Chapter 5: Stolen From A Date

Watching You From The Sidelines - [Hiatus]



Changmin's Pov



As I thought, it was the most awkward situation I have ever been in. I wonder how I'm going to manage to power through this. I could easily take him back home instead of inviting him over, damn! Why didn't I think of that before when we were in my car?!

I opened my fridge, taking out 2 cans of beer. Something cold is what I need. It would probably clear my head with the way I'm acting right now.

I opened the can, a sizzling sound with a pop was heard as I took the can to my lips, gulping down at least half of the cooling liquid down my throat.

Ahhhh, I really needed that.

I made my way back to the living room, I could see him fidgeting in the moon light, I just realised I forgot the switch on the lights... The only things that were radiating light was the moon and light in the kitchen. As my footsteps got closer, I could see his back stiffen. A move that hurt me a bit, it was as if... he was... scared? 

I don't know... But I know I didn't like it.



"Here" I gave him a beer. 



"T-thank you." He stuttered, taking the beer can out of my hands, clutching in his hands. He didn't open it but he kept it, holding it tightly. I sat down next to him, keeping my distance of course, not wanting to scare him even more then I already am. I switched on the flat screen T.V, flicking through channels when I suddenly remembered. Neither of us had eaten dinner yet, well, he was meant to be eating right about now, probably have even finished if I didn't barge in the restaurant and took him put of that place with such force. 

Damn, I hate myself so much right now.

I waited a bit, not wanting to asked the dreaded question as I distracted myself with the remote.



"Are you hungry?" I managed to speak out with difficulty, feeling a slight lump in my throat which doesn't seem to want to go away. For a second I could see the 'Are you serious?' look plastered on his face with the bare minimal light surrounding us but was quickly changed to a timid one, showing his fright towards me. Another move which seemed to hurt me deeply. 



"I'm fine..." I really doubted it since I know for sure that he hasn't eaten since lunch and that was like, 6 hours ago...? Something like that. 



"Well, I'm hungry so you might as well tell me what you want to eat. It will be a hassle if you suddenly decide to eat something. I'll be the one cooking anyway." I really can't take brats who just go with the flow and never speak out.  

I stood up, putting my can of cold beer on the coffee table in front of me, making my way back to the kitchen. 



"Anything is fine..." I heard his quiet voice say as I walked away. I gave an inward sigh, not bothering to look back and shout at him for not knowing what to eat. I mean, everyone knows what they want to eat! How can you not know? Well, I guess I'll have to whip something up quick and simple... Let's see what I have in my fridge. 

Unfortunately for me, I don't go home often so there wasn't much range in foods I could cook with. I guess spaghetti it is! 

It felt weird to be in my apartment, it's not exactly home but it's a place I can escape from everyone and call my own.. In some ways. Being that it was my Appa who got it for me as a present when I managed to seal a 4 million dollar deal in America.

I turned around to see what Kyuhyun was doing, as I thought, he was still as stiff as a stick, sitting on the sofa watching whatever show I was flicking through an decided to stop on so I could cook. It wasn't very interesting by the looks of it. A show about ghosts and .

I decided to continue cooking, ghosts were my forte, I was never really fond of them, never mind believe in them.



"Do you need any help?" I heard him ask me, I turned around and there he was, right in front of me, startling me a bit. For a second, I thought I had seen a real ghost.



"Oh god! You scared me." I moved back a little, accidentally burning myself with the pan behind me. 

"Ah!" I hissed, blowing on my injury. 



"Oh my! I'm sorry!" He moved closer to me, grabbing onto my hand which got burned. I could almost feel his breathing, he was so close... 

He looked around my hand, examining it. A part of me wanted to push him away, the other part wanting to bring him closer. What is wrong with me! I need to snap out of it!



"I'm fine" I told him, trying to pry him off. 



"Wait! Don't move, we have to do something before it gets bad." He pulled me over to the sink, pouring gushing cold water on my hand on full blast. He watched with hopeful eyes that it wasn't going to be too bad. 

