Episode 8

We Got Married: Krisber style!!!!

Preview: the couple goes to Lotte World! Who is scared of rides? Something big happens, what is that? 

Kris is waiting outside of his company building, SM Entertainment. He looks around, waiting for his wife. He is now having short black hair, for his comeback! A smile forms in his face as he sees Amber running, having an apologetic smile. 
Kris: Annyeong... 
Amber: Annyeong.... Sorry I was late. The recording started late, so.... 
Kris: it's okay. By the way, congrats on your MC job. 
Amber: smiles genuinely. Thanks....
Kris: and as a gift, we are going somewhere. It's something I have planned today. 
Amber: where? 
Kris: secret. First, we need a taxi. 
Amber: teasingly. Where is "your" car? 
Kris: sighs, you are not going to leave that, are you? 
Amber: nope. She smiles her "eye smile" 
Kris hails a taxi and guess where they are going? That's right, Lotte World. 
Kris: to the taxi driver. Please take us to the Lotte World. 
Amber: excited. We are going to Lotte World? Kris nods. Wah, I like it! 
Kris: is it your first time? Amber shakes her head. No? It's my first time though.....
Amber: but, it's first time going with a man.... Amber gets embarrassed while Kris smiles widely. 
Amber: looks at Kris closely. You look cute with your black hair. 
Kris: it's for comeback....
Amber: best of luck for comeback!! Does a cute fighting pose and gets embarrassed, and Kris shamelessly smiles. 
Kris: but now, we (EXO) would be performing together in Korea and China. So, maybe I would meet you in the show (Amber is the MC for Show Champion)
Amber: that's right, I would be meeting you and will be interviewing you.  Looking forward....
Kris: me too.... Both look into each other eyes and smile. 
Amber: in music shows, sometimes my sunbaes or hoobaes would be doing a secret mission or looking at each other secretly. On the outside, I would say "how childish" or "it's not my type." But, on the inside, I thought it was cute and also I was jealous. 
Q: were they many idols dating that time? 
Amber: well.... Thinking and caught herself. Oh, I was about to answer it! Laughs. Aniyo, there wasn't that many people idol dating. Laughs at her own lie. 
*End of Interview* 
Without knowingly, they reach Lotte World. Kris and Amber looks really . And also people around them, as they start taking pictures of them. Kris lightly holds Amber's hand. Both of them are unaware of the people around them. 
Amber: points at one of the ride. Ah~ I wanna ride everything. 
Kris: usually, girls are supposed to be scared. 
Amber: and also, men show they are not scared until they reach the ride. Once they see the ride, all their bravado is gone. 
Kris: but I love these kind of things, and I am not lying. Also I know you like these kind of things too, that's why I brought you here. 
Amber: how do you know that? 
Kris: looks away from Amber, embarrassed. Well, I....searched your name, and learnt about you a bit. Amber looks shocked, kind of happy too. You haven't searched my name? 
Amber: well, there wasn't that much that came up. 
Kris: so you did search my name? Sees her red cheeks
Amber: can see Kris cheeky smile. I don't know. Come on, lets ride some roller coaster! 
They both starts to head towards on of the roller coaster, and the crowd beside them gets bigger. It starts to her uncomfortable, so Kris unknowingly puts his arm around Amber's shoulder to protect her from the crowd, making the fangirls crazy. They quickly reach the roller coaster and gets inside. Kris and Amber's faces shows nothing but excitement, as the seatbelt is put on. They enjoy the ride with cheerful screams when they reach up and fall down to ground. 
Amber: the seatbelt gets removed and both of them walk out. Wah~ that was so fun! 
Kris: Let's go for another one. 
Amber and Kris head for for another ride, and are holding hands unknowingly. People around is getting less, but is still making them hard to move around. There is some commotion going on, and Kris' face changes a bit. It looks like he is controlling his expression  while Amber is smiling and they are almost near the next ride. Amber looks at Kris expression, and tightens her grip on his. Kris tries to smile when they reach the ride. It the ride when you go all the way to the top and drops at a great speed. 
Kris: I kind of regret it, bring her to the amusement park. When I heard the people talking behind us, I hoped she wouldn't hear it. I am worried if it hurt her or anything. 
Q: did you hear the people when you were in the park? 
Amber: uhm.... Yeah, I heard it. Scratches her head. I have been hearing all these kind of things since my debut, so I wasn't that hurt. I knew that although people might like me in the show, there will also be people who might not like it. I knew it, and I accept it too. I have been hurt by these in the past. So I try to never take these to my heart. 
*End of Interview* 
Amber: don't blame me when you cry. Tries to make the atmosphere lighter. 
Kris: ha! But smiles at her gratefully. They have fun in that too, and then found themselves near the haunted house. (A/N: don't if there really is one in Lotte World). 
Kris: wanna go there? Points to the haunted house. 
Amber: uhm...... Thinking carefully
Kris: scared? 
Amber: no! Too loudly
Kris: then let's go! Pulls her inside
Amber: fine, just.....stay beside me. 
