2 The Date and Apology

Forgive Me.

Kyungsoo POV

Wellwellwell look who turns out to be my blind date. Its Kim Jong In. Yeap he broke my heart but yeap I am a very forgiving person to be able to forgive him. But no I dont expect him to be my date. Urgh Baekhyun how could you. 

"Kyungsoo? Are you there?" Jongin called me breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, Sorry what did you say earlier?" I asked him.

"I asked what you wanted. A drink probably?" He replied.

"Yeah sure. Umm an Iced Cocoa Cappucino then." I told him while taking out my wallet to hand an amount of money to him.

"No, no need. I'll pay for everything today," he told me before I even get to hand him the money. I only nod. I guess he changed. Very gentlemanly now. I guess. I have to admit he looked stunning and is getting more attarctive too. I blushed. I wonder what has he been doing after all these years. What is he working as? Or yet, Has he found someone new? No wait, if he found someone new he wouldnt be here with me on a date. Silly me. I chuckled to myself.

"What is so funny?" Jongin asked me. Woah I did not see him coming. Well I must have been lost in thought.

"Nothing, thanks Jonginnie" I said to him, unaware that I called him using his old nickname that I've make a few  years back and took a sip of my drink. I grinned. 

Jongin POV

He called me Jonginnie. He called me Jonginnie AAAAAAHHHHH like a fanboy squealing in my head. He doesnt seem to notice tho. Ah my pabo Kyungie. Then that silence lingered around us. I decided to break this awkward atmosphere.

"So Kyungsoo what have you been doing lately? Oh and I am so sorry for your loss recently," I said. Not trrying to make him feel uncomfortable and offended.

"Ah, thank you and its fine. Well, I am currently busy with singing and stuffs like that, how about you Jongin-ah?" he said and asked.

I then told him about my dancing career and how I am living with Chanyeol currently and about how Chanyeol and Baekhyun are dating and his expression was shocked but he then felt happy for them. Basically we talked and talked until we do not know what to talk about. Next we decided to walk around at the park. We walked in comfortable silence until I decided that I have yet to apologize properly about the past incident. I stopped walking and he too stopped walking.

"Kyungsoo, I am so sorry about what I did to you a few years ago. I really miss you alot and not to mention that I still loved you and I regretted doing all those things to you. I havent found a single person after you left and yes I felt sad that you were married to him but then again I felt happy because you were happy and now I am so happy that I get to meet you again either by fate or by Baekhyun hyung but whatever I am still glad for today I hope we can meet again but whatever, what I meant to say is will you forgive me?," I told him fast and short while closing my eyes, afraid of the expression I might get from him after stating that. 

I then heard a small chuckle and slowly opened one of my eyes. He doesnt look angry nor sad. Is he making fun of me? But he is blushing aigooooo. That pinkish tint on his cheeks were so obvious.

"My dear pabo open your eyes. I have already forgiven you a long time ago and yes I understand. I enjoyed today too. I have to admit that over all my previous dates yours were the best and have you noticed you accidentally confessed to me? Well, I cannot say anything about that yet. Indeed I missed you too and I am glad you realised your mistakes so yeah I forgive you so don't worry," he said. 

I felt so happy yet dumb at the same time. How can I actually confessed to him urgh but whatever, at least the love of my life forgives me and that is enough. I looked at him and smile. He said he enjoyed that date. I felt so glad. Thanks to Baekhyun hyung and Chanyeol. We continued walking. Maybe, just maybe I can ask him out for another date. Worth a try eh? 

"Um.." I started.

"Yeah? What is it Jongin?" he asked me.

"Is it okay if I asked you out for another date?" I asked. Waiting for his answer, his phone suddenly rang. I groaned in my mind. He told me to hold on while he picked up the call. He then talked to the other person on the line. I waited patiently. He then ended off with a "I'm busy right now hyung, stop bothering me. I'll tell you later at home okay. Okay bye". I guess its just Baekhyun hyung. And I'm right. 

"Sorry what is it Jongin-ah?" he asked me again. I repeated the same question and he agreed so happily with bright eyes and smile. I felt myself blushing looking at him like that. Oh Jongin stop it. Not now. I then proceed to send him home (because that is what couples do lol). We exchanged numbers and I cant wait to meet him for our very next date. Afters our byes and hugs. he did something unexpected, he kissed my cheek. I can faint right now but I had to keep my cool on. I swear my cheeks are so red right now as he laughs and said goodbye for the umpteenth time. 

I just have to fight for him. I swear I will do whatever it takes to have him. I love him. Oh Kyungsoo you made me fall in love with you again today. 

Kyungsoo POV

Omo I cant believe I did that. I kissed his cheeks and his cheeks were so red! My heart is beating very fast right now I cant even. 

"Had fun?" Baekhyun whom appear out of no where asked me.

"I have to admit, yeah," I said. 

"Told ya. So what now?" He asked me again. I then told him about how Jongin asked me out again to the point that Baekhyun squeal. Its all thanks to Baekhyun I must say. He has been a great friend. 

After bathing I got ready for bed but then there is a vibration on my desk. I got a text message. I clicked open.

Text Message from : Jonginnie

Hey Kyungie. Just wanna say thanks for today I had lots of fun xx Cant wait for the next one! Gnite Kyungie! Sweet dreams xoxo see you soon <3 :D 


I smiled. It was sweet really. I dont realise I saved his number as Jonginnie. It was his old nickname I used to give him. And he called me Kyungie. It was a nickname he once gave me too. Am I falling in love with Jongin? Am I? Well I hope so. 



A/N : I am so sorry if it is lame really. But should i mark the 'Complete' button already or should I continue? 

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INFINITE_man_in_love #1
Chapter 4: I enjoyed it! A LOT ^_^
Chapter 2: Continue it XD It was niceu (Y)