Chapter 1

Something a Little More

Author Note: Heyya guys! This is a story for experimentation! I haven’t really written many fan fictions and what not so I was gonna give all they styles a little bit of a try this is a fluff two-shot between you and Minseok (Xiumin), I always see him as the really good friend that comes to the rescue, always the noble one haha hope you like this story that I put effort into~


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Something a Little More~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I sighed scribbling on a piece of paper my lecture was dragging on, it didn’t help I was tired and my tiredness was caused by spending most of the night playing video games with Minseok; I yawned loudly to lightly rub my eyes. I realised that I was making a lot of noise only to drag attention to myself until I smiled sheepishly hoping that I wouldn’t get yelled at.

“Find my class boring do you _______?” Professor Joonmyun snapped now making all the members of the class stare at me as if I had killed someone. After he placed the question out there was nothing but silence as I sat up nervously. I hated attention on me, and I certainly hated staring. I nervously laughed only making Joonmyun that much angrier.

“No! That’s not what I’m yawning for, your class is really interesting trust me! I just didn’t get a lot of sleep… I am sorry,” I said defensively so everyone in the class heard it, only to make people talk with hushed voices and gasp as I had talked back to the demonic man called Joonmyun.

“Maybe you should sleep more and sleep around less,” he bellowed angrily as he threw a piece of chalk in my direction, I looked to him as I sank into my seat further, he seemed insulted but I was embarrassed as the whole class scream in unison “OOOH” only to make me blush that much more. I was going to comment once more but seeing him sit down and go back to his lecture I kept my mouth shut. I played with my pen, I hated when people assumed the worst especially seeing as I hadn’t slept with anyone. I was waiting for that to be with the guy I liked.

I truly thought he was a demon at how fast he had switched from angry raging teacher to sweet and innocent teacher that everyone loved. It was quite intimidating, no wonder he was the most successful professor, maybe he scared all his students to perfection. I didn’t know but there was that little something that made me just think there was something more going on.

-Something a Little More-

After my lecture I dialled Minseok; I had been disheartened by what Joonmyun the demon had said. Minseok was my closest friend and well the guy I have had a crush on for a very long time, to be completely honest it has been since High school that I actually liked him.

“Hey _______!” Minseok chipped in excitedly but hearing my silence he picked something was up, I was normally an incredibly chatty person with him, but seeing as there was silence he had the urge to run to me, “Wait there, I will be five minutes,” he mentioned seriously as he hung up before I could say where to meet.

I decided to slowly trudge my way to the front gate so I could meet him there, it hadn’t been five minutes but there was Minseok running his hardest up to me before almost tackling me into a hug. My face hid in his chest, his hand instinctively flowed through my hair, he was the best at comforting people, I closed my eyes and breathed in his scent just trying to forget what happened.

“What happened _______?” he asked in a soft and soothing voice his hand still through my hair, my hands had wrapped around his shoulders hugging him tight, I really thought I was overreacting this only made me sigh.

“Just professor Joonmyun being his normal demonic self,” I mentioned as if it was nothing but in complete and honest truth what he had said truly had gotten in under my skin. Minseok was annoyed once again as this professor had once again put me down. He wasn’t going to stand for it this time. He really couldn’t help the way he felt. He was in love.

“What did he say this time?” Minseok snapped his annoyance in the direction of Joonmyun, he was beginning to hate the guy with a passion and he hadn’t even met him yet. How he treated his students was unacceptable and after this he was definitely going to confront this of a teacher.

“He just said I should sleep more and sleep around less,” I mumbled not really wanting my mind to recap what had happened in that class. “It was my fault really, I was tired from our late night gaming session so I guess he just assumed” I felt the annoyance rise on Minseok and I only shook my head standing still as he comforted me.

Minseok was not taking this and just seeing how flat I had become over this ordeal enraged him, I was pure and untouched, he knew I was waiting for the guy that likes me to notice me and he didn’t know it was him though. In his eyes I was an angel not just some that did anything to get a hit of pleasure.

“He really shouldn’t be doing this to his students,” Minseok added before pulling me away from his body so he could get a good look at my face “You are as pure as an angel, your beautiful don’t ever let that man get you down, you’re better than he is and always will be because…” He paused he was about to say his feelings and so giving a smile and kissing me on the forehead like he normally did just to distract the conversation a little he sighed inwardly “Because you are my greatest friend of all time, I wouldn’t know what I would do without you,”

I was blushing hard at what he had just said; my heart had skipped a beat when he paused on because only to be slightly deflated once more when he just said it was because I was such a good friend. Maybe I wasn’t good enough for him, maybe he just saw me as a friend. I gave him a weak smile until I felt the sudden need to confess these feelings that I had for him, this built me over the top. I couldn’t really live with being just a friend of a guy that I really like and that was it, something in me ticked I grabbed at his cheeks and finally pressed my lips to his softly trying to make everything that I had felt clearly evident as I held his face with my lips against his.

Minseok was surprised as he felt my lips on his, he felt the love the building of emotion that had been in my heart for so long, it was then that he began to respond with the same emotion, watching it compile forming a not that almost was unbreakable by anything unless I or he undid it. The kiss didn’t involve tongues, or biting or anything like that, our lips moulded together almost perfectly; after my wave of courage I slowly pulled away blushing as red as a tomato.

