Chapter 4: Date

Watching You From The Sidelines - [Hiatus]


Siwon's Pov



After coming back from where I saw Kyuhyun and Changmin, I went back to my office, settling down on my chair to do some paper work.

I could tell Kyuhyun was upset about something before, when I saw him, that was one reason why I asked him out to dinner in the first place, he looked as if he was uncomfortable with his first ever work place. This was to cheer him up a bit and make him feel better inside the company and with me, this was the least I could do. Also since I quite like him, I decided why not as him out, there was nothing for me to lose. He was cute and beautiful ever since the first day I met him, by the looks of it, it's either Changmin hated him or liked him a lot like me.

Was it because of Changmin? Is that why he's upset? I do recall him ask me before is Changmin was always like how he was with Kyuhyun. I didn't know what was going on, I kept myself thinking until I heard a knock on my office door. "Come in" I heard my door open and in came someone, I looked up from my work papers, wondering who it was.



"Mr Choi, you have a meeting tomorrow morning and a planned lunch with the president of Kim Resources, It was told to inform you that by the president, also the materials for tomorrow's meeting will be sent to you later today so you can read over it." My assistant Donghae told me.



"Thank you Donghae" I dismissed him, looking up at the clock on my office wall, 2pm exactly it showed, there was still a lot of time left until my date with Kyuhyun. I've finished my work so there was nothing to do. I'm so bored...

However, I didn't really want to do any work regarding work, work but since I had a meeting tomorrow, I had to make sure I did everything so I can rest early when I come home from my date.

"Donghae, can you come in." I called Donghae through the income on the office phone.



"Yes Mr Choi?" Usually, he wouldn't call me Mr Choi since we're good friends from before since we went to the same high school, college and university, he only calls me Siwon outside of work as usual.



"Tell the person who's providing the reading materials for tomorrow's meeting to send them over to me as soon as he's done writing it. If he's finished now, send them over and I'll look through it."



"Are you sure?" He asked me with a questioning look since i never ask for extra work, never.






"Ok, I'll contact him now then." I wasn't long until the papers were sent to my office, finally I was doing something productive and was less bored then before. I read over the paper's, adding some stuff, even correcting a few things here and there while I was waiting for time to go by until my date.

That reminded me, I need to book a place and tell Kyuhyun when we were going.



"Donghae!" I pushed the intercom.

"Book a place at the most fanciest restaurant you can find for tonight, 7pm. Also I want you to link me in with Kyuhyun's office phone, he's Changmin's assistant."



"Yes, Mr Choi." He cut off, leaving my phone to beep as I got linked in with Kyuhyun's office phone.



"Hello, this is Jung Changmin's office, Cho Kyuhyun speaking." I heard his voice through the phone.



"Hello Kyuhyun, it's Siwon, I wanted to tell you I'll pick you up at 6:30pm, where will you be?"



"Oh! Mr Choi, ok. I'll see you then. I believe I should be finished work by then, you can see me at my office since I'll be staying back to do some extra work."



"Thank you, I'll see you later."









It was now getting late and time for my date with Kyuhyun, I was pretty sure by now Kyuhyun was finished working and would still be at his desk. I stood up and stretched, relaxing my muscles as I sat down for most of the day causing me to feel a bit tense.

I looked up at the clock, 6:20pm it read. I made my way to the elevator and to Kyuhyun's office beside Changmin's.



"Kyuhyun!" I shouted from afar. He looked up and smiled at me. I ran over to him, giving him a smile back.



"Mr Choi!"



"Shall we get going? The restaurant is quite far from here so we'll take my car there. Don't worry about it, we'll make it there in time. I booked, well my assistant booked a really nice place for us!"



"Ok, let me just finished putting the papers away." I sat him down in my car when we reached the car parking area. I opened the door for him first, like a gentlemen I am as he sat down in the front passenger seat. I sat in the drivers seat and drove to our destination. Our drive was quiet since none of us talked, it was almost awkward, not just quite there though as it was also a comfortable quiet.



"Here we are." I told him, we stepped out of my car, and parked it nearby. I let him follow me to the front of the restaurant, greeted at the door waiter, she took us to our table next to the window. Donghae did a fantastic job in picking out a fancy restaurant. We picked out what we wanted and called over our waiter.



"Hello, my name is Ren, I'll be your waiter today." The lad smiled, he had bleach blond hair, longer then both mine and Kyuhyun's. He looked a bit more feminine then Kyuhyun but he didn't attract me as much as Kyuhyun did.

"What would you like to order?"



"I would like the beef steak with a side salad, he will be having..." I passed it on to Kyuhyun.



"Carbonara thank you." He smiled at Ren.



"Oh yeah, I would like a bottle of your finest wine. Can we order desert later?"



"Of course, I'll go and give in your order." Ren wrote our order down on his pad and when away when we finished ordering. I looked at Kyuhyun as we waited for our food, I rested my chin on my hand, staring at the person in front of me.



