1 The Meeting

Forgive Me.

Jongin POV

I must have been in heaven. After all these years I finally get to meet my angel. Does that sound cheesy? Well after I eventually found out how much I loved him I just cannot give him up, even if he is married. I rejected alot of blind dates and girls whom seem to like me. I felt bad for them tho but I just cannot seem to forget on Kyungsoo and how I just really cannot give him up. I saw him sometimes whenever I go out. But seeing him happy makes me happy so I just cannot make him separate with his husband, I mean late husband. I am sorry tho, for his late husband. It must have been hard for him but then a small part of me is happy as this might be my last chance to get him back and claim him mine. I am glad he is friends with Baekhyun hyung. Ah thanks to Baekhyun and Chanyeol for setting up this amazing night with Kyungsoo. Well, I hope so. 

When Chanyeol open up to the fact that he is dating Baekhyun I got mad but then felt happy for him. I hope I can get to meet Kyungsoo soon too. Then I overheard how Baekhyun told Chanyeol about how he was worried for his bestfriend. Thinking "best friend" as someone else, I ignored their conversation. But then I heard my name being said out by all mighty Chanyeol who cannot seem to lower down his low bassy voice, I eavesdrop them another time. I heard about how they will be setting me up with this guy which is Baekhyun hyung best friend. I groaned silently from the kitchen but I guess they heard it. They called me over to discuss. I honestly dont feel like going to this blind date. Not again. I just want my Kyungie. 

"So-" Chanyeol started first.

"No Chanyeol, not again. I still like him okay and I know you know it too so nope," I interrupted him.

'But-" Baekhyun

'No Baek-hyung. Not you too. I dont wan-" Again, I interrupted. But

"Yah who told you to cut off my Baeky's sentence?!" Chanyeol voice boomed the whole apartment, even Baekhyun hyung was shocked.

"Chill and relax dear. Its okay and dont worry. I am sure he will go once we tell him who," Baekhyun hyung told Chanyeol. Then they looked at each other and smirk. Well this is getting creepy but yeah I have to admit I am a wee tiny bit curious.

"Oh come on hyungs tell me who then I'll think about it. And mianhae for cutting off your sentence Baek hyung," I whined but also apologised.

Then Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun again and Baekhyun hyung nods. Okay what do they have some kind of telepathy or something. Chanyeol then said the name, his name, the name that can make me feel really really happy, the name that has the perfect face and voice of an angel, my angel. And then I agreed on it with no costs at all. Its my only chance.


And now here I am. The day. Picking out clothes for the date. Baekhyun told me that Kyungsoo doesnt know whom his blind date is, which is me. hehe. But I am running out of time. I am probably already 5 minutes late. Oh man I should have asked Baekhyun for help earlier.

" Jongin what the hell have you been doing here?" ooops speak of the devil, Baekhyun came barging in my room, not that I mind, I need his help anyway.

He seem to understand when I gave him a puppy look pout and then went on helping me to find some good clothes for the date, only after scrunching up his nose in disgust. And viola, after another 5 good minutes I am ready.

He lent me his blue beanie to wear as he said it will be cold outside. He informed me of the venue and soon I make a run for it. i reached the place, Starbucks, hmm great venue. i checked my watch. I am probably 20 minutes late. Wow what a great start for a date. To be honest I am nervous as to what Kyungsoo will say. Will he be happy or angry if he finds out I am his date? What will he say? Not to waste anymore time thinking, I went into the place. Ah there he is. Still cute and angelic as ever but he is getting more attractive I must say. I walked to his table and he looked up. I wonder why he hasnt show signs that he recognise me yet. Oh right, I still have my blue beanie and sunglasses on. Well here goes nothing.

"Hey Kyungsoo. It's been years am I right?" I asked him. He is still looking at me, not saying anything. Oh god what do I do what do I do. Does he even know me? Dont tell me he has forgotten everything about me nooooo.

"You don't remember me?" I asked him again to confirm.

.... Moment of silence ....


Kyungsoo POV
"Kim Jongin?" I asked. 
"Ah yeah you got it. Its me. How are you?" he nervously asked as he slowly pulled out the chair opposite of me and sat on it.
"Umm I'm fine thank you. What brings you here?" I asked him curious. He's not my last blind date is he?
"You don't know? Baekhyung did not tell you?" he replied. Baekhyun? Well I guess he must have been my-
"Yesyes I am your blind date silly. Now stop thinking so much," he interrupted me. Sigh I guess it will be a long day today but the fact that I am a little bit excited for it makes me wonder why. 



A/N First chapter done yayyyy sorry if it sobs. 



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INFINITE_man_in_love #1
Chapter 4: I enjoyed it! A LOT ^_^
Chapter 2: Continue it XD It was niceu (Y)