Meet the tuitor

My y tuitor

Yunho's POV*

"Yun-ah I heard that your examinations are coming up. Why didn't you tell me?" My manager demanded on the ride back to my house. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. "Yunho I'm talking to you! Besides this terms examinations are important. And since you have been missing school I have decided to find you a tuitor." He said firmly and I glared at him. "You what?! But hyunggggg I hate studying!" I whined and put on my best puppy face. His expression remained unreadable. "No buts Yunho. You're going to have tuition even if you don't like it." He said and judging from his tone there was no way I could wiggle out of this. Sighing heavily I slammed the door shut as I got off the car. Stupid hyung! Who the hell does he think he is finding me a tuitor on such short notice. It better be a smoking hot chick or I'll fire him. 

The next day

"Yun-ah your tuitor is here. Please come out of your room!" My manager demanded with a bite of impatience in his voice. Sighing I came out of the room with a towel wrapped around my waist. "Where are your clothes?!" He asked clearly shocked. "Well it is my house. So I can dress the way I want to dress.'' I replied cockily and sauntered to the door. Before opening the door I turned to my manager wih a smirk on my face. "Girl or guy?" I asked. "You'll find out soon. Open the door Yun." He said with a cunning smile and I rolled my eyes. I flund the door open to reveal a guy with raven hair leaning against the door. "It's about time." Kim Jaejoong said, still not meeting my eyes. My mouth fell open and I heard my manager snicker in the living room. My face split into a wide grin. Jaejoong was wearing a a tight T-shirt and jeans. He looked hot, really hot. "Hey I'm Kim Jaejoong your tuitor. Wha..." He faltered when he saw me and I smirked. Can't resist my charms can you? A frown appeared on his face and he looked at my manager. "This is the person I'm supposed to tuitor?!" He said in disbelief pointing at me. I frowned at his statement and stood in front of him. "Whats so wrong with me Jae?" I asked softly, a pout on my face. He rolled his eyes and snorted. "Listen superstar. All these cutesy stuff won't work on me. Now will you let me in. I'm paid by the hour you know." He said cooly and pushed pass me. I grabbed his hand as he passed pulling him towards me. My manager cleared his throat loudly. "I'm leaving now. You guys have fun." He said and shut the door. I grinned and looked down at a slightly flustered Jaejoong. "Sooo... where were we?" I asked, wrapping m arms around him. He hit my chest and pushed me away. Clearing his throat loudly he slung his back off his shoulder and threw it onto the couch. "We were going to study." He said and took out some heavy books and threw it at me. I caught it and staggered slightly as the force of the books hit my chest.  I glanced down at the cover and groaned. "Why math?!" I whined, putting the books down onto the coffee table and throwing myself onto the couch next to him. "Because I heard you hate math." He said with a smile and I glared at him. "Are you trying to torture me or something?" I asked and studied him carefully. He smirked and smiled unsincerely at me. "Yes. Now get your pens and lets start." He said cooly and lowered himself onto the floor next to the coffee table. I grumbled as I made my way to get my stuff. I sat down next to him and took a pen. He shoved the book to me and pointed to a page full of algebraic questions. "Solve them superstar." He said and got up and stretched. "What?! Aren't you going to help me?!" I asked and stared at him. He smirked at me and patted my head. "Even my 14 year old cousin can solve these. Do it." He said simply and sat leisurely on the couch. I shot him a death glare and bowed my head. If he wasn't so pretty I would have kicked him out. I stared blankly at the first question for 5 minutes. How the hell is this easy. I didn't even know the rules to solving basic algebra how was I supposed to solve this. "Oi Jae I can't solve this help me." I half whined half pleaded. He sighed and sat next to me.  "Look and listen Yun..." He said and trailed off in a long explanation on how to do the questions. To tell you the truth I was busy staring at him to even bother to listen. The way his lips moved was sensual. The way he furrowed his brows when there was a hard question he couldn't explain . Ok I'm not a ert or anything but seriously if you were alone in a room with him you would understand. He suddenly turned his head and stared at me. His piercing gaze kept me mersmerised. "Were you even listening Yun?" He asked with a sigh. My face split into a grin and I pointed at him excitedly. "You called me Yun! Not superstar or any of those sarcastic things!" I said happily and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. I heard him mumble under his breath and turned to do my work happily. 

After 2 hours

"Yo Jae I'm done." I said and sighed in relief. Somehow I managed to complete the whole excersise. There was no response and I turned my head to find him sleeping on my couch. I smiled and stared at his peaceful face. There was no trace of a smirk or that evil grin when he asked me to solve another sum. He looked so gorgeous. I felt myself leaning closer to him. I cupped his sleeping face and traced small circles on his cheeks. I was suddenly aware that my lips were inches away from his. He stirred slightly and opened his eyes. His mouth fell open when he saw me. "Wha...what are you going?" He whispered as I grinned. 

A/N - hey guys thanks for subscribing. Do leave comments I won't bite. 

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sierradew #1
Chapter 2: It's okay to turn gay for Yunho, Jae. No one will blame you.
Chapter 2: I think Yunho just bent the pole LOLOLOL!!!!
Aigoo Jaejoong! realise your feelings already!
Chapter 2: jae.. you're not gay? Okay..but iam sure you'll turn gay for yunho..kekeke..XD..
Chapter 2: ohohohoho... jae questioning him self now lolz
go yunho make jae not that straight like pole lolz
Chapter 1: Aigooo aigoooo! Can't wait for you to update~~
mar1adyve5sa #6
Chapter 1: omo update soon..this seems interesting..>.< lol
Chapter 1: Yun with his _______ mind can resist y Jae what will you doing..? ^^
Chapter 1: punch yunho ):x dun att jaejoong like that u _______ed yun
yj_inheaven #9
Chapter 1: be careful jae..or yun will ____ u..
lol xD

wait for next update..^^