He made sure I kept my hand under the cold water before leaving the kitchen, going somewhere in my house to search for something.



"Kyu-" I was about to stop him since it really wasn't that bad but he had already left the kitchen. I left the tap, switching off the tap, I continued to cook.



"Why did you leave the cold tap!?" I heard him say. I sighed, not really bothering with him but more with the food still cooking. I felt him grab onto my hand, squeezing some tooth paste on the burned area.



"What are you doing?" I asked him as he spreads the paste on the small area. 



"This will help, don't wash it off until after dinner." He smiled, I looked away from him, embarrassed. 






"Here, I'll help you plate up."  He drained the spaghetti and put it in two spew rate bowls, pouring the sauce and sprinkling a bit of cheese on top. 

We say down, he plate of food in front of us as I set down 2 wine glasses on the table, opening a bottle on wine and lifting a few candles while Kyuhyun set out the cutlery. 

I let him sit down first, pouring the wine in his and my glass. 



"Eat up." I told him, he smiled at me and lifted up his fork, taking in some of the spaghetti and turning it before putting it in his mouth to taste it. I brought the glass of wine to my mouth, sipping on it a bit as I watched his reaction. 



"Mmm! It's yummy!" He giggled, putting more food in his mouth. I gave a slight chuckle from his reaction, putting my glass down, I too, dug into the food.



"If you like this, you need to try my Umma's food. His cooking is first class." For really night we spoke about our families. Him and his sister are incredible close. As expected, he's a total mummy's boy, as am I. 

He told me about his schools. It turned out he was a year younger then me, only 20 years old! 



"How about you? I haven't heard much about you" by now the good was long gone, all that was left was a half empty wine bottle and 2 empty glasses. I picked up the wine bottle and refilled the glasses. 



"There's not much going on in my life. You know, I went through the whole rich kid rode. Going to private schools and right now, I have CEO position at my dad's company after graduation top of the school at university." I sipped my glass, downing it all slowly before refilling t again. He looked at me as I told my boring story as if it was the most fascinating thing in the world.



"That's amazing! You graduated top of your school!" He sat back on his car and giggled to himself. I couldn't help but feel drawn in by his smile, his beauty with help of the candles seemed to be more perfect then ever. How can such a beautiful man exist? 

He turned his head and looked up at the clock, his eyes widen. 

"Oh no! It's already that late! I have to get home!" He stumbled back, getting up from his chair. I looked up at the clock too, 1:27am it read. Wow, how time flies.



"I'll take you home." I offered, standing up from my seat too, grabbing my coat which was still lying on the sofa.



"No Mr Jung! I'll be fine, you need to rest!" He stopped me, I felt my vision go slightly blurry. 



"No, I insist!" I blinked a few times, hoping to get my vision straight again. It was no use, I was starting to walk funny as well. 



"Mr Jung? Are you ok?" 



"I-I'm fine." I told him, he moved closer to me, grabbing onto my arm, lifting it up. 



"Mr Jung, how much have you had to drink today?" I swear I didn't drink that much... Now that I think about it... How much have I had to drink today? 



"Not that much..."



"Not that much! Your face is all red! The bottles more then half empty and I've only drank a glass! Here, let me bring you to your room, you need to rest." He pulled my arm around his shoulders, allowing me to put some of my weight on him as we made our way to my room, not forgetting to wipe the toothpaste of my hand with some tissues he found on the table. It wasn't long until he spotted it. Gently he laid me down.

"Umm... I-I need to change you... Don't worry! I'll close my eyes! He shook his head, turning t away as he kept his eyes shut. I watched as he struggled, trying to undo my shirt. I gave a slight chuckle before grabbing onto his hand, causing him to gilt up a bit, directing his hand to my top button. 