"Yes Mr Choi.?" He must have felt uncomfortable after he sensed or saw me looking at him.



"Like I said before, just call me Siwon, especially since we're out of work."



"Ok.. Siwon ssi..." He was slightly awkward but it didn't matter much to me, as long as I was here with him. It wasn't long until Ren come over with our food.



"Here you go. Enjoy your food." He gave us a smile before heading off.



"It looks yummy!" Kyuhyun said with excitement, almost jumping up and down from the delicious food in front of us.



"Dig in." He took a bit of the carbonara and ate it with delight, his face even lighting up as he ate.



"Sir! Do you have a reservation?" We heard someone shout from the front of the restaurant, there was clearly a commotion as everyone here turned around and looked back to see what everything was all about.



"I'm here to look for someone." I turned around and so did Kyuhyun as we heard a voice we recognised.



"Mr Jung...?" Kyuhyun said, I focused my eyes, seeing it was Changmin.



"What are you doing here Changmin?" I asked him as he made his way over to us. The restaurant was now busy and loud as everyone was whispering about Changmin. Worried and wandering who he was and why he was here.



"I'm here to take my assistant back." He said, grabbing onto Kyuhyun's wrist and forcing him to leave.



"Mr Jung, w-what are you doing, it hurts Mr Jung." Kyuhyun cried out, i stood up, grabbing onto Kyuhyun's other wrist.



"Let go of him, he's here with me."



"He's MY assistant, he has nothing to do with you."



"So? I'm the one who invited him out on a date and he said yes so let go." He walked up to me and punch me on the cheek which sent me flying.



"I don't care." He held onto Kyuhyun's wrist tightly, pulling him out of the restaurant. Once they were gone, all the waiters came to my help, picking me up. He's going to get it tomorrow when I see him at work.



"Are you ok Sir?" Ren asked me, picking me up.



"I'm fine." I sat up, sitting on my table as i finished my food and drank my wine, i looked over at Kyuhyun's unfinished food, sighing i wondered what Changmin was going to do it him. He better not do anything bad to Kyuhyun otherwise I'll break him into pieces.

I know now what Changmin was thinking. He likes Kyuhyun, he knows it but he doesn't know how to respond to it. This was going to be a fight between us if we both want Kyuhyun, as we both know, only one can have him. I'll have to make sure I win.






Changmin's Pov



What was I thinking, barging into a restaurant just to get someone like him back. It wasn't my fault but that stupid Siwon's fault, he deserved that punch in the face and many more for trying to flirt with MY assistant. I remember over hearing them two about a date when I was going to leave my office for a walk to get a breath of fresh air. Then I didn't know what came over me but I called up Donghae and asked him to tell me Siwon's schedule since I might need him later for 'something urgent' in which I found out he booked a place in this restaurant. I wanted to stop myself from coming here but it was no use, my legs dragged themselves here without me know. Before I knew it, I was in my car, driving here.



"Mr Jung! P-Please let go! It hurts!" I heard Kyuhyun's voice, bringing me back to reality. I was now further then before, in fact, I was too deep into it. Kyuhyun was now with me, I pushed him in the passenger seat of my car, parked right outside the restaurant doors. I didn't say anything to him as we drove around, it was quiet for a brief moment as I saw from the corner of my eye, Kyuhyun kept moving his fingers around.

"W-where are we going Mr Jung...." He broke the silence.



"My apartment" I usually stay with my Umma and Appa but I have an apartment of my own near them if I ever want to be alone and where I usually stay if I have too much work since Umma hates it when me and Appa do work around the family house.



"Why...?" He looked at me confused, to tell you the truth, I was confused too, why my apartment of all places.



"We have a lot to do for tomorrow. If you don't want to lose your job, I suggest you don't hang around Siwon too much, he's nothing but trouble."




"Y-Yes Mr Jung." The rest of the ride was silent, nothing was said, it was even hard to breath in the car. All I wanted was to get back home as soon as possible so this whole ride would be over.

Finally, we were there, I got out of my car, Kyuhyun following a second later as he walked behind me. I let him in my house as I threw my jacket on the sofa



"Sit." I ordered him, going to the kitchen to grab a drink for the both of us.

Today was going to be a long day is we were going to stay like this.








I updated it! YAYAYA!

OOOO Changmin ed Siwon xDD LOL!


Comments and Subscribes will be treasured and loved <3



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Once I finish Hunter x Hunter, this will be one of the next fic I work on!!! :3 sorry for the wait!!!


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Chapter 6: aww.....kyu I sooo cute!!! ^3^
wheres-my-cookie #2
Chapter 6: Kyu stop being so awkward with your minnie >< Omg that line 'I didn't know you liked marble tables so much' haha xDDD
wheres-my-cookie #3
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