Episode 9

We Got Married: Krisber style!!!!


Auhtor's Note: This is an fiction guys, don't take it seriously!

Amber arrives at her new house, with groceries in her hand. She comes inside the kitchen and places her groceries on the counter. She looks around for pans and big pot. What is she trying to do? 

Amber: self reassurance, You can do it Amber!!
Male MC: what is she doing? 
Women MC: she is cooking for her husband!  
2nd Women MC: she looks pretty when she works hard. 
Amber: i know how to cook. Like, I can't cook Korean or Chinese food. In high school, I had to take cooking course.  I learned to cook some basic American food. I want to cook something for Kris to show that I can cook because he always teases me. ^^
*End of Interview* 
The course is Chicken Tetrazzini and garden salad. First, she half-cooks the chicken, and while making the sauce, she puts the pasta in the hot water. She holds the knife and slowly cuts the mushrooms, onions, garlic, chops the thyme and adds them in a saucepan, and with other ingredients, the sauce is done. 
Amber: tastes her sauce and proud smiles appears. It's good, pleased. She takes the hot pan and drains the pasta from the water. Hot! Hot! 
She pulls a oven tray and puts the chicken, sauce and pasta. She stirs it well, sprinkles cheese on the top, and puts the tray in the oven. Happy that she succeeded, she does a happy dance (A/N: you guys know how that is) and the MCs laugh at her cuteness. Amber takes out the vegetables for the salad. The MCs are surprised by her good knife skills. 
Amber: I am actually good at it. Hehe~~ She cuts the vegetables perfectly. Her tears comes out when she starts cutting onions. 
Amber: as expected, wipes her tears, Victoria unnie is an angel. Ah, this onion is making me cry. 
Amber: I used to have really bad knife skills, and (Victoria) unnie saw it. She said that that it is dangerous and taught me how to handle the knife proper. 
Q: do you think Kris will like it? 
Amber: he has to! But, I don't know if it will taste good. Worriedly... 
*End of Interview* 
She finishes making the dressing, and then the doorbell rings. Husband Kris has arrived! 
Amber: he came. Goes to receive him. Annyeong! Smiles brightly. 
Kris: hey, takes a sniff. There's a good smell? Did you cook something? Looks at Amber with amazement. 
Amber: yeah, I cooked lunch. Blushes slightly. It's almost done.
She goes back and pours the dressing on the vegetables. Kris looks at her adorably, a small smile on his face.
Amber: bits her lower lip and blushes while sitrring the salad. Don't look at me like that...
Kris: why? I can't look at you? Teasingly
Amber: okay fine. Set the table.
Kris: yes ma'am! She laughs and he obeys her order.
Kris: It was fascinating. Coming home tired after work, and seeing your wife cook you dinner; my dad would say that was the best feeling. That time I was young, but now I think I understand that. 
*End of Interview* 
Kris: what did you make? Places the plates on the table. 
Amber: Chicken Tetrazzini and garden salad. 
Kris: what will you make next time? 
Amber: surprise. Cutely, and Kris' smile even becomes broader. The oven beeps. Oh, it's ready. 
She takes out the pan and Kris' mouth becomes watery when he sees the dish. 
Kris: wah, the smell is no joke. It looks delicious. 
His eyes just remains on the dish when Amber takes his plate and serves him. She then takes some for herself and keeps the salad in the middle. 
Kris: he takes the first bite and instantly smiles. It's so good. Our Josephine has worked hard. 
Amber: blushingly, thank you. 
Kris keeps praising Amber, and making her embarrass. 
Amber: stop it. 
Kris: takes a bite. Why? Is it bad to praise you? 
MC: sighs at their cuteness. Ah I can't watch this. 
Male MC:  I am sooo jealous...
Amber: let's play a game. 
Kris: what game? 
Amber: the truth game. Sees Kris confusion. What, you don't know that? Kris shakes his head. In this game, you have to say the truth for every question I ask. There is no rule except for telling the truth. 
Kris: and how do you win? 
Amber: that is such a boy question. Anyways, for example, let's say I ask you a question and you don't answer it. Then you get to ask me a question, and if I answer it, I win. You have to ask me a hard question to not let me win. 
Kris: Ahhh.... Understanding the concept. Call, you want to ask me the question first? 
Amber: okay. After taking a bite, what did you think about me when we first meet? Kris is surprised by the straight-forward question, while she just looks down and continues to eat. She is totally embarrassed by her question. 
Kris: I was shocked at first, then I felt happy because you looked so beautiful. Amber looks up and finds Kris' ears red and smiles. Okay, my turn. Who did you wish your husband was if he is from EXO-K? 
Amber: without any hesitation, Sehun. The reason is because he is the most closet to me from EXO-K. 
Kris: .......... Oh really........ 
Amber: I am close with Sehun, so it won't be that awkward. Kris just nods, making Amber smile. Wait, are you jealous? Kris just shrugged and kept looking at his plate. 
Kris: I have no problem that she said that, but she didn't hesitate a bit....... I hated it..... Pouting
MC: he is clearly jealous! Laughing. 
Q: do you realize that that your husband is jealous? 
Amber: giggles. He said he wasn't jealous, but he clearly was! He has this cool look, and it was cute when he was like that (when he was jealous). 
*End of Interview* 
Amber: okay my turn. Do you have any female celebrities' number? 
Kris: ......... 
Preview: what do you think Kris' answer is? Do you think the couple will experience their first fight? Wait for the next episode! 
Author's Note: I am soooooooo sorry for the late update! School is about to start, and I HAVE A JOB, so I don't have that much of time. But I will update my other stories. Please comment! 
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Lisakrisber_1 #1
Chapter 9: Beautiful
carlycandybear #2
Chapter 9: Update please
Chapter 9: This is still the cutest WGM Krisber story I've ever read! Please come back dear author! I need to know what happens to Kris and Amber!
mipomipo #4
Chapter 9: updateeee pleaseeee authorrr ni.. Asap!!!! like youre story.. im dying from gigling: )))))
llama1023 #5
Chapter 9: Author-nim i love your fic pls update
linanabila #6
Chapter 9: Please update soon..!! I always waiting
Chapter 9: This is so cute!!! Please update... I need more krisber moments!! >O<
ortkvol #8
so good fic, please update sooooon. I love Krisber
gomezkin #9
Chapter 9: update sooooooooooooooooooooon please i cant wait