we r f(x)

fated for eachother

Sulli POV

I bought the chicken and headed back to the dorms with Luhan, we really got to know each other, turns out we have a million similarities , i really think we will be great friends.

Luhans POV

i dropped sulli off to the door of her , dorm i hugged her , without realizing minho had been watching the whole time. i walked past minho ignoring him hmm what an arrogant guy!

that night i couldnt stop thinking about sulli her smile is sooo familiar, i knew i had seen her soome where , maybe in my childhood , not really sure, she was one gorgeous girl , i think we will be great friends.

Minho POV

pfft who does he think he is too drop her off at her room and hug her pfft she is not even worth it, luhan walks past me i ignored him

wow i thought that gguy must really be a despo for going after a girl like that! why do i even care! i dont give a sh.. i was interrupted by onew wow hyung really likes his chicken.

Victorias POV

i woke up in the morning on the couch on top of luna and there was popcorn all over the floor, then suddenly i looked at the clock OMO!

it was 8:30am 15mins till my first lesson i dont wanna be late for my first day. i woke up all the others and we got ready and rushed out of our dorm running to the performing arts center.

thats when i looked at my phone 7 45!!! What! thats when Amber told that the clock in the room had been an hour forward!! Aish chincha we r soo early standing outside performing arts center!

Amber POV

i heard singing from the PCA(PERFORMING ARTS CENTER) and it was good

my friends and i slowly opened the door to see who it were.

i couldnt believe my eyes it was a jaw drop moment!!

it was shinee they were dancing and singing there dancing wasnt soo great.

achoo!! woops i sneezed

the whole shinee stopped there music and looked at us. a gu fairly tall with blonde hair like mine and wearing all pink(yuck) came towards me and asked yaah wat r u a girl or a guy!!

i couldnt stop laughing!! i looked at him and told him he should ask himself that first!!

Keys POV

omo did that girl wait no bohttp://www.asianfanfics.com/index.php/story/add_chapter/410912y no IT just say that omg! she is soo gonna get it!!

i looked at that thing laugh what is it doing!

i asked her why she was laughing, she looked at me saying u guys r really bad at dancing AND WE R SOO MUCH BETTER!

Shinee's POV 

EXCUSE ME! DID SHE JUST SAY THAT! we looked at that girl and her group of friends and we challenged them to a dance and sing off in 5mins in the PCA.

Luna POV


they asked us wat we called our sleves!

uummm i was thinking the only thing that came in to my head was f and suddenly i got the idea of adding x the unknown in maths and put f and x together making f(x)

i screamed out we call ourselves f(x)





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blackjack_4life #1
ok guys sorry havent been here for days ill write up a few chapters today
blackjack_4life #2
ehehehe yep its minul.... but anything can happen in the story... and Luhan he's got a secret!! its clue
ehe ok
Chapter 8: yayyyyy! minho & sulli got paired up! no offense, but i dont want luhan & sulli to be together in this story. i hope they aren't minul foreverrrr
nana4ever #4
Chapter 8: Yeah we got our wish MinSul rocks!!!!

Minho and Sulli you will make great music to gether :)

looking forward to more updates when you get a chance.
Chapter 7: awh i want sulli & minho to be paired up!
Chapter 7: One word LOL,especially when Onew called Victoria ahjumma,I was laughing on the floor,I hope Minsul will be paired,keep updating!

Fighting! :D
blackjack_4life #7
Chapter 7: this is a very short chapter soo sorry about this but i have a lot of hw soo sorry and i am really tired!! but i hope u like this update though!! ^^
MissyMixer #8
Chapter 6: Hehehe but you really did a great job author nim even though this chapter is a little confusing.update soon!^^cant wait for next chapter!^^
blackjack_4life #9
Chapter 6: im trying to update as much as i can, ill update again tonight
again!! thanks for the support really means a lot!!!
yep some really unexpected things coming ur ways im planning it all!! so expect the unexpected!! eheh im a bit hyper at the momment!! >.< ^^