


Never knowing if we're brave or if we're cowards,
For they pour cement down this hole of ours,
And well be stuck under stones and flowers,
Will we go alone out on our own,
Oh, darling, that's what will become of us


DUN>DUN>DUN. The end is finally here :) it's almost been a year now since i had this fic on my word processor :) thank you everyone for sticking by this fic :)


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xnnysmn #1
Chapter 15: i read this 3 times already and i always criedㅠㅠ i think i need a sequel c:
anw, thank you author-nim! this deserve a thousands thumbs up!
Chapter 15: huhuhu, so emotional T~T uhuk uhuk this is daebak author-nim uhuk uhuk ='}
suciifn #3
senpai pls notice me, notice this legit tears that im shedding. senpai sequel pls senpai senpai------ew im embarrassing-.- bye. senpai you're doing good
sugarplum23 #4
Chapter 15: I cried so much omg....this was absolutely beautiful and heart wrenching I really do hope you make a sequel (hopefully with a happy ending ^_^)
mypolaris #5
Chapter 15: I cried so much omg

Sequel please!!!
VIPInfinitelyExotic #6
Chapter 15: Sequel please! You're a great author! Please hear us out! SEQUEL!
Chapter 15: Please do make a sequel for this... If ever a sequel with a happy ending... It's a great story.. :)
ariiel #8
Chapter 15: This is turely beautiful my heart hurts the throbbing pain I felt from reading ...mostly when I read chapter 8.
I really do hope you make a sequel possibly one where Krystal tells sehun and sehun would go look for her..your style of writing is beautiful excuse me as I go see if you have any other fics
Chapter 15: this is beautiful
SeKai94 #10
Chapter 15: Cried and cried...never ending tears...