Stop it

My y tuitor

Jaejoong's POV*

Feeling something or someone disturbing me I stirred slightly and tried to open my eyes. I saw Yunho looking tame with eyes filled with unmistakable lust and I did what any normal person would do - I panicked. Well I do admit asking him what he was about to do was really stupid what seriously I'm not gay! For your information I'm straighter than a pole. His grinned widened and I shrunk back in fear. "You're really cute when you're scared." He cooed and my cheek. I slapped his hand away and shot up from the couch pushing him hard. "What the hell was that for?!" He yelled and stood up. I rolled my eyes in anger and kicked the table away, picking up my bag. "It's for trying to kiss me jerk face. And by the way. I'm not into guys." I said coldly and stalked pass him. His hand reached out to grab onto mine and he pulled me into his embrace, holding me firmly. "Awwwwww come on Jaejoongie! Spend a week with me and I guarantee you'll be head over heels in love with me." He said smuggly and I suppressed the urge to puke. I glared at him and pinched his arm hard. He howled in pain and I pushed him away again, making sure to kick him on the thigh. Some of you might be asking why not kick his balls? Well because one I'm not that cruel and two because since I'm a guy I know how much pain it will cause. "Are you deaf or something? I Kim Jaejoong am not and will never be G.A.Y. Understand?" I said clearly and stalked pass him, throwing the front door open. "Wa...wait! I'm sorry! Don't go yet! You still have to check my answers." He pleaded and I turned to look at the math questions. Geez I hate it when somebody stops me. But he is right... I sighed and threw my bag on the floor before picking up his book and skimming through it quickly. There was a long pause as I checked his answers. Yunho cleared his throat loudly and I looked at him. "Soo how's my work?" He asked tentatively and I smiled slightly. "Surprisingly all the answers are correct. Keep up the good work Yunho." I said earnestly and handed the book back to him. He grinned arrogantly and folded his arms. "Well I don't mean to brag or anything but actually I am quite smart. I just don't show it you know. Being a famous idol and everything I don't have the time to revise." He said and I rolled my eyes. Typical idols with their typical stuck up attitudes. "Well Jung Yunho since you are SO smart then I won't have to come anymore would I." I said cooly and his expression faltered slightly. "No no! You still have to come! I'm still not satisfied with my math yet. So you still need to come!" He said frantically and I smiled slightly. He was kind of cute when he wasn't so arrogant... Wait what am I saying right now?! Kim Jaejoong snap out of it. He's just immature that's all! I shook my head to clear that thought and Yunho looked at me curiously. "Do you have a headache?" He asked innocently. "Yea sure I do. That's why I'm shaking my head furiously." I replied sarcastically and he narrowed his eyes. "You don't have to be a total you know? I am concerned about you." He said coldly and sat on the couch. I felt a little bad when he said that but I had to do it. I'm not gay or anything so why is my heart beating fast? I need fresh air now. "Whatever. I'll be going now. See ya bye!" I said hurriedly and ran out of his apartment slamming the door shut behind me. 

Calm down Jaejoong. You know very well that you're not gay. Your heart was beating fast as you have not recovered from the shock just now... Great now I'm talking to myself. Seriously I need a life!  I sighed again and somebody tapped my shoulder. I looked around to see Yunho carrying my bag in his hand and my face reddened. "Looks like Mr diva forgot something." He said cooly and threw my bag to me. With that he turned to walk away without saying anything. "Wait! I'm sorry for just now!" I blurted out and immediately cupped my hand to my mouth. He turned to me with eyebrows raised and I stared at him fearfully. I was used to cheerful and cocky Jung Yunho not a cold Jung Yunho who treated me coldly. He smiled and I felt relief flooding into me. "It's ok... You just couldn't resist my charm and was all flustered just now. I understand." He added and I rolled my eyes. Well the bad news is I'll have to put up with his cocky attitude for a few more weeks but the good news is that at least he is happy. He ruffled my hair and I slapped it away pouting slightly. "Yah! You messed up my hair!" I whined and finger combed it back to its original position. He chuckled and touched my cheek lightly. "Geez Jae I didn't know you'll be such a girl." He teased and I pouted even more, turning my back to him. A pair of arms wrapped themselves around me and I squeaked in suprise. "I was just joking Joongie don't take it seriously." He cooed and turned me around. Suddenly he lowered his head, tilting it slightly and I knew what was going to happen. I pushed him away a bit too roughly and he landed on the ground. "Oh sorry. I forgot you said you weren't gay. Erm.. I'll be going now." He said with a tinge of sadness and I nodded dumbly. I watched his retreating figure with mixed emotions. I know I'm not gay but... Part of me was really hoping he would kiss me... Geez I'm so messed up now. I need to take a long time to think about this gay thing again... After that last breakup I convinced myself I'm not gay... But with Jung Yunho everything seems different...

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sierradew #1
Chapter 2: It's okay to turn gay for Yunho, Jae. No one will blame you.
Chapter 2: I think Yunho just bent the pole LOLOLOL!!!!
Aigoo Jaejoong! realise your feelings already!
Chapter 2: jae.. you're not gay? Okay..but iam sure you'll turn gay for yunho..kekeke..XD..
Chapter 2: ohohohoho... jae questioning him self now lolz
go yunho make jae not that straight like pole lolz
Chapter 1: Aigooo aigoooo! Can't wait for you to update~~
mar1adyve5sa #6
Chapter 1: omo update soon..this seems interesting..>.< lol
Chapter 1: Yun with his _______ mind can resist y Jae what will you doing..? ^^
Chapter 1: punch yunho ):x dun att jaejoong like that u _______ed yun
yj_inheaven #9
Chapter 1: be careful jae..or yun will ____ u..
lol xD

wait for next update..^^