She blushes and Kris smirks. Amber screams when she felt something near her leg. Kris puts his arm around her shoulder and pulls her near his body. All the way, his arm was on shoulder. 
Q: how was the haunted house? 
Amber: blushes when she thinks about it. All the way, K. Li oppa's arm was in my shoulder. I felt protected, and..... Hesitates, I feel like I can rely on him. That kind of feeling? 
*End of Interview* 
The couple exits the haunted house, Amber looked exhausted while Kris was trying not to laugh. 
Amber: glares at Kris. Don't you dare laugh. 
Kris: so, Amber Josephine Liu is scared of ghosts? 
Amber: hey, there are only three things I am scared of: my mom, Victoria, and ghosts. So shut it. 
Kris: Victoria? Amber gives him another glare. Okay okay, don't be mad. Lets go eat ice cream. 
Amber: hopeful eyes. Ice cream? Kris nods and Amber gets excited again. I want vanilla! It's my favorite one. 
Kris: oh, that's my favorite flavor too. Great! Lets go! 
They both stand in the line for ice cream. Some girls are squealing when they see the couple. One of the girl gets her strength and gets closer to the couple. 
Fan: uhm... Annyeonghaseyo! I am a fan of you guys. Can I get both of your autograph? 
Amber: uhm... Looks at Kris.... Sure, why not. She smiles at the fan as she takes her pen. The girls behind squeak again when Kris takes the same pen. 
One the girls behind: Shouts. You guys are so cute together! This makes Amber and Kris blush. 
Fan: unnie, you are so beautiful! Making Amber blush more.
Amber: thank you.... 
The group: KrisBer fighting! They quickly run away, leaving the couple a little surprised. 
Amber: KrisBer huh? Looks at Kris and they both have an genuine smile. 
Kris: I liked it, when fans show support. It's gives us strength, and the motivation to work harder. Also, I am happy to hear something positive about us. 
Q: we're you worried when you started this show? 
Kris: yes, I was really worried because I have been hurt by some negative comments when I debuted. I didn't want Josephine to go through that same pain or hurt. 
*End of Interview* 
Amber: They get their ice cream and move to a shop nearby. We won't be able to meet for a month because you have to leave for China right? Kris nods. So, should we buy something as a souvenir? 
Kris: that's a great idea, sees a llama stuff toy, and I think I know what I am getting though. Picks up the llama stuff toy, and places near Amber. It's so cute! 
Amber: you are buying it because it looks like me? 
Kris: yeah, so when I miss you I just have to look at this.
Amber: she blushes at his comment. Aish, seriously! Can not look at him.
Kris: you should buy something that looks like me.
Amber: oh really? Sees a angry bird toy. Oh! You look similar to this. Picks the angry bird you and places it beside his head.
Kris: pouts. no I don't!
Amber: whatever, I am just going to buy this.
They argue a bit more and finally buys the two toys, along with couple wallets and socks. They pay them and get out of the store, they realize that day is almost over, and so is their date.
Amber: it was fun today. 
Kris: since it was fun, can I have your number? 
Amber: are you always this straight forward? 
Kris: are you always hard to get? Amber laughs and gives her phone to him. He saves his number on her phone and gives it back. Thanks....
Amber: your welcome. They both laugh again and hold hands, walking to the exit of the Lotte World, both happy with their first date. 
EXO's Kris brings Amber to airport? 
Shocked? Well, technically, it's not true. But Kris did bring a version of Amber, the llama stuff toy that they both in their recent episode! EXO is schedule to attend a concert in China, so fans flocked the airports, waiting for the boys to come. Unexpectedly, Kris brought his "Amber" llama toy, causing fans to smile at this couple's cuteness. 
Viewers who commented on this said "that's so cute" "I am soo lonely now T_T" "this couple makes my heart flutter" and more.
What do you think?
Author's Note: so, I saw the recent episode of Taeun (seriously, that couple is really cute!) and I knew that if this fan fiction became true, then naturally there would be some hate. I mean, we would be there for them but some people (like Kryber, Keyber, Myungber, Krisscia fans and obessed EXO or Kris fans and what the heck is Seokris, Kristoria and Kristal?) might hate them. I wanted to show that, not everything comes in good way, there will be bad ways. Anyway, that's what this crazy girl wanted to say. Please comment, I feel like my fanfic is really bad and no one is commenting because of it T_________T. 
P.S. was too lazy to proof read, so sorry for any grammar mistakes.
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Lisakrisber_1 #1
Chapter 9: Beautiful
carlycandybear #2
Chapter 9: Update please
Chapter 9: This is still the cutest WGM Krisber story I've ever read! Please come back dear author! I need to know what happens to Kris and Amber!
mipomipo #4
Chapter 9: updateeee pleaseeee authorrr ni.. Asap!!!! like youre story.. im dying from gigling: )))))
llama1023 #5
Chapter 9: Author-nim i love your fic pls update
linanabila #6
Chapter 9: Please update soon..!! I always waiting
Chapter 9: This is so cute!!! Please update... I need more krisber moments!! >O<
ortkvol #8
so good fic, please update sooooon. I love Krisber
gomezkin #9
Chapter 9: update sooooooooooooooooooooon please i cant wait