
like one, two, like three, four and five.

“And so we watch as Key takes his first steps into adulthood.” A booming voice intones like a nature commentator, the holder of the voice following the fashionable male as he swaggers through the hallways of the terror-filled building commonly known as a school. Thankfully the hall the two are currently in is empty enough that Kibum does not need to worry about being embarrassed by his exciteable companion, and so it is with a fixed glare on his acquaintance (whom he tentatively calls his best friend on days when he doesn’t feel like strangling him) that he suggests for the other to stop watching the nature channel.

“Nonsense!” Jonghyun laughs, slings an arm all chummy-like around Kibum’s shoulder, and leers at him in a manner that would be creepy were it not for the fact that the other male is all too used to his friend’s antics. “It’s fun making fun of you. We could film your life and put it up on a big screen. Title? Key’s Fabulous Life, as told by the amazing Kim Jonghyun.”

Kibum snorts, twists out of the other’s grasp (a rather impressive feat – Jonghyun’s love for skinship is second only to his love for his twitter account) and smacks him on the head. “Shut up.”

The puppy-like man his head, pretends to think, then lets out a loud, boisterous laugh.

“No way. That’ll happen the day you finally confess to Lee Taemin.”

The male snorts, rolls his eyes and proceeds to stomp on Jonghyun’s foot. “Shout a bit louder, I think my ancestors up in heaven didn’t quite hear that.”

“Shame, not like they’ll hear you when you’re down in hell,” Jonghyun quips, before cupping his hands around his mouth and letting out a loud, echoing yell.


He’s cut off by a harsh smack of his friend’s palm against his mouth.

“Shut up!”

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imsocuriousyeah #1
Chapter 5: you write so beautifully.... you should definitely write a full TaeKey fic in the future if you have time.
thank you for those adorable drabbles