"Whatever You Say Babe"

Turn The Page

We cleaned up and were heading out the door when my phone went off indicating I had a text. Taking it out it read, "Pizza at my hotel room at 9PM. Don't worry about anything since I've got it covered. Just bring yourself :D"

"OMG! You're meeting at his hotel room? We really need to figure out what you're wearing NOW!" He said dragging me the couple of blocks towards the house I shared with my grandmother. The house wasn't small and it wasn't that big but it stood out from the others on the street because of how old it was.  It was the house I grew up in, the house I was always glad to come back to, and the house that was mine.

"Hi Grandma Kwon!" Luhan yelled out dragging me upstairs to my room.

"Hi back! What are you two up to?” Grandma yelled after us.

"Date clothes!" Luhan yelled back. My eyes grew wide at that as I stopped at the top of the stairs. "I'm just going to hang out with an old friend! NOT. A. DATE!" I yelled out not realizing how silent it was.

With them staring at me, I stomped to my room and sat on the bed. Luhan peeked inside the room, "Is it safe for me to walk in yet?" I sighed. "I guess."

With that he rushed into my closet and started pulling out clothes and throwing them around me on the bed.Sometimes I thought Luhan would do better learning fashion than just graphic design but that’s what he wanted to do. Who am I to change that? It was just nice having someone artistic around though.

 After he finally settled on an outfit, I was dressed with makeup and hair done by 8:30.

"Dang it Lu! Now I'm going to be late!" I said, grabbing my bag and running out the door yelling bye to my grandma. "Bye grandma! Don't stay up for me!"


“I’m late! I know!” I said right when the door opened.

“Nothing new”, he laughed.  “You were always late and I doubted that would have changed no matter how long,” he said while moving to let me in.

“Hey! I’m not always late now. I have a store to run that opens at a certain time. It just took me a little longer to get away today,” I pouted as I looked around the hotel room.

Throwing his arm around my shoulder, he leaned down next to my ear, “whatever you say babe.”

“Umm...so where’s the pizza? I’m starving!” I said as I moved away from him and sat on the couch to grab the remote and flip through channels.

Plopping down on the couch next to me, “It’ll be here soon. I thought you would be later so I ordered it later like always. Anyways, how’s the bookstore going? How’s your grandma? Are you coming back?”

“Breathe! Bookstore’s going great as you saw this morning. My grandma’s doing a lot better. No, I’m not going back,” I said without looking away from the TV.

Grabbing the remote from my hand, “are you just going to watch TV and not pay attention to what I’m saying to you?”

“What? I can multi-task. I just answered you while watching TV. I don’t get why you’re so grumpy,” I said finally looking up at him.

“Bo Ah. Come back with me.”

Getting off the couch, I started pacing the hotel room. “I can’t. I just can’t leave here. I’ve so much I need to do here and people that depend on me.”

Grabbing my shoulders to stop me he leaned down so we were face to face. “What about what you had before? What we had planned to do? I can’t set it up without you. Bo Ah, I need you.”

“You don’t need me! You have everyone else behind you.” I yelled as I grabbed my purse. “We’re not ready to talk Yunho. You still don’t see what’s important for anyone but yourself. You just want to do what you want. I need to go.”

I ran out the door and past the pizza delivery guy without stopping until I was on the next block where I had to stop to take a breathe. Okay, so I probably overreacted there. I just need to think. It was too much at once. He was always pulling me into his schemes but I’ve never once been able to do what I wanted to do. It was impossible to say no to him normally but I can’t be that close to him again. I can’t get into doing everything he wanted again. Apparently I wasn’t over him yet either.

Plus, I have my bookstore now! This is what I want. Sighing, I started walking to the bookstore. No way was I going to go home now. Lu would probably ask grandma what time I got home, I thought smiling to myself while looking for my keys to open the door.

After pulling them out and reaching for the door, I froze.  

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Chapter 2: please update ^o^ fully love this :)) its changing me into a yunboa shipper 0.0 hahah
Chapter 2: Hmm so it seemed like Yunho didn't like BoA the way she liked him hence the wall.
I can't wait for more!
iamme_ #3
intriguing [;
livelovelife7 #4
Chapter 1: Ah! So Yunho's a celebrity? Haha. And Luhan is the fanboy :) I'm curious to how this story will unfold.
livelovelife7 #5
I'm excited for this !