Last Conversation

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Work went on as usual with Luhan chattering away about Yunho and myself trying to ignore him.  Except, it was a little harder to ignore him this time since Yunho's image from this morning was still engraved in my brain.  I wanted to kick myself for not asking him why he had really come.
The last time I had seen him was a few years back when I had decided to stop and take over my grandmother's bookstore.  After her second heart attack, it left her unable to handle running it on her own to her frustration. Unfortunately, Yunho hadn't seemed to understand why I had to stop everything when I had told him then.
"Why are you quitting everything you've been working for? You've been working for over 10 years to bring yourself this far and you're just going to stop? Are you not going to regret it?" He said, pacing back and forth across my living room as I tried packing with him in the way.
I stopped trying to pack and sat down on the couch to get this over with. "It's not like I can't come back if I decide to. I've achieved what I started, so there's nothing for me to regret now. This is what I want and need to do right now." 
He stopped pacing and stared at me. "You've really thought about this haven't you?" 
"Yeah I have. I'm not going into this blind. It's really what I need to do."
Sighing he sat on the couch next to me. "Okay. In that case, I'll support you and help you with anything you need, just let me know okay?" Again staring intently at me, but at this close of a distance, it was hard to reply or even think. I'd secretly always had a crush on him but he always seemed to put up the friend wall either consciously or unconsciously. I seriously didn't need to think about that now.
It suddenly registered what he had said so jumping off the couch, I grabbed a few notebooks and threw them in his lap.  "You can begin by helping me pack or I'm never going to finish!"
That was the last conversation we truly had before I left. Of course we messaged each other from time to time but with his schedule and my responsibilities, it was practically impossible to have a real conversation.
"HELLO-O-O!! Earth to Bo Ah! We need to close up!" Luhan said while waving a hand in front of my face.
Looking at the clock, it was already past 7 which definitely meant it was time to close up.  It was getting closer to the time where I was meeting up with him. Would we have a real conversation this time?
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Chapter 2: please update ^o^ fully love this :)) its changing me into a yunboa shipper 0.0 hahah
Chapter 2: Hmm so it seemed like Yunho didn't like BoA the way she liked him hence the wall.
I can't wait for more!
iamme_ #3
intriguing [;
livelovelife7 #4
Chapter 1: Ah! So Yunho's a celebrity? Haha. And Luhan is the fanboy :) I'm curious to how this story will unfold.
livelovelife7 #5
I'm excited for this !