Just Pizza

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"Still finding dangerous things to do, I see."
Looking down with big brown eyes, she saw a tall man despite standing on a ladder.
"Can I help you?" she asked confused at this man who was staring up at her through dark sunglasses. She started making her way down the ladder slowly to not trip and embarrass herself in front of the handsome man in front of her. 
With a grin, he grabbed her by her waist and pulled her off the ladder. "You always were a slow one Kwon Bo Ah." Giving her long hair an affectionate tug after setting her on the ground. "Maybe all this hair is blocking your brain?" he said chuckling.
She looked up at him shocked. Because of her height, she always had to look up at people and looking up at his 6 foot frame to see his eyes were no different. "Yunho??" 
"Give the girl a prize!" he teased, eyes twinkling.
"It better be a cookie!" she teased back easily going back to how they used to tease each other. Even though it had been years since they last saw each other, it seemed like not much time had passed and everything was the same. Of course nothing was the same now.
Pulling out a bag out of his jacket pocket, he shook it as he held it out of reach, "Like this?"
"Hey! They're only going to be crumbs left if you keep that up!" She laughed as she tried jumping for the bag and only succeeded into crashing into him.
Using his free hand, he wrapped it around her waist to hold her steady as he laughed, "You're definitely still as clumsy as ever, why are you climbing ladders?"
Blushing, she took a step back just as the door was slammed open and her best friend and part timer walked through the door. 
"I'm only 7 minutes late! You can subtract that from me leaving later last night! Anyways not important! Did you hear that Yunho is on vacation and you'll never believe it! He's HERE! Why would he come to our small town?? Maybe I can....", suddenly stopping mid sentence as he went around the bookcase, he stood wide eyed in shock. "Uhhh...I guess you did hear," he said staring at Yunho.
Yunho nudged me and whispered in my ear, "Aren't you going to save the poor guy?"
Trying to hide my grin, I turned toward him, "Yunho, this is my part timer and best friend Luhan. Luhan this is Yunho. Let's pretend you don't know that already," I said giggling as Luhan turned even more red than I had thought possible.
Yunho stuck out his hand. "Hi! Nice to meet you."
"You-u-u tooo!" Luhan replied shaking his hand.
"To answer your earllier question about why I'm vacationing here, it's because I came to get some stuff done and see if Bo Ah was around", he said turning to smile at me.
The door then banged open again. "Bo Ah! You have packages!!!" 
"Coming!!" I yelled back turning to Yunho. "Sorry! Busy today. Need to get those packages in and sign for them. You can wait in my office if you want to stick around."
"Nah, I have a few places to stop by but I couldn't help dropping in. Are you free tonight? We can grab a pizza and catch up if you have the time."
"Uh, sure! That would be great. Let me give you my number so...", I started but before I knew it, my phone was in his hand and he was already dialing. "There! Now you have mine and I have yours. I'll see you later!" He said ruffling my hair. 
"Stop messing with my hair!" I yelled pretending to be angry. "What are ya going to do about it?" he said laughing and tossing me the bag of cookies as he was walking away. "Ugh just go away", I yelled after him. "I am for now," he replied laughing as he ran to his car parked at the sidewalk.
"Who's the guy with the lambo?" asked the mail man as he asked me to sign for the package. 
"Oh, just someone I know," I said while grabbing a box after signing and walking inside.
"Someone you know? Just someone you know?!" Luhan yelled from behind while grabbing a box and running after me to the stock room. "You know I'm a huge fan! How come you never said anything when I talked about him?"
"What was the point", I said shrugging.
"The point? The point?! Argh, you must have had amnesia! That has to be it! Did you fall down the ladder or a book fall off the shelf and hit you on the head?"
I turned to him and just stared in silence waiting for his rant to be over.
"You know what? Nevermind all that! Time for important matters-!"
"Thank you! Now-"
"What are you wearing tonight?"
"What?" I said, looking blankly at him.
"Hello! What are you wearing tonight when you go on your date with Yunho? That must have been a heavy book that hit you on the head. Was it a dictionary?" he said as he started patting my head looking for who knows what.
Swatting his hands away, I just shook my head. "I did not get hit in the head with a book and what date? It's not a date. We're just getting pizza and catching up."
"...you did not just say pizza with Yunho is just pizza. I do not understand you! People have dreams about these types of dates! Forget it! After we close up we'll go home and we'll look through your closet and figure it out," Luhan said as the front door opened again and he ran out to see who it was.
"Whatever," I mumbled going into my office to start on paperwork while Luhan took care of the customers that came in.
Unfortunately it wasn't that easy to get back to work. Yunho was here. He was really back here...to see me?
OKAY! So this is totally randomness and a test run just to see if I should even write more or where to go. I sort of have a chapter 2 already (mostly) but yea~ What do you guys think? 
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Chapter 2: please update ^o^ fully love this :)) its changing me into a yunboa shipper 0.0 hahah
Chapter 2: Hmm so it seemed like Yunho didn't like BoA the way she liked him hence the wall.
I can't wait for more!
iamme_ #3
intriguing [;
livelovelife7 #4
Chapter 1: Ah! So Yunho's a celebrity? Haha. And Luhan is the fanboy :) I'm curious to how this story will unfold.
livelovelife7 #5
I'm excited for this !