“You caught me by surprise, I thought you were going to say you loved me” I had said now one step away from him, I couldn’t look him in the  eye but his hand slowly moved to the side of my face tilting it so I looked to him, his eyes displayed affection, love and most of all warmth. “I love you Minseok,” I had confessed and just by looking into his eyes I knew that he felt the same, my heart was beating fast its funny how the worst day of your life can also then become the best day of your life. The wonderful thing love does when the day can be grey.

“I love you too _______,” he murmured against me ear, I felt his breath lightly blow on my neck making me tense up and laugh slightly at the fact that he knew that would make me have goose bumps all along my arms. I was happy that he loved me, he actually loved me. I was now happy and now we could walk home together.

-Something a Little More-


Minseok after meeting with _______ decided that he was going to face this teacher; he was still burning with rage at the fact that the love of his life had been bullied by this teacher. He had left _______ to say that he had other commitments he had to do, which seeing as she was happy now she didn’t mind so much. She was so beautiful in his eyes, it just made him fill with all these strange and new emotions in his chest every time he thought about her, but the one thought that came through his head that stayed there was she’s mine now.

Joonmyun was cleaning up the board lost in his thoughts as he went over his lectures of the day, he was once again confronted with the daring student that thought that it was okay to talk back, this girl was different, she seemed shy but at the same time she also seemed strong. He wanted to break that, he liked his students to eat out of his palm not rebel against him or appear uninterested in his lectures. He did after all have a reputation to uphold.

“Class is finished, if you have question’s wait for the next lesson,” he said nonchalantly as he felt a presence at the door of his classroom. His head tilted to the left slightly to see who was at the door as they hadn’t left after what he had said, he frowned only to see Minseok at the door, he clearly wasn’t a student of Joonmyun and slowly he smiled “I’m sorry, I thought you were a student of mine, how can I help you?” something about the way Minseok started at him said that he knew the evil professor.

“Suho?” he asked in disbelief, he had obviously dropped the nickname when he became a lecturer, Minseok walked in shocked that one of his old friends was the one harassing his best friend and now girlfriend _______. He remembered Suho to be the nicest person in the world, he only frowned now confused to why he had now become so uptight and mean.

“I’m sorry? I don’t really recognise you…” Joonmyun had mentioned sort of surprised that his old nickname had come up out of nowhere. The professor stared at Minseok suspiciously as if he was a threat in some way that could affect how he taught or how he had the perfect record. He left his past behind when he started to be the most successful lecturer out there. Nothing was going to hold him back.

“It’s me Minseok… you called me Xiumin?” he said now trying to recap him with the past only making Joonmyun move away from the board to slightly lean on his desk staring at Minseok as if he was some sort of germ, his once friend really had changed.

“You’re no different from when we met,” Joonmyun said slowly making Minseok’s face light up happily at the fact there was some sort of remembrance of how their friendship was “But, I am no longer the same Minseok, I am a successful professor, I’m not here to recap on the good times,” his tone was cold he didn’t want to have chit chat or remember anything of his past. He had forgotten most of it for a reason.

This increased Minseok’s anger, if he was going to act like an he deserved everything that was going to come for him, The professor looked to him simply shaking his head as his arms came over his chest he was no longer interested in conversation and so once again picking up the duster he began to clean the board from all the chalk. Minseok couldn’t handle how brushed off he was and with a quickness he rushed forward lunging a punch in the direction of Joonmyun’s face.

Everything happened very quickly, it was almost as if he was expecting the punch, Joonmyun had moved and grabbed at Minseok’s wrist pushing him to the floor completely negating the element of surprise or any attack for that matter. The professor’s knee was on his back his mouth close to the others ear and Minseok just growled angrily.

“If you ever happen to try and hit me again, you will see how much I really have changed Minseok,” he growled in his ear before getting up off of him, a sadistic smile ghosted his lips as Minseok slowly got up after him, until he was knocked back down to be on his back only to look at how his friend really had turned into a demon.

“I won’t come back here if you stop making fun of _______, making her seem like she is a that so helplessly sleeps around when I know she doesn’t” Minseok snapped, he was annoyed that he had been outsmarted by his once friend, the comment made Joonmyun laugh, he had found out now why one of the people in his past had reappeared it was because of that girl that was so defiant to him.

“_______? She is a trouble maker and nonetheless she doesn’t do her work efficiently, how am I supposed to treat a student that doesn’t come to the standard of work that this university demands? Give her a soft pat on the back and tell her to keep trying? That isn’t good enough,” he snapped his tone mocking the others before he finished cleaning, he completely faced Minseok looking him coldly in the eyes not even backing down from this so called challenge Minseok issued. “I’m going to my office now, make your own way out, I truly would prefer if I didn’t have to see your face again, it hideously reminds me of my past and mistakes, those mistakes being the times I spent it with you and the rest of the gang,” he stated so matter of a factly before walking out of the classroom not waiting for a response or even looking back. Minseok shook his head in disbelief his friend really had ended out to be a demon.

-Something a Little More-

Author's Note: Well, I sort of made Joonmyun a little mean, I see it in him you know? That sort of demonic side that makes him have that other level of y :D I liked writing what I did and I hope you do too! please give a comment my way or something would really love to hear what you think! ♥♥ sending hearts your way~


P.S The song I was listening to on repeat while I was writing this! if you want to check it out :D


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Chapter 2: What that's the end noooooooooooooo
flyinghappyvirus12 #2
Chapter 1: Awww, Suho? Why!? /pout