C H A P T E R 6

Stop This Rain



[2 Years Later…]

“I, Bang Yong Guk, take you, Song Jieun, to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness.”

“I, Song Jieun, take you, Bang Yong Guk, to be my wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness.”

“You may now kiss the bride”

Yong Guk and Jieun pulled into a deep kiss as the audience cheered for them. Once the whole wedding was over, Yong Guk and Jieun left home. Things have changed so much since then. Yong Guk stopped being a gangster and got himself a stable job. BAP had also done the same. Yong Guk had bought a newer bigger house for him and Jieun. He knew a family was going to be made and needed more room.



[8 Months Later…]

“Be careful!!!” Yong Guk yelled holding onto Jieun.

“I’m going to be fine~” Jieun said.

“Let me just help you~” Yong Guk slipped his arm around her waist with the other holding her hand.

“You don’t need to worry so much about me and Yongji~” Jieun said.

“You already worried half your life with me, now it’s my turn,” he smiled helping her down the stairs. “Are you hungry?”

“Yes actually,” Jieun replied. “I want some fruits.”

Yong Guk nodded and slowly placed her down on the sofa. He entered the kitchen and cut up some fruits. He placed them on a plate and brought it to her.



[1 Year Later…]

Jieun woke up to the sound of Yongji crying. She felt Yong Guk kissed her forehead.

“I got her, you sleep,” he whispered. Jieun smiled and nodded. Yong Guk left their room and entered Yongji’s room. He picked her up and held her in his arms.

“Are you crying because of the heavy rain?” he asked. Yongji slowly stopped weeping and laughed at Yong Guk.

“A-appa,” she stuttered. Yong Guk smiled and kissed her cheek.

“You got the looks of mommy don’t you,” he said and poked her nose. She cringed but laughed. Yongji was playing with Yong Guk’s face.

“Appa,” she kept repeating the words. Yong Guk walked down stairs and the TV.

“Appa,” Yongji continued.

“Appa is here, what do you want?~” he asked.

“Umma!” she yelled.

“Umma is aslee-,” he said but a voice interrupted him.

“Not anymore~” Jieun sang and took Yongji away from him.

“Umma!” Yongji started laughing and played with her hair.

“You just love umma huh?” Jieun laughed and kissed Yongji’s cheeks. Yong Guk scoffed and grabbed Yongji away from Jieun.

“She’s a daddy’s girl,” he said. “She only loves her appa, and that is me~”

Jieun laughed and moved closer to Yong Guk.

“Arra~” she said and leaned on his shoulders. She closed her eyes and listened to the rain pound on the window and outside.

“Umma?” Yongji stared at her mother. Jieun opened her eyes and looked at Yongji.

“Appa,” Yongji then called. Yong Guk looked at her.

“I think she’s hungry,” Jieun whispered. Yong Guk laughed and stood up. He put out his hand and Jieun held it. He pulled her up and they both walked upstairs into Yongji’s room. Jieun made the bottle of milk and handed it over to Yong Guk. He fed Yongji and made sure she was soundly asleep before laying her down in her bed. They entered their room and lay down on the bed.

“The rain sounds peaceful tonight,” Jieun whispered. Yong Guk hugged her and laughed.

“So does the house,” he said. They were dozing off to sleep when suddenly Yongji started crying again. Yong Guk and Jieun both sighed and stood up.

“Stop crying please daddy’s girl!” Yong Guk yelled entering Yongji’s room. Jieun sat up and laughed.

“Stop this rain,” Jieun said. “That’s the only way you’ll get her to sleep~”

iapple's noteu
OMG, its finally completed~~ *cheers*
thank you all for staying with this story~
and thank you mostly for reading and commenting~ <3
if you are interested in Bangtan Boys aka BTS
i have a new released story about them~~
click here to read~
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hi authour-nim
i just want to say that i love your fic so much!
can i translate into Vietnamese?
i promise to credit and put the link to your page :)
Chapter 6: omgomg that was so cute i wanted to hit yongguk for sending jieun away but they got married and its all so cute ; u ;
Chapter 6: I love reading BangSong!
That Fanfic perfect from beginning to end...
I'm so happy that they managed to stay together in the end
Awnn Yonji is the cutest thing *3*
Anyway, thank you for writing such a beautiful story ♥
Chapter 6: it's ended... beautifully. I'm sure yongji is as beautiful as her mom ;)
thank you for finishing this story.
Chapter 6: cute yongji~~

I wonder how will she look like :3

thanks for finisihing this sweet story XD
Chapter 6: I love the ending *---*
anyway, thank you for the beautiful story <3
eine08 #7
Chapter 6: Such a sweet ending >_<
I loved this story!
Thank you very much :)
zasstar #8
Chapter 6: happy ending sobs :')
omo their child name is Yongji? haha xD
Chapter 6: was totally scared it would be a sad ending OTL
Chapter 6: aww. it ended.