


"I  don't remember him , but I can't forget him either."
The girl who never forgets.
"You don't blame the cigarette, you blame the pain in your chest. "
The boy who never listens.
"We stopped thinking a long time ago."
The boy who never cries.





“We're here.”
Her hands drop and she blankly stares ,  the grin etched on his face is alarming and it pulls her away. From her dream , at least.
Kyungsoo looks back.
A pause , 
but the glance disappears.
He doesn't say.
"…I…don't understand." She says,  "Why" He asks, but the question is barely there.
Well , you never answer. 
Wish I could.
But he smiles , and she forgets.
“....You know…I was wrong.”  Kyungsoo wonders why Minseok hadn’t said it sooner.
“That day. You remember?---that busy intersection. You were scared.”  
Yeah I was.
“--But you were there.”
 Minseok laughs.“Your hands were cold.”
He pulls her in. 
“I should’ve stayed. Should’ve realised sooner...Should’ve told you what I wanted to say.”
Ara leans in, “But you did.”
And his smile deepens. “No.”
“--Kyungsoo did.”
I'm on a roll kekekekekke :)


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New story here.. I really like your story! Fighting! ^^-v
Chapter 9: UGH UGH UGHHHHHH. I don't know what to say. D: I'll just cry here while reading this story again and again until I'm devoid of emotions. huhuhu thanks for the update T-T
suciifn #3
Chapter 8: ISTG I WANNNA JUMP OFF A CLIFF LIKE ASDFGHJKL FEELS EVERYWHERE LIKE I'M NOT CALM. seriously everyone's waiting for your updates T.T
suciifn #4
Chapter 8: love your writing style.
Chapter 8: Omaigawd. IT'S HERE...!! AN UPDATE!! TT v TT...I really love this fic. Your writing style is so unique. It's short, sharp, and it gives more mystery and angst to the story. I love that you introduced more characters in this chapter (Tao!! Kai!!...and lol Tao on a wheelchair looking like Prof Xavier somewhat looks pretty hawt in my imagination lol 8DD--*shot*). You're just giving me more things to think about and more mysteries to uncover. I'm looking forward for more. I'm loving the fast update x3 (I really, really do TT v TT *cries fugly tears of joy*)
Chapter 7: OMG YOU UPDATED. TwT Thank yooouuuu. I really want to know what's going to happen to the characters or their stories. I hope you'll keep on updating because I also really really like your writing style. The atmosphere of the story is so sad and angsty. I like that very much. Hsjsksjssksksodkdjbddheknekjdsjsh LOOKING FORWARD FOR THE NEXT UPDDAATTTEE ㅇㅂㅇ
Chapter 6: --AWWWW~!! The baozi bit just KILLED me! TT W TT"" (me and my baozi feels...) It just MOVES me how attached she is to Xiumin and despite how far Ara and D.O. have gone through, she still can't move on from him. Wow, I feel the pain, bruh. Your writing style has this, I dunno, wistful feel to it (if that makes sense) that gives me the gut-twists (yep, it's still twisting). Loving the update~! 'Really hoping this fic doesn't end up unfinished or something > 3 >"...I've gone, like, obsessed with it. 8D
Chapter 5: I really love how you characterised Baekhyun here x3 He sounds so badass 8> so roguish...(big words, big words :3...your fic inspires me so x3) This is getting good, can't wait to find out their story ^ v ^ (like how they became runaways and stuff..) Keep up the good work author-nim! ^ v ^
Chapter 4: Usually the death of my fave characters drive me crazy, bruh, but this...!! Is a freaking masterpiece...!!'s so bittersweet it twists my guts inside out TT v TT""--I'm crying and spazzing at the same time TT ^ TT"" --emergard my feels...!! Pls pls, pretty please with Baozis and greasy strips of bacon on top, please continue this TT v TT"" (also interested as to how Minseok died TT ^ TT)
Chapter 4: T,T OKAY. this is one of the most interesting sad-ish fics I've read. Update soon? it's so hard to find fics as proper as yours these days. Good job author-nim ^^