"You don't need to worry so much, it's not like I'll fire you for trying to help me. However, there is a chance I would fire you if you accidentally poke me in the eye whilst trying to change my clothes." I joke around with him. I could feel a sense of pain around him which made me a laugh a bit but I didn't say anything.



"S-sorry! I'll try to be careful!" He said, I smiled at him as he concentrated in removing my clothes rather then looking in my eyes which I could see he was trying his best to avoid. He looked around my closet, trying to find some night wear to put on for me. 

"Will this do?" He shows me what he picked out. 



"It's fine." I smiled. He dressed me up, sitting down on a nearby chair when he was finished. 



"Phew! All done!" He mentally paused himself for his hard work. 



"Thank you, Kyuhyun... Is it ok if you get me a glass of water?" My throat was feeling unbearably dry, unable to stand it anymore, i had no choice but to ask Kyuhyun to get me some, even though he's already done so much for me. I had to admit, I felt kind of bad for the poor boy.



"Sure, I'll be right back." In no time he was back with a glass of water in hand. 



"Here you go" he handed it over to me. I took a hold of it, it his help, I sipped some of the water. To be honest, he was treating me as if I was a sick person rather then drunk, but it's not that I minded, I found it more cute if anything. 



"Thank you..." He pulled my duvet on top of me, tucking me in like I was a baby before sitting back on the chair. 



"Good night Mr Jung" there it goes again 'Mr Jung' I wished he'd call me by my name... I should tell him to call me 'Changmin' when we're out of work...

I suddenly felt upset when I realised he still needed to go home, it was already so late... I didn't want anything to happen to him, especially when I can't even take care of myself, never mind check if he's ok. 

Also, I didn't want him to go... I don't want to be alone right now... Stupid Siwon. It's all his fault!



"" I asked, I felt my eyelids starting to droop, unable to keep open. His mouth moved as he spoke but I could hear anything. Damn! Of all times... I feel so sleepy.... And so, sleep came crawling in as the whole world soon before a wonderland of dreams.

I hope he's still there when i wake up...




Kyuhyun's Pov



"" I heard him ask. I felt bad for leaving him here alone so I might a swell stay... Right? It's not like anything bad would happen to me. 



"Of course I will, just sleep Mr Jung." I told him, giving him a small smile as I watched his eyes slowly close. I say there for a few minutes, waiting for some kind of sign to tell me he was really asleep. I watched as his breathing got shallower and no sign of him waking up was seen.

I yawned a bit, feeling a bit sleepy. I didn't want to sleep, not if Mr Jung would wake up any minute and ask me to bring something for him. But I could keep my eyes closed... 

I leaned forward, my head resting in my arms as I laid my head on the head. I felt myself slowly drowning in sleep. 






i updated! For now I'll be updating on my phone so it might not be perfect! I'll be able to fully update with all my notes hopefully in a few days!


comments and subscribes will be treasured and loved <3



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Once I finish Hunter x Hunter, this will be one of the next fic I work on!!! :3 sorry for the wait!!!


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Chapter 6: aww.....kyu I sooo cute!!! ^3^
wheres-my-cookie #2
Chapter 6: Kyu stop being so awkward with your minnie >< Omg that line 'I didn't know you liked marble tables so much' haha xDDD
wheres-my-cookie #3
Chapter 5: Awww so cute! :) Well...changkyu are getting along >< Hurry up and confess!!! xD
Chapter 5: Yes minnie... Kyubaby is really cute and adorable....changkyu make a good progress...
snsdteentopexo #5
Chapter 3: updaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate :))
wheres-my-cookie #6
Chapter 4: Changmin hurry up and confess to Kyuhyun! Or Siwon will steal him away....
Chapter 4: changminnie, you better confess to babykyu. or uri wonnie will take him away ^_^
Chapter 4: ooooooooooohhhhhhh~ a fight for Kyu's love... me likey~ >)
Chapter 4: Minnie i'd love to smack your head if you hurt kyunnie again...
update please...