes I do.. so so much," she admitted.



It was already dismissal time and noise filled the large hallway. Numerous teens were already looking forward on going home and probably checking on their facebook or doing their homework.


On the very far corner of that hallway, everything was silent. No trace of noisy students could be seen except for two familiar figures who were talking in hushed tones.


"You should really stop what you're doing." Dara told Kris while eyeing the hallway to see of anyone saw them. The latter gave out a tired sigh and gave her a smile.


"This is what's best I could do for her. Sohee was hurt because of me and I would not let that happen ever again. Ignoring her would probably make CL and Minzy change their minds in hating her," he said.


It hurted him so much whenever he ignored her and treated her so coldly but he knew that it was for her own good. If he continues being selfish and wanting to talk to her, she would be the one affected and hurt. He never wanted that to happen to her.


Dara gave out a sigh and patted his shoulder comfortingly. "I understand but are you really fine with this?" She asked him though she already knew the answer.


He looked out the window near them and saw Sohee ,looking as amazing as ever, walking towards the school gate. Seeing her made him felt a sting in his heart, he wanted to walk her home so badly but he couldn't and most especially shouldn't.


"If it's for her then I'd be fine," he said with the most bitter smile Dara had ever seen.


Sacrifice is what you do for those you love without them asking, and without waiting for a thank you.



» author's ramblings: I'm so sorry for not updating lately. I'll make it up to you:) If you haven't subscribed then please subscribe. Comments are deeply appreciated and would seriously give me the inspiration to update. I won't be asking you to upvote me yet since we're still in the beginning of the story but if you want to then please upvote:)
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You don't need to mind the update. I'll just be cleaning some typos in the chapters and changing the chapter layout:)


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Chapter 10: I love it! Please keep updating it ^^
lovedaragon4ever #2
Chapter 5: why can I relate on this chapter so much? (TT__TT)
Chapter 5: It makes me happy that Dara stayed with Sohee despite CL and Minzy being a b*tch to her.
Hahahah, I still can't get over it, can I? :))
Chapter 5: I hope that Sohee finds out sooner or later that Kris is just protecting her.
ChibiPanda #5
Chapter 5: Kris is just so sweet for doing that for Sohee!!
But I pity her because she's hurt whenever he treats her coldly. She doesn't even know that it's all for her sake:(
Chapter 4: Well I ing hate you more Lee Chaerin and Minzy!
Chapter 4: OMG Sohee never stole Kris away from CL. It was Kris that liked Sohee and FYI, CL and Kris were never close and they were not an item so how could CL be such a feeler and think that she stole him away from her???
I'm sorry I'm just fuming mad right now.
lovedaragon4ever #8
Chapter 4: You're getting really good at this. I want the next chapter now!! LOL joke... please take your time:)
Chapter 4: I wish I had great guy friends like Sohee. I'm always awkward around guys, probably because I grew up in an all girls family:(

But seriously, how could CL and Minzy do that to her? They are so cruel.
Chapter 4: CL and Minzy how could you? All these time Sohee had been nice yet you still treat like that.
I really hope that Kris would find out and give them a good scolding.